How did I not know about the Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge?! You can join any time before December 31, 2009. There are three levels: read 12, read 25, or read 50 books from your local library in 2009. Um, looks like I hit the third in March and April alone… *blink blink* I’ve read over 100 library books so far this year.
There’s another Hachette audio book giveaway over at J. Kaye’s Book Blog (and there will be one each day this week *hint hint*) – leave a comment for your chance to win a copy of the nonfiction audio book The Age of the Unthinkable by Joshua Cooper Ramo. Make sure you read the rules, or you could win and not even know about it!
Here’s an updated list of many current book blog contests – and they aren’t just for paranormals.
Are ebooks ruining cultural snobbishness? (Woot if they are!)
Interesting – a machine to print books on demand while you wait in the bookstore.
Brace yourselves – after several weeks of abdomen extraordinaire, there are no abs whatsoever in this week’s reading update! Unless you click on that Lauren Dane Cascadia Wolves link. But you might get more than you bargained for at that point. You have been warned. (I swear, warning y’all is akin to daring you…)
Reading Update
Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich. The Stephanie Plum Between-the-Numbers books are never my favorites in this series, but this one wasn’t too bad – probably because Ranger and Joe played a more active role than they usually do in these.
Tri Mates, Wolf Unbound, Standoff, and Fated (Cascadia Wolves, Books 3-6) by Lauren Dane. ebooks. I’m totally sucked into this series about werewolves in the Pacific NW. S3x and political intrigue – what more could you ask? Hmm – maybe more books, now that I’ve read them all? If I was rating steaminess on a five jalapeno scale, this series would probably merit an off-the-scale habanero meltdown.
Eternal Moon (Moon Series, Book 10) by Rebecca York. This continues to be a well-written werewolf series, but I think the time has come for the Moon Series and I to part ways. I’ve been enjoying the series less and less since the whole parallel universe aspect was introduced – I keep hoping that particular thread will die out, but it seems unlikely to happen.
Out of the Night (Night Slayer, Book 1) by Robin T. Popp. I know, I’m shallow – I picked this up because of the Nathan Kamp cover, but it was a surprisingly good read about chupacabras and vampires.
Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires, Book 1) by Chloe Neill. This was a really, really good book about a grad student turned into a vampire without her consent. Unlike many paranormals, it’s not filled with graphic s3x or anything, either. Definitely recommended and I am already looking forward to the next book.
Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 1) by Jeaniene Frost. Cat Crawfield is half-human, half-vampire and looking to rid the world of vampires when she discovers that things aren’t as black and white as she’d believed.
Edge of Hunger (Primal Instinct, Book 1) by Rhyannon Byrd. Conceptually intriguing and I sort of enjoyed it, but I spent so much time being pissed at the “hero” and thinking he had a whole lot of TSTL (too stupid to live) going on that I really couldn’t get into the book. Apparently there’s a limit to the amount of hero angst I can take. But hey, I did finish the book, which counts for something.
The Monster of Minnesota (News from the Edge, Book 1) by Mark Sumner. I couldn’t resist this title when I saw it in the used section at Uncle Hugo’s over the weekend. Think tabloid journalism and the Loch Ness Monster on a Minnesota lake. Sort of.
Mouth To Mouth by Erin McCarthy. Another sweet and steamy romance from McCarthy, this time about a Cleveland cop and the woman he meets under unusual circumstances. Somewhat unexpectedly, this book has some nice insights into deaf culture and the challenge of living between two worlds.
“Mmmm… is there anything tastier than furry mouse tails?! I don’t think so!” -Mayhem
Careful! You might end up with hair balls stuck in your throat.
OK. But, which were Chaos’ and May’s faves? Huh???
I thought Chaos was the Monster of Minnesota….
Those books look good!
Wow, I say it again – who knew there were so many paranormal romances out there?!
100 books so far this year? Dude.
Thanks for the heads up on the book blog. Sheesh, I could register Neatnik if I was of a mind: she’s read over two dozen herself this year.
i’m waaaay behind you on books this year, but in fairness i’m reading Cities of the Plain right now… Proust… he’s kinda describe-y
TSTL (too stupid to live). May I share that? I know a few!
WHERE ARE THE ABS? You know I don’t come here for the knitting.
I would be really interested to find out how that “printing books while you wait” worked out. Seems like you’d be waiting a long time.
So … “Mouth to Mouth” is not a book about CPR and saving lives then?
Chris-100 books? I’ll echo Brigitte’s remark “Dude, what up with that?”
Don’t you feed that kitty? She must resort to catching mice?
I have a hard time reading any books where I want to slap around the protagonist for more than 40-50% of the pages. I have to find something quirky and lovable about the character, so there are books I will probably never finish because I couldn’t get over what jerks the characters are. Whiny and TSTL are also pet peeves of mine (as is deus ex machina).
I started a list at the beginning of the year with the books I finished, but I never really updated it in a timely fashion. I’d have to go back to February, and while I am not as voracious a reader as you are that is still a fairly daunting task!
The last 2 look pretty good – I’ve already read Spooky. I’m afraid to join the library challenge – it could bring about some very high numbers, but with you there as proof I haven’t completely gone over the bend maybe I can
I used to read +-100 library books/year. Then I got back into knitting and my annual tally dropped to +-75. Such is life.
TSTL… that’s a good one! (and one I shall endeavor to remember for future use
And here I thought addi turbos were the tastiest thing going. Shows what I know.
That is a great photo of May.
I love seeing all your juicy book covers! The indiebound links are great.
I love the library reading challenge! You’re blowing everyone out of the water, I suspect.
wow you must read fast! I loved Plum Spooky. I really like the ones with Diesel.
I’ve never ventured into the Between the Numbers books, because I’ve heard they weren’t nearly as good, but maybe I’ll look for Plum Spooky at the library (where I am nowhere near 100 a year — partly because I buy a lot of books and also use the university library in addition to the public library).
And a book with chupacabras — every few years in San Antonio, there would be rumors (on TV news and the paper) about a chupacabra sighting…. not sure I want to read a book about them!
You know I would never have clicked on that link but you went and mentioned abs and I had to do it.
Wow over a 100 books? I knew you read a lot but I didn’t realize it was that many.
Poor underfed May has to resort to mouse tails.
Thanks for reading! I’m glad you enjoyed SOME GIRLS BITE!!
~ Chloe