Hey honey!! OMG, this is too cute. May you rock out that Catdancer thing!! Now after you play, tell Mommy to give you your tiara so you can rest as the Queen you are!
Hope you are having a great day honey!
We got these little crinkley bug thingies for our cat, Norman, and for fun we tied a piece of cotton yarn to it, so that we could wave it around and such. Norman is scared to death of it and goes running from the room (he’s 6), but we now have 3 little kittens(about 6 weeks old) staying in the house who get no end of enjoyment from this toy. Norman acts tough and like he knows it all, but we know better! (oh, he’s just fine with the bug that can’t wave around on the string, though)
Cat dancer is the bestest (and cheap!) toy evah. ALL the kitties love it. Even Elvis, who isn’t quite sure what to do with it, but is quite happy to grab it with both paws and hang on!
Great picture! LOL
Go May GO!!
Get it May! Get it!!!
I love her little white spot!
Chris- The devil does find work for idle paws.
Gotcha, evil paper on a string!
Cool! Was there music??
Oh look, May’s been IM’ing Malcolm, exchanging ideas on how to jump really, really high.
Oh, fun for Chaos! That is the best toy ever invented! Our cat Tiberius will jump so high in the air to catch that thing, it’s crazy.
Hey honey!! OMG, this is too cute. May you rock out that Catdancer thing!! Now after you play, tell Mommy to give you your tiara so you can rest as the Queen you are!
Hope you are having a great day honey!
Shake it, May!
Nice form, Mayhem!
I think she might make it to the final round.
Wow, it looks like your cat dancer has more cardboard on it than mine. It’s one of Mel’s favorite targets, too, though.
We got these little crinkley bug thingies for our cat, Norman, and for fun we tied a piece of cotton yarn to it, so that we could wave it around and such. Norman is scared to death of it and goes running from the room (he’s 6), but we now have 3 little kittens(about 6 weeks old) staying in the house who get no end of enjoyment from this toy. Norman acts tough and like he knows it all, but we know better! (oh, he’s just fine with the bug that can’t wave around on the string, though)
It’s so amazing how much use you can get out of that simple toy – the inventor has got to be a millionaire now!
Better than opening the windows!
Oh, we are very familiar with the cat dance in this house. Oliver is home sick with me today, and if I click on that link I’m a goner.
I now have ABBA stuck in my head. I think it is time to wash out my brain!
Go May, go!
Get it May! Does she dance with or without music?
Get it Chaos, Get it!!! Cutie Pie!!!
~bella (and Pablo)
I mean Mayhem , of course!!!
(Sorry darling)
“Shake your groove thang, yeah yeah!”
She’s so pretty.
Geez, May…now I have “Tiny Dancer” stuck in my head…thanks a lot. 😉
When I had seen your post title the first thing I thought of was Phil Collins(Genesis)’s “I Can’t Dance”. LOL!
Get it! lol
What IS it about that dumb little toy that makes every cat go nutso? I mean, it’s bits of cardboard and a wire . . .
Mardi loves it, and also Da Bird (her absolute favorito)
We used to have one of those and the cats loved it I’m going to have to look for it!
Lookit that belleh! The Cat Dancer is easily Ricky’s favourite toy. He will play with it until he flops on the floor with his tongue hanging out.
Cat dancer is the bestest (and cheap!) toy evah. ALL the kitties love it. Even Elvis, who isn’t quite sure what to do with it, but is quite happy to grab it with both paws and hang on!
ok, so how in the heck did you hold the toy, jingle it AND manage to take a photo with a real camera all at once???
(inquiring minds want to know)