
I’ve definitely been feeling down for the past several days. The grey, dreary weather? The grey, dreary landscape? Low iron? Hormones? The stress of work? The cumulative effects of the DST change? Lack of exercise? Dreary knitting projects? Time for a medication change? I don’t know exactly what brought it on, but there it is. I actually have things to post about, but I just feel too blah.

The forecast is for a bit more sun and some warmer weather over the next few days – hopefully that helps cheer me up. I hope everyone is feeling livelier than I am!

“Oh no!! I thought I would be safe under here!” -M
“Bwah-ha-ha!” -C

65 thoughts on “Melancholy”

  1. 🙁
    Bummer! I’m sorry to hear that! I know how you feel. Maybe it’s lack of sunshine, I know that can do it for me sometimes. Be sure to check on the meds though.

    Take care of yourself – and start something new if it makes you feel better! You can never have too many WIP’s.

  2. Oh, that stinks! Here’s hoping for some sunshine and cheerier days soon.

    This time of year can get to me too. Something about getting just enough sunshine and warmth to get a taste for it again, then getting a bunch of gloom and mud, grrrrr….

  3. Hang in there, Chris. This time of year wreaks havoc on me too…but if you think it might be something to do with your medication, I’d definitely check into that.


  4. I know the feeling – I think it’s because it still kind of feels like that blah part of winter. But, hopefully we’ll have spring soon – hope you have a happier day today!

  5. {Chris}

    The transition to spring can be hard, particularly if the weather doesn’t cooperate with our readiness for winter to be over.

    I hope it gets better soon.

  6. I believe I’m afflicted with a very similar case of blechy blahs. Hopefully todays sun will be the breakthrough we all need. It would just be easier to make that break if we weren’t stuck inside offices looking out at the sunshine.
    Hope you feel better soon!

  7. I helped my wife make pirate flags for my son’s kindergarten flags last night, that cheered me up. So go sew a jolly roger, you’ll be whistling zippity do da out your butt by the time you’re done.

  8. I’m right there with you! I hope you find something to brighten your day a little. If it’s nice out where you are, I’d recommend a walk.

  9. I also seem to get the late winter/early spring blahs. Try to have a relaxing weekend and spend some time out in the sun – the sun and fresh air will be the best cure 🙂 (along with some good cuddle time with the kitties)

  10. Blech, me too. Mine is the onset of SDS or whatever other acronym you want to give it. Lack of sunshine. Good news, sun in the forecast! Hope you are feeling more like yourself soon. Pet the kitties, that always helps.

  11. sorry to hear you’re down. I know the feeling well… treat yourself to an inspired new knit, with yarn that it is a pleasure to look at and to touch. Eat lots of chocolate, go for walks, and keep your fingers crossed that spring actually makes an appearance some time soon.

    Oh yeah, and hug a kitty. Nothing helps more than a squiggly pile of black warmth. I should know (poor hank! he always bares the brunt of my low moods!) 🙂

  12. *hug* I hope you feel better soon!

    And about the picture. I had to click to make it bigger and then stare at it for a short while before I could figure out what was going on. It just looked like a big black blob! 😀

  13. {{hugs}} I hope you are back to your chipper self soon. I know that for me, I’m starting to get a wee bit grouchy by the end of winter. I need my sunshine.

    Run, May, Run!

  14. The weather is really sucky here, too. Grey, wet, windy, cold. Where is Spring?!!

    For me it helps to watch comfort dvds or tv programs, like English mysteries and Sex and the City, while knitting something mindless in a very cheerful colour.

    You could also go for a walk with a camera and record this sucky Spring so far. I find the camera helps find other ways to see things.

  15. Sorry – but if it helps, I’m really up today!! Things ARE looking better. The sun is out. Someone reached out and took the first step toward mending a broken fence today! Wishing you a warm sunbeam on your face and a soft kitty in your lap purring away your blues.

  16. My entire office is feeling it, too! I think it’s partly that time change thing. WAY too early and I’m sorry, dark is DARK when I’m getting up…not as it should be!
    I hope you’re feeling perky soon! (I hope we all are!)

  17. Egads! Time to go yarn shopping for some bright and pretty sock yarn. Something that makes you smile.

    Send me the kittens, I’ll catsit while you’re gone. Oh, no trouble at all!

  18. The sun sure would be nice, wouldn’t it? And sleep. Checking the meds is never a bad plan though. Mine were Lowered recently and I’m feeling exponentially better. The wrong dose can seriously blah you down.

    Big hugs, darlin’.

  19. Build a box fort. Chaos and May can’t be wrong! Look at all the fun they were having. 🙂

    Hope you feel better soon. Get some sunshine and fresh air. That always helps me.

  20. I’m going through a gloomy phase too. It happens to me every spring, right after DST. What’s up with that? More sunshine is supposed to be good for you.

  21. It must be the nearing spring but still in dreary winter weather that is getting people down, because it’s everywhere!

    I hope you feel better soon, I’ll send some sunshine your way! Did you feel it?

  22. I’ve been going through the motions
    Walking through the part
    Nothing seems to penetrate my heart

    Will I stay this way forever
    Sleepwalk through my life’s endeavor

    I don’t want to be
    Going through the motions
    Losing all my drive
    I can’t even see
    If this is really me
    And I just want to be

    (see, Buffy applies to all situations.)

  23. Sorry to hear you’re blue. Can you take a day (or half) off and go someplace colorful and relaxing? Maybe go get a massage? I am almost adjusted to DST. Being we are so far east on the EST, the DST actually is better for us. There was legislation a couple years back to switch us to Atlantic time (so we’d be w/ New Brunswick), but it didn’t pass. When the days are longest in the summer, the sun comes up before 4 am! but the switch takes some time. The kids are off tomorrow, so I am too, and that means a longish weekend. Oh, but I’m working at a garden show all day sat…colorful that!

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