Just book reviewettes and a cat picture today – tired! Lots of reading too late this week! 🙂
Reading Update
An Artificial Night, Late Eclipses, One Salt Sea, and Ashes of Honor (October Daye 3-6) by Seanan McGuire. Really enjoying this urban fantasy series about changeling Sir Toby Daye, who happens to be a private investigator with a penchant for getting seriously injured.
Midnight Blue-Light Special, Half-Off Ragnarok, and Pocket Apocalypse (InCryptid 2-4) by Seanan McGuire. Good continuation of this series about a family who works to keep the magical beings and creatures of the world safe – including safe from an organization that wants to wipe all of them out.
Men at Arms (Discworld #15) by Terry Pratchett. This was my in-depth introduction to the Night Watch. Love!
“…zzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem
I ignored it and it didn’t happen. Just rain. *Whew*
We seem to have mostly dodged the bomb cyclone at my house. 3-5″ rather than 10-15″. The weather radar last night showed heavy bands of snow east and west of Polk County, but we were in the clear. Yay, no need to plow the driveway!
A recent post from kmkat..Fotography Friday.
Toby is the best, the best!
You have now officially passed me on both the October Daye and InCryptid series. Alas. Woe. I think I need to do more reading, especially where the Aeslin Mice are concerned.
A recent post from Nicole..WIP Wednesday for Easter Week 2019