Thanks to my regular readers! I really appreciate your comments. Sending healthy thoughts out to all of you. 🙂
- New releases: (genre-benders, scifi, fantasy, YA SFF), Smart Bitches (romance), Gizmodo (SFF), AAR (romance)
- Linkity from the Pen Addict.
- Linkity from Smart Bitches (“Just good things”).
- Cover snark from Smart Bitches.
- 17 optimistic fantasies.
- “What to do if you CAN’T read right now”.
- Listen to LeVar Burton read Neil Gaiman.
- Watch Samuel L. Jackson read Stay the F— at Home.
- Other celebrities doing virtual story times.
- The illustrated “The Desk” by Stephen King (NOT HORROR).
- On the adults in Harry Potter.
- Simple and brilliant way to design fantasy world landmasses.
- Zoom/Lord of the Rings crossover.
Think, Learn, Make, Do
- How to be alone.
- “How to cope with isolation, according to an astronaut”.
- “It’s time to stop using your travel rewards credit card”.
Life in These Pandemic Times
- Yup. That’s what they’re really saying.
- “People’s lives or the economy – that’s a false dichotomy”.
- :facepalm:
- Yes.
- If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry.
- SUE on the loose in the Chicago’s Field Museum.
- “I Won’t Go Out Today” – a quarantine lullaby.
- “Why you should keep a pandemic journal”.
- A letter from our future – author Francesca Melandri writing from Rome.
- “Why you should ignore all that coronavirus-inspired productivity pressure”.
- “When will grocery stores get back to normal?”
- Just another reason Hobby Lobby is awful. For shame, Michaels and Jo-Ann.
- 10 easy 3-ingredient dinners.
- 10 dinner recipes using frozen vegetables.
- 40 simple recipes.
- Sweet potato coconut milk stew.
- Creamy white chicken caprese lasagna.
Gluten Free
- A brass quintet from the Minnesota Orchestra plays a socially distant tune.
- A fine Rube Goldberg machine indeed.
- Virtual Disney World.
- Linkity from kmkat.
Cool or Wha…?
- “Museum asks people to recreate paintings with stuff they can find at home”. Bored people getting creative!
- Untitled Goose gets artsy. (Start at the bottom for best effect.)
- Remember, one tiger length.
- Bubble people?
- Really good xkcd called “Pathogen Resistance”. Hover cursor/long-press for caption.
Reading Update
- Having trouble focusing to read, but I’m working on it.
*GLARING* -Mayhem
Um. Do you think Mayhem’s holding a grudge about me taking her in to the vet for her shots? And wow, was that bizarre – you park and call them. The tech calls and gets your info, then comes out to pick up your pet while you stay put. The vet examines your pet and calls you to discuss treatment, etc. Then reception calls to get your payment details and your pet is placed back in your vehicle with your receipt. Because the whole thing is somewhat disconcerting, I recommend writing things down and putting that in with the pet carrier for the tech.
That sounds like a really weird vet experience.
I don’t have the bandwidth to comment on today’s links, but thank you for them. I got many smiles. 🙂 Oh, and to circle back to an older linkity? Now is the PERFECT time to read fluff. (That’s how I’ve been getting through. Spring TBR is largely out the window…)
A recent post from Nicole..Friday Reads: Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky
Lol, I want to do a tangerine world
“and they have a lot of pasta”. the xkcd is really a good one!
Thanks as usual for a lot of smiles.