Linkity will be taking a Thursday night class starting next week…

…which means more likely than not, there won’t be linkity again until August 9. Although I might manage SOMETHING to break up that month. We’ll see how it goes! 🙂


Think, Learn, Do, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Poemcrazy: Freeing your life with words by Susan G. Wooldridge. I liked this a lot – particularly how accessible Wooldridge makes poetry and word play to everyone. Wooldridge’s “word tickets” sounded an awful lot like Magnetic Poetry to me, and based on the original publication date, she was probably writing this around the time the original Magnetic Poetry set was released (but probably before it was widespread).
No Time to Spare: Thinking about What Matters by Ursula K Le Guin. Initially, I was quite enjoying this one, but then I hit a rather curmudgeonly bit and set it aside, never to pick it up again.

“I am dying of hunger. Please feed me.” -Chaos

3 thoughts on “Linkity will be taking a Thursday night class starting next week…”

  1. The breakfast hash looks yummy (as do the zucchini boats).

    Can’t wait to see the reaction to the baby whiny Trump balloon.

    Great ballet pictures. Too bad that last one is dead now, after being decapitated by the oncoming train.

  2. I wonder how many people without uteruses think people with uteruses all menstruate on the full moon? I’m pretty sure he won’t be the only one

  3. Those are some fun links on Pen Addict! Though the header image of a destroyed cassette tape made me cringe.

    I have seen ads for that fruit tart cat bed, and the only reason Suzy doesn’t have one is because I suspect she’d know I want her to sleep there, and therefore she wouldn’t sleep there except when I’m not there to coo and take pictures. 😉

    Love the Greek gods thing. Too funny!
    A recent post from Nicole..Friday Reads: A Peek at my Book Bucket List (2 of 15)My Profile

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