- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Linkity from the Pen Addict.
- “Where to find free ebooks during the coronavirus shutdown”.
- Comforting things to read and watch (NPR).
- “Books in which no bad things happen”.
- “Books for when anxiety makes it hard to concentrate”.
- Daily Shakespeare readings from Sir Patrick Stewart.
- Some more tidbits about JRR Tolkien writing The Lord of the Rings.
- “Classic novels with added positivity”.
Think, Learn, Make, Do, STAY HOME
- “Physical distancing” is a more accurate term.
- “That discomfort you’re feeling is grief”. Some info on collective trauma.
- “Taking stock of strange days: The week that America changed”.
- “Why time no longer has meaning, according to science”.
- Really eerie and beautiful drone video of an empty Chicago.
- Drone videos of many more empty cities, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, and more.
- Yes.
- “We don’t need to spy on everyone to track the pandemic”.
- – real heroes.
- Stay home.
- If you want to better understand how staying home helps…
- From behind-the-scenes at a Dallas-Ft Worth grocery store.
Linkity from Angry Me
- The trolley problem.
- “It took a virus to show that our viciously greedy plutocracy is a moral atrocity.”
- Every time I think about this, I about ragesplode.
- UGH.
- He’s a lying liar who lies. And HE is the dumb thing. Gosh, this is no surprise.
- People aren’t the problem. Capitalism is the problem.
- 15 vegan slow cooker recipes.
- 17 simple soups.
- “20 ways to turn a baked potato into dinner”.
- One-pot creamy pumpkin pasta.
Gluten Free
Artsy Crafty
- Michael Sheen reading “September 1, 1939” by WH Auden.
- “Covers from home: Music in a time of quarantine”.
- Emergency transmission from the Doctor (Who).
- Sculpture (make sure you press play).
- Mobius
stripship. - Solar system art.
- Giant spooky animal art.
- The Uptown Theater gives excellent marquee.
- I wish.
- “If we could squeeze a galaxy, it would be this fluffy-looking one.”
- Chairs for dragons.
- Probably the most surreal supermarket ad EVER.
- I laughed out loud.
- “The New York Times is wrong, everyone wants to see your pet on video conference”.
- Collection of Covid-19 tweets – and a link to the previous ones at the bottom.
- Ouch!
- Monica Lewinsky wins the internet.
- “The reason I stayed in the house all day.”
- Time to double-check Revelations.
- When you look at it THAT way…
- This is now MY favorite gaming fact, too! Talk about thinking outside the box.
- If women’s products were marketed the same way Old Spice is…
Teh Cute
“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos
Double-yes to the under/over-reacting feeling.
**Posted from a socially acceptable distance**
“Anticipatory grief.” Yes. THIS. I saw a tweet (I think by Mary Robinette Kowal?) where she said that her grandmother lived through the 1918 flu and “everybody knew someone who had died.” And I think that’s what we’re all waiting for whether we realize it or not.
I haven’t had any video calls with my company yet, but I’ve been loving the +pet profile pics some of my coworkers use in Slack.
I’m not going to go into individual specifics about the links to stuff that made you mad. Commenting in detail will just serve to make me more mad. But know that I’m right there with you.
A recent post from Nicole..O.W.L.s 2020
Why are they dancing?! lol