Hey baby, what’s your superpower? The SoC second blogiversary contest

My second blogiversary was November 22. It’s very hard to believe I’ve been at this for two years – especially when I look back at those first painful posts. I continue to be amazed by the myriad ways blogging has enriched my life; when I started blogging, it never occurred to me that the impacts of blogging would extend beyond the blogosphere into “reality.” Many thanks to all of you who read Stumbling Over Chaos and who have become such an integral part of my life.

To celebrate all of that, leave me a comment telling me what your superpower would be if you suddenly had one. Your superpower can be grandiose or mundane, simple or complicated, subject to change or immutable. To play, leave your superpower comments on this post by Tuesday, December 4, 6 pm CST. Somewhere between one and three winners will be chosen by random number – knitterly persons will receive knitterly prizes and non-knitterly persons will receive… non-knitterly prizes. 🙂

Over the weekend, while walking around Lake of the Isles, I decided that my superpower would be to have an invisible bubble surrounding me. Within that bubble, I would be able to control the weather. Think how fabulous that would be! I wouldn’t need to be alternately frozen and sweltering walking around Lake of the Isles at this time of year. I could go biking in shorts and a tank top in January! Humidity control. Permanent umbrella. Windbreak. Ahhhh…

“Do you like my superhero look? My superpower would totally be to open the closet and get the MGWT out.” -Mayhem

P.S. Comcast folks – I am unable to reply to your comments because of some sort of spam blocking… Sorry!

167 thoughts on “Hey baby, what’s your superpower? The SoC second blogiversary contest”

  1. My hat’s off to Sachi for choosing such a generous and caring superpower. Me, um, not so much. I would like the power to push pause on the VCR of life– freeze everyone/everything except anyone else I tapped. Nothing we did in this time would count–eating cookies, etc. 😉

  2. Wow, time flies when you’re having fun, eh?

    I think I’d like to be a shapeshifter with the ability to become anything else, animal, vegetable, or mineral, at will. Think of all the practical jokes! The eavesdropping!

  3. I already have a superpower. I am a clairvoyeur. That means that I have the power to look into people’s houses at night so as to see how people decorate their rooms.

    Okay, it isn’t a super power because just about anybody can do it (open windows) – but I was the one to give it a name and that’s super, isn’t it?

  4. I’d want the ability to generate a field of invisibility around myself, to include another person if I so desired, and to still be able to see despite being invisible.

    Happy blogiversary!

  5. Happy Blogiversary!

    Hmmm super power. Invisibility including my camera. I’d love to travel to warn torn countries or places where being visible means you don’t get to see the truth. Think fly on wall…….but not a fly and equipped with a camera.

    Great idea for a comp BTW 😉

  6. Oooh, great super power, only my bubble would have snow in it most of the time.
    Hmmm, my pregnancy super power would be the ability to go unaided by a nap from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. Otherwise, it’d be purdy durn cool to be able to fly.

  7. It was two years (give or take a couple of months) for me back in August. I can’t believe I haven’t run out of things to say yet. 😉

    My superpower would be the ability to heal. Too many people suffer needlessly.

  8. Happy Blogiversary!

    It’s so hard to pick just ONE superpower, so my first choice would be the power to change my superpower whenever I want—the ultimate superpower!

    I’d love the power to travel without flying on a commercial airliner—sort of like that snap thing Samantha did on Bewitched when she wanted to go someplace else fast! I’d also love to be invisible whenever I wanted so I could be the proverbial “fly on the wall” for some conversations or events! (yes, I’m nosey…) 🙂

  9. Happy 2nd Blogiversary!!

    My super power would be to twitch my nose, a la Samamtha, and have ALL the shed cat hair disappear from my house, clothes and car. With 3 cats, I think that would be an awesome power! :^)

  10. Happy blogiversary! My superpower would be the ability to teleport people to see family when distance and time would otherwise prevent it. (Er, or make chocolate calorie free.)

  11. Ok, seeing the title and then the photo made me gak-laugh so hard that I’m choking and red-faced now! HAPPY BLOG0O0VERSARY!
    I’d be Plant Man – able to bring dead plants back to life…
    (I’m having a similar problem with responding to AOL people because *I* spam?)

  12. Happy Blog-Anniversary! I’m afraid of heights.. so the flying thing would definitely be out for me.. I think I’d like the power to walk in and out of time (sort of like Quantum Leap) and change things at will. Besides.. “Time Lord Mousie” has a nice ring to it..

  13. Happy blogiversary!

    I’m not sure what super power I’d want. For selfish reasons, the ability to teleport, would be lovely. But super powers are supposed to be bigger than oneself, right? Hmmm… I’ll have to consider that more thoroughly and let you know.

  14. My superpower would be finishing. Knitting finishing, that is. I could just look at a project, and seams would be perfectly sewn up (instead of looking like arse), ends would be woven in and clipped, every thing would be “just so”, and perfectly blocked.

  15. Happy blogversary! Mayhem is clearing rockin’ her superpower.

    Mine would be to be able to knit at the speed of light either in the dark or while reading absolutely anything, whether it be chick lit or nuclear physics. And without making mistakes.

    Or maybe I would be able to persuade various world leaders that they don’t really need that oil/territory/other resources/human rights that they think they really, really need to steal from some other country and/or indigenous group. Yeah, that would be better.

    Can I have two? 🙂

  16. I already have a superpower! really!
    I can interpert directions- give me anything from Ikea to Japanese robot models and I can figure them out and put it together. strange but handy!
    happy happy blogiversary

  17. You’ve only been around for 2 years?! I don’t know why it seems like longer, but I can promise you it’s a good thing:) Happy blogiversary! If I had a superpower I’d want to have telekenesis. I’m lazy and I’d like to be able to just have things come to me;)

  18. I already have a superpower! I have the uncanny ability to never get picked by random number generators. go ahead. Randomize away. My power will stand in your way.

  19. Is this like your blog version of Who Wants to be a Superhero?

    Hmmm, superpowers…It may not sound super, but if I could go without sleep, oh, what I could accomplish…

  20. I am usually just a lurker so I can check out what books you are reading but I would be No Calorie Girl. I would want to be able to eat whatever I want and not feel guilty. Although I would also like to be super fast so I could get all my other work done so I would have more time to knit.

  21. Me? Superpowers??

    I’m torn – there’s this knitting thing I’d like a little more power over and then this teenage child thing I’d like some power over…… I don’t suppose there’s some way to combine them into one Super Mom who Knits quickly & awesomely while totally managing the teens masterfully?

  22. Happy blogiversarry! 🙂 If I could have a super power It would have to be the power to be in two places at once, then one half of e could be at work earning the money while the other half could be happily knitting and spinning at home 🙂

  23. TIME TRAVEL!!! I so want to see how things REALlY happened and how places looked. It would be pretty cool to chat up Marie Antonette and shoot Hitler. heh.
    Have another wonderful year blogging!

  24. yay for your 2nd anniversaire!!!
    My superpower would be to have multiple sets of arms, I don’t get alot of time to knit but when I do, if I had multiple arms, think of the projects I could churn out 🙂

  25. hummm wait a minute I guess having multiple arms isn’t really a super power huh, well how about being able to whip out extra arms on command.

  26. I am a desried flyer… Think about how much it would cut down on my carbon foot print. I have never grown out of the flying dreams…. Hmmm now to work out the aspects of my own flight path.

  27. When Sarah R and Danielle get their superpowers, they’re my new best friends. In the meantime I’ll be cosying up to Colleen….

    Happy Blogiversary! My superpower would be the ability to understand all I can hear. (I’d say all languages, but sometimes it’s couple/long time friendspeak).

    Mayhem: A dashing superhero.

  28. As you know, I have a fondness for the Wonder Twins (though only if I can be the one who changes into different animals–none of that “form of [something made of water]” business for me!).

    If I could choose any superpower, though, I think I would opt not to need sleep. Oh, I love sleeping–there’s something so delicious about that moment when you’re snug under the covers and just about to fall into sleep.

    But sleeping takes up a lot of time–just think what I could do with all of those extra hours! I could finish all my UFO knitting projects! I could complete my dissertation (yeah, right)! I could read all the books on my to-read list! I could actually get some exercise!

  29. Hmmm, I always believed my superpower IS being able to stop cars at pedestrian crossings in inner Copenhagen just by looking at them (silent communicating that I WILL cross!)… not an easy task 😉
    As a kid, I always dived for a long time in the pool and wished for being a mermaid or at least being able to breathe underwater…

    Congratulations on your blog-anniversary, I’ll keep reading, if you’ll keep posting!

  30. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! My super power would be the ability to heal and I would start with my youngest sister who was just diagnosed with breast cancer.

  31. I’ve spent much time and thought on this one – and I maintain that my superpower is the ability to perform household tasks by identifying them. “The washing up needs doing – ooh look, it’s done…”

  32. Happy Blogoversary!!

    My superpower would be to have total control of time. I would like to slow it down or speed it up at will, but still move at the same pace myself.

  33. Congrats on the blogiversary. They do sneak up on you don’t they? Hmmm…. if I had a superpower I’d want it to be the ability to keep my house clean without lifting a finger. Everything just magically was put back where it belongs (of course, I’d then have to decide where things should belong but that is another story) and all dust/spills/whatever mess there was would disappear every night at midnight.

  34. Happy Blogiversary! The weather bubble superpower is a great idea. I think mine would be teleporting. I would love to be able to get wherever I’m going *immediately*. Think of the knitting time I’d gain!

  35. Happy anniversary!! And, super-power? Teleporting, no question. Then Chappy and I come visiting withOUT my needing to clean my car afterwards!

  36. Happy Blogiversary Chris!

    I let Mark choose his superpower this year, as I did it last year 😉 He said he would like to enhance the power he already seems to have to sow chaos around him, because in that way he could do the most good for the world…. Hmm.. I don’t think he had your Chaos in mind though when he said that 😉

  37. My superpower would be the ability to talk to cats. Think of how much hassle it woudl save if I *knew* what it was that they wanted. Then again, I might just discover that all they’d been saying all this time was “more tuna, mom!”

  38. Happy blogiversary, Chris! Time flies, doesn’t it? I’ll tell you about the superpower I already have: the ability to find decent yarn at thrift stores! (I just won’t tell you about all the times I go thrifting and find nothing whatsoever…)

  39. I’d love to be able to teleport, but if I suddenly gained a superpower RIGHT NOW it might be the ability to always finish homework before the deadline… I really shouldn’t be here when I have an essay breathing down my neck, but we all need to take little breaks sometimes, right?

    Judging by the above, I already have the superpower of rationalization.

    Happy blogiversary!

  40. My superpower would definitely have something to do with time shifting. If I could go back in time, I could win the lottery. If I could stop time, I could finish getting dressed before the dinner party guests arrive. Both would be awesome.

  41. Happy Blogiversary 🙂

    Superpower… hmmm.

    Maybe to stop time so I can do my own thing sometimes without seeming unavailable to my family.


  42. Happy Blogiversary!!

    I was in a friend’s comic book in high school and as I recall, my superpower was the ability to stop time. I was going to say but I’d change that to invisibility but can you imagine how much knitting one could accomplish if you could stop time! 🙂

  43. Happy Blogiversary! My superpower would be to seam sweaters with a single glance! Or just knit everything in the round. But seaming would be better!

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