And the winners are…

Meg is having a “name that band” contest – based on the clues presented here and here, see if you can guess the name of the band and win a yarny prize. The contest deadline has been extended to midnight CDT on 3/23.

Amy is having a Buffy the Vampire Slayer related contest for her blogiversary celebration. Check out the details and leave a comment by Saturday, March 24, to have a chance to win Victorian Knitting Today, Addi lace knitting needles, and Buffy goodies.

Thanks to everyone who left a story for my contest – I never imagined that I would get to read so many wonderful tales! I’m definitely thinking that I need to include more personal history moments on my blog – and I hope to read more on yours. Without further ado, as selected by the random number generator, here are the five winners:

Oh, yes, Chaos would like a word with some of you.

“I can’t believe some of you thought I would actually eat that kitten! She’s all furry – ewwwww! And I’m not sure how I would attach the can opener to her, since she’s really wiggly. I am so disappointed in you.” -C

34 thoughts on “And the winners are…”

  1. Chaos’s can opener joke reminds me of a comic strip I saw once.. it said “how to make a cat float” and it involved a toilet and two scoops of ice cream. hee hee.

  2. Thank you, again for the wonderful randomness of the selection. I can’t believe I won. There were so many great stories! It was fun to read them all.

  3. Careful there, Chaos, she’s not a little kitten anymore. More wisecracks like that and she just might take it into her furry little head to kick your short tail!

  4. I knew Chaos wouldn’t eat her – May wouldn’t let him anyway! Thanks for the link to the Buffy contest I had forgotten how much I loved that show – especially the musical episode:-)

  5. Congrats to all of the winners! I really enjoyed reading all of the stories.

    Let’s see. If you started at her mouth, it might work. 😉 But kittens are a little too wiggly to open with a can opener.

  6. Chris- I am nothing, if not dignified in all my loserness.

    Chaos- cats are night hunters, and you may have mistaken her for a mousie. A large mousie.

  7. congrats to all the winners! it was great reading all the comments.

    thanks for posting my contest,too. i really want someone to win!

  8. Congratulations to the winners!

    I apologize, Chaos, for even thinking for even a mere moment that you might eat your sister.

    I love how cats get conditioned to the can opener! Growing up, Astoria, our cat used to come running whenever she heard it. Sometimes, when Mom was on a healthy dessert kick, we would have canned pineapple rings for dessert. Astoria’s disgust and disappointment on being given the empty can to sniff was pretty comical.

  9. Thanks for the contest! It was fun to read.

    I never for a moment thought Chaos was a cannibal. He should probably teach May to catch him some mice, though.

  10. Hey I’ve been meaning to ask you…your cats aren’t affected by that pet food recall that’s been in the news the past few days? Did you hear about that? Includes Iams, Eukenuba, Nutro… Congrats to your winners!

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