Where are you, spring?!

I’m back, and only 140 bloglines entries behind… *whimper*

A picture from the cabin window at about 8 pm, Saturday, May 10:

From my condo upon returning home yesterday, around 5:30 pm:

Spring isn’t exactly speeding in to Minnesota this year, is it?

“The big kitty and I were talking while you were so cruelly gone, Mom, and we’ve determined that it’s all your fault that there aren’t more leaves and birds. Please resolve this situation to our satisfaction immediately.” -Mayhem

36 thoughts on “Where are you, spring?!”

  1. Well, Minneapolis looks about the same as Toronto does this time of year. Can’t say the same for up nord. And that looks like fresh snow too…

    Looks like they survived, although Chaos does look like he’s got his Stephen King eyes on!

  2. YUCK, I think I would have turned right around and gone home at the first sight of snow! Brrrrrrr.
    I guess I’ll stop complaining about our weather.

  3. Mothers can be blamed for lots of things, but leaves and birds are beyond her control. From the first pic, I think she has been punished enough for going AWOL 😉

  4. Well at least it is not like it is here… a little over a week ago we had snow showers and as off 2 days later we’ve had nothing but 90+ degrees… And no reprieve in sight.

    I’d rather have the snow… pretty please with a cherry on top 🙂

    Kitties = cute as ever 🙂

  5. That Mayhem is SUCH a diva! We had rain all the way up the cabin on Saturday, yesterday ended up a very nice day though. I have high hopes for today.

  6. It’s all of 48F here in Baltimore right now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we had snow at some point. Not that I mind…higher temps here lead to horrible humidity, and I can live without that.

  7. It’s too funny. All over blogland we’re complaining about the absence of a true Spring. I love Spring. I hate that we will probably jump directly into Summer.

  8. Hehe! I was wondering if you got snowed on. I was in southern MN where is was just cold and rainy.

  9. It comes and goes here. At least we haven’t had snow, but tonight it’s supposed to be rainy and in the 40’s. Pretty much like the rest of our winter.

  10. It looks like you’ve got some work to do if you’re going to keep the kitties happy. 😉 At least you’ve got a little bit of green. I even see a few leaves in the second pic. We spent the weekend dodging tornados (successfully).

  11. I hope that you had a relaxing weekend despite the brrr factor.
    silly kitties. they’ll compain that you’re gone, but when you’re home they just sleep all day. go figure.

  12. I’m with Carol. 140 is nothing.

    Wow, it DID snow! I thought it was unseasonably cold here at 74 (which it is.)

    Yeah, Chris, why don’t you make the weather nicer for your cats? It’s only fair.

  13. I have one folder alone that says 382. I need to stop hitting that “subscribe” button to every blog I run across. There are just too many smart people out there!

  14. Nice photo of a ‘typical’ northern Minnestota Spring day ;->

    I am very happy that – despite news reports to the contrary – Duluth dodged the snow this weekend. Though running in snow and low 30’s beats running in rain and low 30’s.

    Looks like a good excuse to cuddle up to the woodstove and knit!

    Porter thought it was much too warm on Saturday when Duluth crept near 50 degrees, especially because I expected him to exercise in that heatwave!

  15. Yep, that’s Up North all right. I lived up there for the last three years of high school. We had a hard freeze every month except July the first year. Aren’t you glad to be back in balmy Mpls?

  16. I am so far behind in Bloglines (although you know…I don’t use Bloglines anymore. I got too fed up and switched solely to Google Reader and now that I’m used to it, I LOVES it) I have just resigned myself to the fact that I’ll ALWAYS be behind.

    Hey – I meant to ask you. How was the Cloud Cult show you saw a while back?

  17. Omg, is that snow? Girl, you and the kitties need a vacation to the south! I’ll hold a plot at the beach for you until you arrive. I’ll bring the drinks and the little umbrellas.

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