Contest of BABEL

First, congratulations to random number 68, Lethea – you won the autographed copy of Anya Bast’s Witch Fire! Thanks to everyone who participated. Sad that you didn’t win this contest? Read on for another chance to win free books…

In an email exchange with dixygirl yesterday, I coined the term BABLE (Book Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy, obviously riffed from SABLE, Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy), then promptly modified it to BABEL (Book Acquisition Beyond Expected Life)… although I quite like BABBLE (Book Acquisition Beyond Believed Life Expectancy), too. What do you think? (Beyond realizing that I’m obviously not knitting very much, eh, Marina?)

Anyway. Getting back on track, that email exchange gave me the idea for a contest. I have this ginormous stack of books that I’ve accumulated through various means: being at the library’s withdrawn store or the thrift store without an inventory of my library, accidentally buying a duplicate, receiving a duplicate, or intentionally buying a duplicate because I liked the book and hoped to pass it on to someone.

Comment on this post before 7 pm CDT, Thursday, June 18, for your chance to win some of the books pictured below. I’ll randomly select at least three winners (maybe more, depending on whim and response). Most of the books are used. Unsurprisingly, should you win, your books will likely include some amount of cat fur. 🙂

“My goodness. This new area rug is sort of lumpy.” -Mayhem

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

Categories of books include those by local authors (Strawberry Shortcake Murder, Unplugged), knitting related (A Deadly Yarn, How to Knit a Wild Bikini, At Knit’s End: Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much), Nathan Kamp cover (Hot Spell), miscellaneous abs (You Don’t Know Jack, Dark Embrace), straight up romance (Summer Pleasures, I’m in No Mood for Love, Just Like Heaven), urban fantasy (Memory and Dream, The Devil You Know), mysteries (One for the Money, Murder by the Glass), darn good paranormal romance from a series but not the first book of said series (One Foot in the Grave, Passion Unleashed, Lover Unbound, Lover Revealed), not so great paranormal romance from a series but you need to read it anyway to continue with the series (Lover Enshrined), ok paranormal romance (Dogs and Goddesses), and paranormal romance I haven’t read yet (Darkling, Moon’s Fury, Immortals: The Darkening).

“Hey, there’s yarn on this book! Will chewing the book cover be like chewing yarn?” -Mayhem

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

“Hmph. Chewing on book cover yarn is very unsatisfying. I shall lie here and sulk.” -Mayhem

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

102 thoughts on “Contest of BABEL”

  1. Books are better with cat fur – at least that’s what I tell myself as I read my own cat-furred books.

  2. LOL, your cat fur will go well right along with mine! Terrific stack of books! Thanks for the chance to win them.

  3. I agree with everyone about the cats. They are absolutely adorable and I do not mind the at fur at all. What a great selection. Please enter me.

  4. Poor kittehs. Given such an un-comfy and un-tasty new area rug. I do hope you provided them with something yummy to compensate.

    (No need to send me more books… I’m still working on that last batch! =) )

  5. I expect to live a longgggggggggg time and would be able to read all of the books. Enter me in the giveaway please

    “Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:”

  6. Ohh!! Awesome set of books. Free books are free books and kitty fur is just a bonus. :] Count me in. Thanks!

  7. looks like a scene from my house (except mine aren’t all lined up; my kitties love to roll amidst them and push them around)
    loved the abs-solutely title of the last post btw.. heh heh

  8. Sable has never been a problem for me, but Babble? I’m your girl. Book Mooch has ruined me. I am so out of room. And yet I still acquire…

    Give the kitties a hug for me!

  9. I LOVE your cats names and they are very cute! I see several books in the pile that you’re giving away that I have on my wishlist so I’d love to enter! 🙂

  10. I almost snorted my coffee out my nose when I read your acronyms. Ah…they are so apt!

    Anyway, would also love to win some cat fur. Oh, and some books too, of course. 😉

  11. My father used to say “Money spent on books is never wasted.” My husband says, “You already OWN *every* book, you just store them in the library.” I am SO guilt of however you say it: BABEL, BABBLE….Piles of books are what constitutes decor around here. LOVE reading the comments, LOVE the contest, LOVE the concept. And cat fur? It’ll match Evangeline’s, already on all the books here.

  12. Aww, that’s so cute! Though my hubs doesn’t like cat hair. I have doggies and don’t even dare pose them around books.

    You’ve got some cute kitties.

  13. What a great contest. I’d love to be included. You cats are precious – don’t mind the transported furs :D. I think I like BABBLE best.

  14. I commented on how beautiful your kitty was during Anya’s contest, and even showed my 9-year old daughter the post. Now she wants a black kitty…*sigh*. (Me too, but I won’t tell her) We live in Texas and have coyotes. They do a job on our neighborhood cats, so we would be devasted if someting happened to our kitty.

    You know, its all about learning responsibility but, we parents are such wimps..I’ll see how she does with a hamster first.

    Thank you for your contest. I would love to win a few..not greedy, but I would like if I win….Passion Unleased by Larissa Ione, Hot Spell by Emily Holly, and Summer Pleasures by Nora Roberts. Thanks again and give the kittys a pet and huggy for me and my daughter.

  15. How did I not enter myself for this? Oh, probably because you didn’t remind me to. I’ve gotten so spoiled! Bad Tink. Bad.

  16. Books, you can never have too many. Same way as you can never have too much yarn. Please enter me in the drawing.

  17. Hello! New google reader subscriber and enjoying it so far. Would love to be added to the contest – I think I may have too many books but I can’t stop myself…and refuse to try 🙂

  18. All of those look interesting, mainly because I haven’t read any of ’em! Your cats are beautiful. My husband used to have one who could’ve been their brother.

  19. Thanks for a chance to win!!

    What precious kitties. My daughter would love them becasue they look like our “night sky”!!

  20. Looking at your kitties is painful because I miss mine! I see kitties and I imagine petting their sweet little soft heads and covering them in kisses, or letting them sleep in my lap. They’re so precious.

  21. I really like that you took the pictures with your cats! I love how cats won’t take a second look at something until you arrange it and try to take a picture. My cat Wyatt does teh same thing! It’s adorable!

    I would love to win some books! Thanks for the opportunity!

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