*gasp* LINKITY


Think, Learn, Make, Do


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Artsy Crafty




Reading Update
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You about Being CreativeSteal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon. Pretty good (and very short) ebook that’s exactly what the title says.
Lies SleepingLies Sleeping (Peter Grant #7) by Ben Aaronovitch. Good continuation of the series – it’s all hands on deck trying to catch Faceless Man #2 (and Lesley) before they do Something Very Bad.
Rivers of London Volume 6: Water WeedWater Weed (Rivers of London #6) by Ben Aaronovitch. Very good addition to the series. I hope everyone who read the Rivers of London series knows that the graphic novels aren’t standalone but actually develop the overarching story arc, too.
The Everything BoxThe Everything Box and The Wrong Dead Guy (Another Coop Heist #2)The Wrong Dead Guy (Another Coop Heist 1-2) by Richard Kadrey. Ok series about magic-resistant thief Charlie Cooper and the Department of Peculiar Science.
Countdown City (Last Policeman, #2)Countdown City and World of Trouble (The Last Policeman, #3)World of Trouble (Last Policeman 2-3) by Ben H Winters. With only a few months to go before a surprise!asteroid takes out Earth, society has completely broken down but a former police detective hasn’t given up looking for answers.
Roses and RotRoses and Rot by Kat Howard. Very good story about two sisters who are accepted for a nine-month artists’ retreat and slowly realize they’re living in a faery tale.
CharmingCharming and Daring (Pax Arcana, #2)Daring (Pax Arcana 1-2) by Elliott James. Good series about John Charming, former member of the Knights Templar, not-quite-werewolf, trouble magnet.
The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the FutureThe Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future by Ryder Carroll. As you’d expect from the guy who came up with bullet journaling, this book has very clear how-to explanations and examples. The tone reminded me why I don’t read productivity books – they exhaust me.
Dot Journaling: A Practical Guide: How to Start and Keep the Planner, To-Do List, and Diary That’ll Actually Help You Get Your Life TogetherDot Journaling: A Practical Guide: How to Start and Keep the Planner, To-Do List, and Diary That’ll Actually Help You Get Your Life Together by Rachel Wilkerson Miller. reread. I reread this since I was reading The Bullet Journal Method – Miller’s book is a nice example of a slightly different way to bullet journal. And her many layout examples are frequently more helpful than those of The Bullet Journal Method.
The Sound of PaperThe Sound of Paper by Julia Cameron. Abandoned because too much of the advice was higher power based.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

2 thoughts on “*gasp* LINKITY”

  1. On sunscreens: I have a rare type of alopecia that some doctors suspect may be triggered by sunscreen chemicals in combination with hormone changes like menopause. It was virtually unknown before the 1990s, when there was a big push for using sunscreen. Now my doctor says he sees an average of a new case every week. Also, I read a few years ago that people who walk OUTSIDE for at least 30 minutes a day have longer life expectancies, even when compared to people doing the same amount of exercise indoors. I no longer wear sunscreen unless I plan to be out in the sun longer than half an hour without a hat, and even then I use mineral sunscreens. It’s really hard to find a good daytime moisturizer for aging skin that doesn’t have sunscreen in it.

    I remember seeing that “crown of frankfurters” recipe (or one very similar) in my mom’s recipe cards or cookbooks. Not that she ever made it. But I remember the photo. And lots of recipes for stuff in jello/aspic molds. Weird.

    The climate change thing is very interesting!

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