My second blogiversary was November 22. It’s very hard to believe I’ve been at this for two years – especially when I look back at those first painful posts. I continue to be amazed by the myriad ways blogging has enriched my life; when I started blogging, it never occurred to me that the impacts of blogging would extend beyond the blogosphere into “reality.” Many thanks to all of you who read Stumbling Over Chaos and who have become such an integral part of my life.
To celebrate all of that, leave me a comment telling me what your superpower would be if you suddenly had one. Your superpower can be grandiose or mundane, simple or complicated, subject to change or immutable. To play, leave your superpower comments on this post by Tuesday, December 4, 6 pm CST. Somewhere between one and three winners will be chosen by random number – knitterly persons will receive knitterly prizes and non-knitterly persons will receive… non-knitterly prizes. 🙂
Over the weekend, while walking around Lake of the Isles, I decided that my superpower would be to have an invisible bubble surrounding me. Within that bubble, I would be able to control the weather. Think how fabulous that would be! I wouldn’t need to be alternately frozen and sweltering walking around Lake of the Isles at this time of year. I could go biking in shorts and a tank top in January! Humidity control. Permanent umbrella. Windbreak. Ahhhh…
“Do you like my superhero look? My superpower would totally be to open the closet and get the MGWT out.” -Mayhem
P.S. Comcast folks – I am unable to reply to your comments because of some sort of spam blocking… Sorry!
Happy Blogversary! I do enjoy your blog and the pictures of Mayhem and Chaos make my day. Thanks! I love the picture of Mayhem today – now my cats want a cape too. Hmmm….superpowers…I think I’d like to be able to teleport myself anywhere in the world. It would be great for commuting and for visiting friends and LYS’s all over the world!
Well, hte superpower I HAVE is the ablility to hurt myself with common household items in ways no-one else can. Like the time I cut my foot on an unopened can of soda.
If I could CHOOSE my superpower.. I think I’d want superhearing. After all, right now I wear 2 hearing aids, so I would like to know what I am missing!
Happy blogiversary! I always enjoy your posts, and your adorable kitties – thanks for sharing!
I always have a really hard time choosing a superpower. I guess I’m worried that committing to one means missing out on all the others. Not that any of them are likely to develop. 🙂 There are some really great ideas above me. I think today I would choose the power to create multiples of myself, though. One could work, one could clean, and I could knit. And watch tv. Ooh! And one could drive me places! I’m liking this idea…
Happy Blogaversary!
My superpower: to be invisible!
I’d like my superpower to be teleportation. I decided that long ago – I’m always longing to be able to get places and back quickly regardless of distance. It would be so useful!
Happy blogiversary!
congrats on your two years!!
I think I would want the superpower of making people feel comfortable (me included). What a great way to solve the world’s problems and develop great friends!
Happy Blogiversary!
I’ve always wanted the power of teleportation. I like to go places but sometimes I don’t like the traveling.
My superpower:
Unending compassion – or at least enough to get me through the days at work without burning out. The need is so great, the resources so few. Some days the attitudes get to me and it is hard to see the individual and respond to them as such.
Besides which – as at least one commenter noted: I am a mom and a wife. Not only do I have eyes in the back of my head and know what you are up to at all times, I can also read minds, complete sentences and know what you are thinking. These powers already extend beyond my hoome life and include some friends and co-workers. :->
Definitely the ability to heal sick people and animals. Also to redecorate rooms by pointing my finger around. Or, to hold a book in my hand and read and remember it all in 5 minutes.
How come we only get to pick one??
Love May’s cape. Does it come in big girl sizes?
Happy belated blogiversary!! The superpower thing is tricky… just finished watching The Incredibles (no capes!) and I think I’d like to be Violet (can disappear and make a force field). If I have to choose btw the two of them, probably invisibility.
My superpower? Teleportation, no doubt about it. To be able to travel to visit family and friends at will, yet be able to sleep in my own bed with my own kitties at night. And nevermind worrying about running out of yarn on a trip – just pop back home for another ball!
Happy Blogiversary! Only two years? Super power: can I be like Q from Star Trek but remain a good person, not caught up in the power? Probably not. *sigh* Then I choose to know when someone is speaking truthfully.
My superpower would be the ability to make my toddler go to sleep instantly. Then I could start my evening knitting without hearing, “Mom, bring me a drink of water.”, “Mom, I need to go potty.”, “Mom, can I get out of my big boy bed?”, “Mom, I don’t want to go to sleep!” for an hour after I put him to bed. And I could get some knitting in on the weekend while he takes a super power induced nap. *dreaming*
Dang I was so caught up in the dream of my super power I forgot to wish you Happy Blogiversary!!! Congrats on 2 years! 🙂
Congrats on your Blogiversary! I have enjoyed you!
My superpower would be to help everyone that comes to me for help. No matter the situation- financial, educational, superficial.
For my superpower I’d like to have the power to fly. I always had dreams of flying off rooftops when I was a kid.
Happy Blogiversary!
I’ve slept on it. My current super power sucks. I have the uncanny super power of finding every “ouchie” in a room. It comes down to lack of grace. I thought of super strength, but without grace, I’d be a blundering bulldozering scary thing. I want to be more like River in “Firefly”/Serenity. I will dance around as I kick people’s butts, they will never see me coming ;).
Congratulations on two years! My wish of a superpower? Only one? The ability to actual travel to someplace exotic at the blink of an eye rather than have to sit here and daydream about it. Oh ok so other people said teletransportation… me too.
There are so many superpowers to choose from… telepathy, transportation, flight… But I think I would have to go for telekinesis, so that I could use my power to hold open a book and turn the pages while I knitted. 🙂
I wish I could freeze time. That would probably result in me seeming to age more rapidly in comparison to people around me because I’d be freezing time to sleep more and knit more.
My power would be Sponging. Where in I would be able to hold a book and absorb all the information held within. Just think how spiffy that would be.
Congrats on making it 2 years!
Happy Blogiversary! Here’s one that’s pretty mundane – the ability to have the Tivo instant replay on anything – live TV (like when I’m in a hotel and don’t have Tivo), in a movie theater, watching a show. Real life could get a little weird…
My superpower, hmm…I think my superpower would be to instantly have my house clean with a wiggle of my finger. Mundane perhaps, but I love a clean tidy home, and hate doing housework. Happy B-versary.
If I can’t have the snap-my-fingers-and-the-house-and-everything-in-it-is-clean superpower (which would ROCK because I hate cleaning), then my superpower would be to be able to record my dreams. I am a very vivid dreamer, and my dreams are creative and bizarre and fantastic. Only one problem: I never have time in the mornings to write down what I’ve just finished dreaming, if I remember most of it at all. If I could record my dreams and play them back I could write a whole bookshelf-worth of best-selling novels and I’d be famous and rich and could hire someone to clean my house.
Oops, looks like another superpower I need is to remember to say “Happy Blogiversary!”
Some pretty good superpowers here! #2 there cracked me up. I was thinking my superpower would be to be able to figure out the answers to my questions without banging my head against a brick wall. I thought maybe to stretch time, so fun could go on, but I don’t know… Oh, lately a great superpower would be to have a house that NEVER gets any kind of dust, especially mud dust brought in by shaggy dogs.
I’m nosy and I’d really like to be able to read people’s thoughts. I just think it would be fascinating to see how other people think.
My superpower IS – great parking spots! No matter where I go – my friends love to have me in the car – I always seem to get ‘princess’ parking – the primo spot right near the entrance. I don’t know why – I just do!
Hmmm….at first i wsa thinking of a telepathic type superpower to encourage those slow people in the express lane to move over, but then why waste it!
I would have a super speed power to get chores done super fast, including a great workout! Then think of the time left for the fun stuff, knitting, hiking, etc!
I’ve long wanted the superpower of being able to speak ANY language without the dreary learning and drilling, also to play any musical instrument at will, also without the learning curve. I guess common sense should lead me to wish for a magically self-filling checking account, though.
I would like to be able to instantly transport myself in places – I live here, my family in Italy, the flight is long …..
Happy Blogiversary! Even though I haven’t been around to comment, I enjoy reading your blog, as always.
My superpower must be breaking the time/space continuum so that I could be in two places at once and get twice as much done!
It’s funny you bring this up. My dh’s SP would be flying, he does it in his dreams. Me, I can breathe underwater. So I guess that would be it. I’d be able to swim with the fish w/o having to get back up.
My super power would be to do a Peter Petrelli: Be able to absorb or learn other super abilities and KEEP them, controling them
keeping the abilities, not the people. Ditto on the controlling
If I had a superpower, it would be to change my appearance at will and have all the money I ever needed. Yep, purely shallow goals. These are things I could probably fix now, but I’m busy trying to save the dang planet.
That being said, I suppose if I had some kind of super diplomatic political powers, I might actually be able to save the planet. How boring is that!
I’ve actually been thinking about this quite a bit. I’ve finally decided that the superpower that would help me most would be the ability to function well on 5 or fewer hours of sleep, especially first thing in the morning. I attempt this superpower most mornings, but it doesn’t work….
Happy blogoversary!!!
I think my superpower would be the magic wand of Acceptance, so that I left a trail of contentedness* behind me, starting with myself, of course!
*or the acceptance that is the first step in helpful change/action–got to move beyond complaining, folks!
My superpower would be the power to burn calories at will. I’d be able to eat anything and everything that I want and never gain a pound!
Ooops, I meant to say “HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!”
If I could have a superpower, it would be the ability to fly from my 9th floor office if needed, as I hear the fire dept.’s ladders don’t reach that high.
My husband and I were talking about this the other day. We watch “Heroes” and were discussing which power we would want. I want muscle memory. This girl can watch anything (even on tv or internet) and exactly duplicate it. It’s amazing.
Mine would be the power to will all small children into sleep at my whim, so that bedtime would take about five minutes and no one would wake up until I woke up the next morning!
Congrats on 2 years!
my superpower would be an ability to stretch time or make it pass faster when needed…
My super power would be to be able to spontaneously grow as many extra arms/hands as I needed to knit multiple projects at once. That way I could sew on the Blanket of HOpe, knit on the work baby blanket, knit on the friend baby blanket, knit my garden, and knit my afghan for my house all at the same time. Oh wait I’d need another pair of arms for knitting my Ringbloomst. Oh and another pair of arms to always be working on a hat or some such thing for a charity.
Yep, that would be my Super power. Because afterall knitting has basically become my one true joy in life.
Yay for 2 years! I wonder if there’s a 7-year itch for blogging just like for marriage. Mine’s coming up soon, I think… or it’s already passed… I’m not sure at all.
I think a superpower I direly need is the power to pay attention to things. I would be Attention Girl, and I’d be able to filter all my thoughts and senses faster than a speeding bullet.
Some memory would be nice, too.
Happy Blogiversary!
Hi I found your blog through Emily’s site and it is great. 2 years wow. I just started mine so that is something to hope for. My superpower would be the ability to add time, or halt time I guess. I want to be able to create a localized time vortex where time could stand still just for me to get more work done, but so it wouldn’t alter existence in any way. More time equals more knitting and spinning 🙂
(If this is my second entry – please excuse me. When I was writing the first one, I hit a wrong key. And poof!)
You have been blogging for two years – congratulations! I have only been thinking about blogging for that long. Still haven’t taken the plunge.
My superpower would be to finish all my housework by … twitching my nose? (Nope, that’s been done already.) By just thinking it was done.
And it would be up for discussion whether or not the “sewing in of ends” counts as housework.
Happy knitting – and blogging,
I think if I had a superpower would be to have the ability to make time stop (I know, I’m not the only one who wants this). Obviously I could still move and do things like grocery shopping or grading papers. But this way I could get everything done that I wanted to. Oh, and the amount of knitting time I would have in a day!
Or I’d like to teleport where I want to go. That would save a bunch of time!