I’m back! 🙂 My class (printing ephemera on the platen press) was great fun. I printed a LOT of stickers. A LOT.
- New releases: Tor.com (genre-benders, scifi, fantasy) and Smart Bitches (romance)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches. And more linkity from Smart Bitches. And more.
- Linkity from Inkophile.
- Linkity from the Pen Addict.
- “10 minutes with Andy Weir“.
- Quotes from and tidbits about James Baldwin.
- When 1984 is getting a little too real…
- To remember, about fairy tales and life.
- DIY book sleeves.
- Dragon bookends.
- Book holders and stands.
- On linguistics in Lord of the Rings (humor).
- “Homophones, weakly“.
- The Jane Austen board game (humor).
Think, Make, Do, Learn
- Good to remember.
- Where the money from #mprraccoon swag is going.
- If you’ve ever wondered what hockey teams do with all of those hat trick hats…
- Advice from a member of the WWII Norwegian Resistance.
- Some anti-fascist cartoons from Dr Seuss.
- On the importance of the White House stenographer.
- “IKEA’s newest catalog challenges the ‘myth of minimalism’“.
- Remember when Robert Downey Jr used to sing on Ally McBeal?
- A random about me meme.
- Easy muesli.
- Ideas for healthy work lunches.
- Greek chicken grain bowl.
- Easy taco slaw.
- Easy cast iron skillet strawberry pie.
- S’Mores bark.
Gluten Free
- Beef and broccoli Buddha bowls.
- Spicy Thai chicken and brown rice bowls.
- Quinoa summer stirfry.
- Spinach and feta frittata.
- Blueberry cornbread.
- Blueberry scones.
- Breakfast bars.
- Easy muffins.
- “The best gluten-free snacks to pack in a lunch box“.
Artsy Crafty
- The return of Jean-Luc Picard!
- Trippy photo of the Manitou River.
- What if Darth Vader visited Owen and Beru on Life Day?
- What if Thor visited Mr Rogers?
- 10 hopeful quotes from Mr Rogers. 25 quotes from Mr Rogers.
- More “humans in space” fic.
- What if humans are tiny compared to other races out in space?
- Mosaic of Minnesota bedrock.
- Yes.
- Linkity from kmkat.
Cool or Wha…?
- I just…
- Motorized handheld dish scrubber.
- “1935 Streamlined Car of the Future“.
- “Eating beef jerky may be linked to manic episodes in some people“.
- Fanfic trope Venn diagram.
- Meanwhile, at the hardware store…
- “Who knew, not Windows.“
- Relatable post-it comics.
- Cake Wrecky abs cakes.
- I have done this.
- …same.
Teh Cute
- Baby mountain lion! Soggy black kitten! Baby cheetahs! Leopard and babies! Snow leopard and babies! Baby penguin! Baby red panda! Tiger! Tiger and babies! Baby red pandas!
Reading Update
Foolsgold: Making Something from Nothing and Freeing Your Creative Process by Susan G Wooldridge. This was good (it’s bristling with post-it flags), but not as good as Poemcrazy. It does tackle tough subjects, such loss, grieving, and feeling stuck.
The Sketchbook Project World Tour by Steven Peterman & Shane Zucker. A look at pages from Sketchbook Project sketchbooks from all over the world. It was interesting to see what people had done to their books, but also was such a fast read I’m really glad I got it from the library.
Dragonhaven by Robin McKinley. Very good first-person tale of 14-year old Jake, who lives on one of the world’s few dragon preserve parks, and who manages to accidentally and irrevocably change his life on his first solo trip into the park. (Dragons are originally from Australia, so think about the implications for dragon physiology. I’ll wait.)
The Invisible Library (The Invisible Library #1) by Genevieve Cogman. Very good urban fantasy about about a Librarian who gets assigned a very odd trainee on her next world walking mission. (This was recommended by Charles Stross in a post at tor.com about books vaguely similar to the Laundry Files.)
The Masked City (The Invisible Library #2) by Genevieve Cogman. The abruptness of the very close to being a cliffie but not quite ending annoyed me. Fortunately I had the next book checked out already.
The Burning Page (The Invisible Library #3) by Genevieve Cogman. Very good, very thrilling continuation of the series. Kept me up way too late on a work night.
The Lost Plot (The Invisible Library #4) by Genevieve Cogman. Another thriller! This actually felt as if it could be the end of the series. Or not. I think I’d be ok with it ending here.
*sleepy* -Mayhem
Does she look 12 to you?! She sure doesn’t to me.
Oh no minimalism is dead?! Noooo!
Dust settles in a day here, I refuse things
A recent post from blodeuedd..Wrath of Empire – Brian McClellan
Chris- Our Miss May looks divine as ever!
A recent post from Lorraine..Is There an Igloo for Rent?
HAI ! Welcome back!
I’m glad I read 1984 before it comes completely true. 🙁
Sweet Mayhem. She certainly doesn’t look 12! I’ve been wanting to read The Invisible Library, but I tried the audio book and the narrator didn’t do it for me. Paper (or ebook) copy it is!
LOL about the Windows download speed. And the thing about humans in space is a beautiful sentiment. I’ll try to keep *that* in mind when I read depressing news.