30 thoughts on “Chaos checks in from the Secret Kitty Cave”

  1. The booming is over for another year.

    Well, until Guy Fawkes…although maybe you don’t commerate Guy Fawkes in the US? That’s when all the banging happens here. *grumble grumble*

    Chaos – come out, come out wherever you are *grin*
    A recent post from orannia..First KissMy Profile

  2. I’m definitely glad that we were far enough away from the fireworks that it wasn’t horribly loud and that neither Saru-chan nor Victor is afraid of thunder and lightning. Phew!
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..Tuesday-My Profile

  3. It’s safe now hon… and thank god those boom noise don’t happen very often…

    Love the kitty cave – I was looking for one of those this weekend…


  4. I came home from the fireworks last night and found my dog hiding in the tub. Poor baby was terrified. So I made my son cuddle and spoil him for the rest of the night.

  5. Well… I am not sure about your town… but some of our town’s celebrate Labor Weekend just the same… Sorry May!
    My two pupps just decided that it sounded like someone trying to break in… so they barked the entire time, lol! But then when a noise went off in the house, they ran to Mommie!!

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend Chris!!! Waves hi back!!!
    A recent post from Cecile..Review- Loves Unselfish by Destiny BlaineMy Profile

  6. happy 5th. one of the books you ‘meh’d in yesterdays post sounded like such a good premise (the not gay soap actor who falls(?) for his gay best friend. Too bad the writing was shoddy.

    hope you had a great weekend. I gotta go buy “Life After Joe” now.

  7. did you take an unauthorized IKEA bag? Can we take them? I totally schlepped four glass canisters out because I thought the IKEA police were going to show up and cart me away into a small, yet effective cage if I took a bag.

  8. LOL, Melanie! You can’t take the YELLOW bags. But you can buy the BLUE Bags for $0.49 at the checkout! 😀

  9. I felt like doing the same thing when people in my neighborhood were setting off all of those fireworks and who know what else.

  10. I added to my secret kitty cave bag stash yesterday. Lemme know if Chaos needs another… I seem to have a bad habit of buying the blue bags & forgetting them at home when I return.

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