Susan’s having a contest in honor of her blogiversary and a comment milestone – guess which yarn her daughter chose for socks and you could win the other yarn plus matching stitchmarkers. Leave your guess by midnight, April 15, CDT.
Jimmy Bean’s Wool has a pattern contest every month. Their prize pack is amazing and probably beats what many online knitting magazines would pay you. I know many of you have designing skills, so I hope you give it a shot!
Snow. Blech. Need I say more? Here’s a picture from back in the snowy days of March… I liked the “Minnesota Nice” sticker and how it tied in with the “Snow Emergency Route” sign. Plus the balloons were a festive touch to an ugly, dirty snowbank. We better not have enough snow to make snowbanks. I might lose my mind…
Moving right along to happier things, remember when I swapped Knit a Fantasy Story with chittavrtti? Here are the goodies she sent me – two gorgeous 225 yard skeins of Socks that Rock in a lovely deep green (Beryl, probably the only green I’ll see around here for a while) and some espresso roast Peet’s coffee beans. Mmmmm… Thanks, CV!
“Smells… green. Mmmm… Greenies.” -M
“I can tell from here it isn’t tuna yarn! Hmph.” -C
(from a distance) “Look out for that coffee, May! Did I ever tell you about the time I ate a coffee bean when I was a kitten? Man, that was a rush.” -C
“Yeah, whatever, big kitty, and I bet you had to walk a mile uphill in the snow to get to your food bowl.” -M
Okay, now that I’m done gloating…
Dude, this Easter it was colder than it was at Christmas. That’s a bit fucked up, no?
We have a “dusting” of snow. Translated into the-rest-of-the-world-speak, that means it will slippery as all get out and there are idiots on the road. Belting up now, and taking on Highway 61.
I’m so sick of cold and snow…and we had it light this year! Gimme some sunshine!!
Snow in April? That’s just not right!!!!
You need a vacation, come to the coast 🙂
That green is gorgeous. And we’re getting snow tomorrow. WTF.
What a gorgeous color of yarn! Our weather here in Georgia isn’t sure if it wants to be fall or spring..
Ugh. Just Ugh. I’m putting off even getting in my car to drive across town to work.
Howling at May’s snow comment!
It looks like the clock’s been rolled back to January out there!
At least you have green yarn, if not green outdoors. I am so with you on that. If I see one more snowflake…
I’m not digging the white wonderland today, but I am totally digging your green yarn!
I love that green yarn; I MUST have some!
I am still living in denial about the impending snowstorm we are supposed to get. I’m so ready for summer (perhaps I need to move south)!
I love the balloons against the dirty snow, it’s like seeing a clown throw up.
It was cold here for easter too, I love the green wool.
That sock yarn is beautiful!
I feel your pain about the snow. I was not emotionally prepared for it this morning.
Sorry about the late snow! The STR yarn is beautiful and I love the kitties comments.
Chris- In April, snow becomes a four-letter-word.
And it was really cold here as well. Nasty.
A new color combo- Beryl and Chaos Black. Stunning.
Thanks for the shout out!
Did Chaos really eat a coffee bean? Holy crap!
Ick, snow,hope it melts soon!
Ooooh, I’ve got that EXACT color of STR! 😀 Haven’t decided what to do with it, but I have sworn to use it for myself…
We had green for a while. Now it’s all brown. Even the UPS was commenting yesterday about how all the trees are dead. I like that shade of green in the STR and Peet’s espresso roast – Yum!
green yarn AND coffee? that’s like happiness all wrapped up in one for me. I went for a walk this morning and at least in Philly it looks like mother nature is starting to fullfill her promise of spring. it was cool, but there was that bite in the air that let me know it wouldn’t be for long. here’s to hoping it warms up out there soon!
Snow in April is cruel and unusual punishment.
Beryl looks great!
Where’s spring, Chaos? WHERE DID YOU HIDE IT?
LOVE the green!
(and the kitties!)
I can’t believe we have snow again. I just want some nice weather.
The positive of this snow? Hubby agreed to move back to the southwest with me when he retires…6 years and counting!
I like the cheery balloons on the snow… I seriously couldn’t live in a place with snow. Ack!
LOL – love the kitties’ comments today!
Snow is accumulating on my truck as I type this – hopefully it will all melt before the evening commute. I need a job where I work from home and get paid more than I do now.
So – what are you knitting these days other than socks?
Snow in April. April is the cruelest month! We called the dirty snow “snirt.”
What lovely deep greens in the yarn!
May isn’t overly impressed with her big brother, is she?
yeah, it’s friggin snowing here, too, and it’s not pretty. Blech is a great word, and I totally second it.
I miss the snow! We did get a little bit last week here in Kentucky, but it certainly wasn’t like real Midwest snow.
Love the pretty green yarn! And did Chaos really eat a coffee bean? I can only imagine how crazy that would be to watch.
Tuna yarn would rock.
That beryl is beautiful, though! 🙂
Thanks for the heads up on the JB contest. I had no idea!
I hope your snow disappears soon. It is time for some nice weather out there!
May sure is adopting an adolescent attitude lately. LOL!
Blah, blah, blah, freakin’ snow, grumble, snow, grumble, grumble. I am SO ready for spring. Yes, I know, I was the person bitching because there WAS no snow for the longest time. Done, over with, move on!
It’s not snowing; it’s not snowing; it’s not snowing.
Ha! Caffeinated kitties! What will you do with TWO skeins of that yarn? I have vague plans for the one (same color!) that I have. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow…why oh why didn’t it all come in dec and jan??
Hmm, tuna yarn? What would they think of the tofutsies yarn… lol
I love that color of the green STR!
HA! I guess those springy socks can come in handy after all ;o)
Snow eh? I remember going to England for a family wedding one year – It was around this time of year. Mum and I had bought beautiful floaty spring dresses for the event and finished up in wooly jumpers and trousers on the day because it snowed – We were not amused.
I remain positive the snow will melt away today. : ) That yarn is a gorgeous color!!!
ack, it snowed here yesterday too. about 2 inches. it melted last night. but *still*. ACK.
love that green! green is project spectrum. green is good. green is greenies…or not! psych!!! (sorry, M & C…)
no coffee for cats. (although Isis did manage to jump into my half-full coffee bowl once from the back of the couch…i had one thoroughly coffee-soaked kitten and one half-coffee soaked house guest, who fortunately was very good-humored about borrowing a dry pair of pants from me while i put her skirt though the washer and dryer.)
Nice package 🙂
I guess I should stop whining about uh..L.A. weather…
Love the Beryl shade! Gorgeous.
Snow in April is pretty awful. 🙁