Linkity appreciates a week with only one set of deadly stairs!

The Lady Miss Princess Mayhem has advanced kidney disease, but is doing well so far!

Polly sees a bird!

Harry – yawning or yelling?!

4 thoughts on “Linkity appreciates a week with only one set of deadly stairs!”

  1. Oh no, sorry to hear about Mayhem. Hope she’s not in much distress.

    Whaling captain’s house is very nice, other than having too much white inside.

    Ah, complicated exterior house is in Herriman. Lots of crazy stuff out there. Cheap land because it’s near the copper mine and at the far reaches of the valley, so people go crazy building fancy houses. That’s where the replica of Disney’s “Up” house is.

    B&W flipper house is awful.

    Beachy house hurts my eyes. Maybe even more than the flipper house.

    Junk filled house may be nice after all the junk removal. I wonder if it smells, tho.

  2. (I thought I had replied to this post before, but it seems I have not.)

    I did see that about offering ebooks now! That’s great news.

    I love that townhouse in the converted church with the tower. I think part of what I like about some of the church conversions is the extra landscaping around the building that provides a bit of a buffer… not like modern townhouses that can are built so close together.

    I kind of love the octagonal house too, but I would worry with it being so close to the water. For the WA house, that’s a LOT of rocks… and again, closer to the water than I’d be comfortable with given the current state of the world.

    OMG, that bathroom. How on Earth do you end up with that kind of misunderstanding??!?

    I think I’d rather skip the home office instead of having to deal with those deadly stairs. The kitchen table works just fine as a (safer) replacement.

    Good to see all the kitties! Sorry to hear about Miss Mayhem’s diagnosis, but at least she’s doing well for now.

  3. My Lily has early stage kidney disease. She is extremely fussy about her food. I have 5 very expensive bags of food in the cupboard specially bought for kidney disease and she will only eat the very cheap stuff from the supermarket! Also, goes through stages of being sick nearly every day for a week or so, and then ok for a couple of weeks. Good thing is she is ok in herself, just sleeps 22 hours a day.
    I do hope Mayhem does not suffer too much. Just give her lots of love and do the best you can.

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