You guys are the greatest! Thank you all so much for the cheering words. It was reassuring to know that I’m not alone in the seasonal doldrums. Yesterday was mostly sunny, and after work I took my friends’ baby for a walk. She’s a happy girl, so I sang silly songs and made faces at her and enjoyed the sunlight and exercise. By the time we were done, I felt “right as rain.” 🙂
Oh, and this song just came on my ipod: “The sun is coming to the cold places – now I can feel. The sun is coming.” (Matt Wilson, “Sun Is Coming” from Burnt, White and Blue.)
In the interest of finding some greenery during this decidedly non-green time of year in Minnesota, I turned to Jan Messent’s book Knitted Gardens. You do all realize that I have no intention of ever knitting anything from one of Messent’s books, right?! I just love to look at them and marvel at the intricacy. I mean, can you imagine having a knitted garden bedspread? (All of these pictures are clickable and totally worth it.)
Or knitting wee cabbages, sunflowers, and a tiny little fountain?
How about a crowd of gardeners?
Or a little basket of vegetables?
Gardening friars, anyone?
Complete with tiny beehives and miniscule bees, of course…
*burp* “That was tasty! What kitten?!” -C
I’m so glad you are feeling better!
Oh that book is great-just my thing. I think I need to put that on my list. How fun! Glad to hear you’re feeling better.
I’m speechless. Do anyone really want to sleep with a lumpy blanket? And I don’t want to sleep with a friar- thank you very much.
Lovely work of art- yes. I need to check out the book!
*yawn* That garden blanket? Only a twin size. Call me when she knits something REALLY amazing, like a king size.
It truly is amazing — I want to fondle all those little knitted thingies.
Glad you are feeling better. I thought the world had disappeared this morning when I could see nothing but white from the window. Fog on its little cat feet, etc. For some reason I’m thinking of the Stephen King short story about the fog that held monsters. Hmm. Couldn’t happen, right?
Oh my god, I do want to knit all those tiny vegetables and monks and beehives!
Oh sure, you’re probably whipping up all these for the cats as we speak!
Okay, now *that’s* the one of her’s I’ve got. How could I resist?
Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit more chipper! Summer is on it’s way.
Oh my goodness! Those are absolutely amazing. I think I must find myself that book, as you say just to look at.
I’m glad you’re feeling better, but I Chaos is going to have one heck of a furball!
So glad you’re feeling better! Feeling down really sucks ;(
I’m really desperate for ‘proper’ spring now and feel down when the weather is lousy too. Yesterday was glorious here though and I was a lot chirpier 😉
Amazing how some sunshine can make such a difference…..
Wow — what a great book! Thanks for giving us a peek. 🙂 That definitely makes me think of springtime … (in that seasonal I-think-I-can-manage-my-garden-this-year kind of way — that’s how I always start out, that is). Happy spring! Just think … warmer temps are right around the corner, finally.
Oh my word that is the nuttiest thing ever! I can’t imagine having the patience to knit little cabbages. I really love the people though, that might be tempting.
It’s too much twee! I can’t take all the cuteness! Oh to have one tiny knitted cabbage…
I dunno Chris, some of those might make some great cat toys if you made them a little larger. Especially the beehives.