Not a USPS approved use of a Priority Mail box…

Susan used Patons Soy Wool to make some Kureyon-Chans – they turned out really cute!

Cursed bloglines – it’s not seeing my blog again. Not seeing a lot of blogs, as far as I can tell. Grrrrr…

Reading Update
Grave Surprise by Charlaine Harris. This is the second book in the series about Harper and her stepbrother Tollivar. Harper was struck by lightning and can now find dead people and knows how they died. This series is ok, but not as good (so far) as the Sookie Stackhouse or Lily Bard books.
American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I’d read this a while ago and enjoyed it, but after reading Anansi Boys recently, I knew I needed to reread this book. Wow. I got a lot more out of it this time! Anansi Boys was a good read, but this is a great read – it’s epic in a most unusual way.
Heft on Wheels: A Field Guide to Doing a 180 by Mike Magnuson. Warning: the cover picture of this book is not for the faint of heart. It’s a “before” picture of the author – and it appeared in GQ, probably as a spoof of Liebowitz’s famous photograph of Lance Armstrong.)
This is the first From the Stacks Winter Reading Challenge book I’ve completed. Hey, I have all of January to read the remaining four…
Anyway, I love reading cycling books, which is how this book ended up in my stacks in the first place. I read another of Magnuson’s books a long time ago (The Right Man for the Job), mostly because a friend of mine knew him and was pushing the book. I remember nothing of it, other than it took me a while to get into the book, due to Magnuson’s writing style. Same thing with this autobiographical tale of how Magnuson used cycling to turn his life around as he neared 40, but after I got into it, the book gave me a lot to think about, including some ways in which I need to consider changing my own life.

Not much else going on around here, so maybe it’s time to check the mail…

“All I know is I sure can’t fit in there. Your mileage may vary, May.” -C

“I wonder if I can fit…” -M

“It looks awfully snug…” -M


25 thoughts on “Not a USPS approved use of a Priority Mail box…”

  1. American Gods by Neil Gaiman is a truly excellent book, I have wondered for a while what you Yankees would make of it!

  2. You can stick postage on May and mail her to me, I have lots of micey for her to play with.

    The sock pictures from the previous post were too funny, the cats did not look amused.

  3. Hi there – saw your post come up on bloglines. I asked bloglines to reset or bump my blog to the top to be reset. Sent an email off to the help desk and got a quick response. I was having the same problem where it wasn’t being picked up – seems to have worked.

  4. So where are you packing May up to visit?

    My parents had a cat that loved, loved, LOVED grocery day–back in the day when we still were given brown paper bags without being asked, ‘Paper or plastic.’ All you had to do was just scritchy scratch on the outside bottom of the bag, and he would come running across the floor and go flying into the bag, sending it skidding across the floor with him in it. Cats are so crazy.

  5. Heft was hard to get into, eh? It looks like an intriguing read. I loved American Gods! I’ll have to reread it one of these days. I used to reread books constantly – in fact, they were much better the second time around, but now I hardly ever do. Time management (the lack of) or too many new books? Who knows.

  6. I started reading American Gods last night and can’t put the darn book down. Such a fun read. I hope to finish it up over the next couple of days!

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