- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Linkity from ReaderWriterVille.
- Linkity from the Pen Addict.
- Cover snark from Smart Bitches.
- Lots of books were added to the public domain recently.
- 12 Toni Morrison quotes.
- Some good tips from an editor.
- “Uncanny Magazine doesn’t exist without fan fiction“.
- What to do if an uninvited novelist is hiding in your house.
- The life of bookstore staff.
- “How to read at the expense of virtually everything else“.
- Illuminated capitals from early editions of Good Omens.
Think, Do, Make, Learn
- Heirloom apple reviews from Chuck Wendig.
- “How to eat less plastic“.
- Don’t pick NULL as your vanity plate…
- “How to destroy a metal credit card at home“.
- 60+ recipes for chicken breasts.
- Ranch chicken quinoa salad. (via the Kitchn)
- Zucchini and green pepper relish.
Gluten Free
Artsy Crafty
- Excellent mural.
- Yeah, nothing says Upper Midwest like giant fiberglass figures and “some kinda days” (local festivals of some sort).
- A meme I did on tumblr.
- Moose be chillin’.
- “To protect the floor“…
- “Australia, do you take constructive criticism on your wildlife?“
- August gothic.
Teh Cute
Reading Update
The Nice and Accurate Good Omens TV Companion: Your guide to Armageddon and the series based on the bestselling novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman by Matt Whyman. Wonderful resource for fans of the show! (Yes, yes, I read mostly Good Omens fanfic this past week as well…)
*slow squinty kitty love blinks* -Mayhem
Ooh, I had one of those Nokias.
Fanfic definitely has an important place in fiction (including screenwriting). Besides, at the most basic of definitions, any retelling is fanfic. Any of the fairy tale retellings? Fanfic. West Side Story? Fanfic. The Lion King? Fanfic. And in related news, I’m happy to be a backer of the next season of Uncanny Magazine. I hadn’t been aware of them before now, but I’ll be looking over their back-issues, too.
Love the Gaiman novelist comic. And the Customer Service Wolf. LOL.
Also LOL at the Chuck Wendig apple reviews. Great — and much needed — laugh for the end of this very hot week.
Ugh that we are eating plastic![My Profile](
A recent post from blodeuedd..Audio: Say no to the Duke – Eloisa James