Congrats to Lilibeth and BookJunkie, who won the copies of Eternal Lover from my contest last week!
For a chance to win a copy of Erin McCarthy’s latest NASCAR romance, Hard and Fast (which is quite good), leave a comment at Romance Reviews Today about whether or not covers influence you when buying a book…
More chances to win a copy of Michele Hauf’s latest book The Highwayman over at Fang-tastic Books (leave a comment before July 8 ) and SciFiGuy (signed copy – leave a comment by midnight, July 10) and My Blog 2.0 (leave a comment before July 14).
This week, Largehearted Boy’s giving away a 100-cd prize pack. Leave a comment before midnight CDT, July 10, for your chance to win.
Jackie at Literary Escapism is giving away Branded by Fire (Psy-Changeling, Book 6) by Nalini Singh (out July 7), Seduce the Darkness (Alien Huntress, Book 4) (just out – see my comments below), and At Grave’s End (Night Huntress, Book 3) by Jeaniene Frost. Contest runs through July 25.
Amberkatze’s giving away two signed copies of the excellent urban fantasy Greywalker by Kat Richardson. You have until 4 pm CET, July 12, to participate – and make sure you stop back to see if you won!
Author Barbara Bretton’s giving away yarn every day in July in her Endless Summer contest – details at Romancing the Yarn.
I really hope it’s just a rumour that Amazon’s considering putting ads into their ebooks.
Great article over at Dear Author about what ebook publishers need to do to improve their image.
The always amazing Escapist Newsletter is up over at Literary Escapism, with all sorts of links to author interviews, release dates, book news, and more.
If you’d like to listen to British actor Dominic West reading from Pride and Prejudice, head over to Smart Bitches for the link.
J. Kaye has a good post on how to increase the traffic to your book blog.
Reading Update
The Butterfly Tattoo by Deirdre Knight. ebook. I don’t even know what to say about this book. It’s tagged as a contemporary romance, but it has so much more depth than nearly any romance I’ve ever read. It’s about love and loss and fear and the postmodern family… and I cried quite a bit during parts of it. Powerful, potent, and recommended.
Touched by Fire and
Touched by Light (Sentinels, Books 2-3) by Catherine Spangler. The Sentinels are reincarnated souls who help protect humanity from an ancient evil. The series draws on Trantric yoga a bit… Oh, yeah, and Touched by Light is an NK cover.
Awaken Me Darkly,
Enslave Me Sweetly,
Savor Me Slowly, and
Seduce the Darkness (Alien Huntress, Books 1-4) by Gena Showalter. These futuristic romances totally sucked me in. Aliens coexist with humans, but when the aliens harm or kill humans, it’s up to alien hunters to discreetly take care of the problem. As with all Gena Showalter novels, these are very steamy.
Nature of the Beast by Hannah Howell, Adrienne Basso, and Eve Silver. Ok, actually I didn’t read any of the stories in this. I picked it from the library based on the cover (NK!) and the paranormality and was sitting down to read it before I realized the stories were historicals.
Insatiable Desire (The Demonborn) by Rita Herron. Yet another NK cover… I gave this one five chapters, couldn’t get into the book, and am merely including it here so I remember that I tried to read it (plus I needed the abs for the post).
Charmed by Jayne Castle (aka Jayne Ann Krentz), Lori Foster, Eileen Wilks, and Julie Beard. Fun paranormal romance collection that was originally released in 1999. All of the stories are related to Halloween – you think the title of the collection might reflect that a bit more, hmm?
Red Alert by Lynne Connolly. ebook. I much enjoyed this story, which mainly focused on dragon shapeshifters, although there were also some other shapeshifters, vampires, and even a sorcerer. I’ll be reading more from this author!
Through Her Eyes by Beth Kery. ebook. *fans self* Um, there’s a bit of story in there, somewhere. 😉 Decent and very steamy paranormal romance about a psychic and an FBI agent. (To story editor: Please note that the country in South America is spelled “Colombia”, not “Columbia”.) Oh, and I won this over at Lea’s!
Tangled Up in Love by Heidi Betts. I quite enjoyed this knitting-themed contemporary romance, although this sentence made me cringe: “Ronnie dug into her homemade tote for her own thick, variegated wool yarn, which she was using to make a rather complicated cable-knit cardigan.” Emphasis mine… Please note that there’s easily as much s3x as knitting in this book!
*blank* -Chaos
Chaos, I feel the same way today.
Ads in ebooks. That would suck.
Master of the obvious this early in the morning, no? 🙂
Yes, Chaos- mummy wrote the “s3x” word.
Chaos looks so mysterious.
Leave it to Amazon to try to squeeze just a few more pennies out of that kindle space! There are a few blank stares around here this morning following a weekend full of fireworks!!
I tried to read Betts’ first “knitting” novel. Emphasis on “tried”.
Ads it eBooks??? Is nothing sacred any longer?
Nice roundup! Somebody has been busy!!
I am not at all surprised ads would be put in ebooks. Please let there not be SOUND with them.
I’d like to hear a British actor reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I’m reading it now, and it’s cracking me up. Especially the various meaning of “balls.”
Your book list is amazing!!! Loving up some of those covers!!!
Chaos… does not look like a happy camper… maybe if I offer a big bat of yarn… maybe… or a stratch on the tummy?? Of how bout some milk!
Are we really supposed to be working already? I’m having a very difficult time getting going here.
That is not a happy Chaos. Love the crossed paws. At least you didn’t put a bib on him.
and so is the verdict still out on whether or not you enjoy reading e-books? (perhaps I have missed the critique in my work-hazed-days…but I’d really like to know.) About the only draw for me is the space saving concept, plus saving trees.
And I can’t help but giggle every time I read that a steamy novel makes you fan yourself! (heh heh)
I used to read ebooks (only ones that could be acquired from Project Gutenberg and the like), but I would never consider doing it again if the ebooks had ads.
Actually that’s not true. If the ads were like they are in most books, and just lists of other books with blurbs that are available from either the author or a group of authors that wouldn’t bother me. Those can be handy for finding new books to eat. Umm, read.
The Butterfly Tattoo book does sound good if sad. And the Touched books. I do love judging your book covers though. Yummy. 🙂
Variegated yarn for a cable sweater? Thick wool? Why? Because she wants all that hard work to be completely invisible? Dork.
Chaos looks the way I did when the alarm went off this morning.
Yikes, hope those pretty colors on your leg aren’t too painful…
Ads in ebooks would be the pits.
eehhwww, Dylan buys his yarn at a craft shop?
Ads in ebooks… Wouldn’t that make it a magazine?
I feel the same way, Chaos.
Wow – that is a lot of books! I like the sound of the Butterfly Tattoo.