- New releases: (genre benders)
- Smart Bitches on a ridiculous trademark case. (NSFWish) Book Riot with some amusing bits from Romance Twitter about the whole thing.
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Linkity from Inkophile.
- Linkity from the Pen Addict.
- “What Mr Rogers can teach us about storytelling“.
- Levar Burton reads “As Good As New”, a short story by Charlie Jane Anders.
- 22 political satire books.
- Return of a Neil Gaiman post on fanfiction, featuring a brilliant addition at the bottom for those who’ve read it before.
- Ron Weasley, crusher of dreams.
- Go beyond the plot bunny…
- Stages of the reader.
- The Scottish Play.
- Which Shakespeare character are you? (I got Romeo, which… no.)
Think, Learn, Do, Make
- NASA on its ties to Star Wars.
- “Body wash is a scam and you fell for it“. (I’ll take a bar of soap over body wash any day.)
- Did squirrels help spread leprosy around the world?
- Vacationing isn’t great for the environment.
- “The stricter a state’s gun laws, the fewer children die from guns“. (This should not be a surprise…)
- It’s not your imagination – hurricanes are intensifying faster than they did 30 years ago.
- Salt and pepper tofu.
- Crispy tofu (pan-fried).
- Cauliflower tacos.
- 17 recipes using black beans.
- 10 recipes for meatless pasta.
- 20 quick pasta recipes.
- BBQ chicken quinoa salad. (via The Kitchn)
- Asparagus bacon pasta.
- 17 veggie snacks.
- 7 recipes for tofu for breakfast.
- 16 easy rhubarb recipes.
- Blueberry pan sauce (for meat).
- Chocolate sponge cake with ganache frosting.
- Fudgy cream cheese chocolate cake.
- Coconuttiest coconut cream pie.
Gluten Free
Artsy Crafty
Cool or Wha…?
- Shoes with treadmills in the soles.
- “Army researchers are developing a self-aware squid-like robot you can 3-D print in the field“. (via Schneier on Security)
- Cats, man.
- A new Simon’s Cat short.
- From our dystopian future…
- The unfortunate intersection of math word problems and orchestra.
- The fireman cake. (NSFWish)
- It’s your turn to shine, Brutus.
Teh Cute
Reading Update
- *waves*
“But your book is the perfect spot for me to sun my butt, Mom. Please don’t take it away!!!” -Mayhem
Spring! Rhubarb! Asparagus! Bee Butts! I learned recently that bumble bees are the top pollinator, so wiggle those butts!
A recent post from Mary Lou..Turoa Mitts Loft Skein Winner!
But body wash smells so yummy!
A recent post from blodeuedd..Audio: August and everything after – Jennifer Savato Doktorski
I abhor body wash. Slimy, nasty stuff. We hates it.
Bee butts FTW!
I used body wash for years, but recently went back to soap. I now have soap that smells better than my body wash ever did, and it feel better, too. (Also, 100% agree with the not being able to stand the bottles on the top to get the last bits of body wash.)
Love the NASA – Star Wars tie-ins.
For the stages of the reader thing… I think I jumped straight from Stage 3 to Stage 8. I never had to rediscover books, for example, because I have never had a period of no books. (*shudder* O.O I can’t imagine that.)
It seems I’m Viola (Twelfth Night) — “Smart, strong and independent! Quite the hard-ass. But, you tend to make things more complicated than they are. You rely on yourself to solve your problems, but your weakness is soft boys.” LOL.
And I’m guessing from the photo that you’re trying to blame Miss May for the lack of reading this week… hmm. 😉
A recent post from Nicole..Friday Reads: A peek at my DNF shelf
I’m Julius Caesar. I made it past March this year, phew!
That math problem! Lol
baby octopuses are life 🙂
Chris- OMG- bee butts- who knew?
A recent post from lorraine..The Good, The Bad and the Downright Ugly