Welcome back to Art Journaling Monday! 🙂
- On Frederick Douglass.
- “Consider the raisin.”
- “We had joy, we had fun…“
- The blob…
- Hope curators.
- Some text from the introduction of my altered book journal.
- “We’re just rainbows…“
“Ok, there are a couple of birds now. But still not very many. It’s probably your fault.” -Mayhem
Weird time here – fire danger is in the red at the same time there are flood warnings (from snowmelt, not from rain). Some rain would definitely help with greenery (none), fire danger, and birds!
THat’s not fair May!
Chris- We had joy. we had fun, we had kitties in the sun……
A recent post from lorraine..The Good, The Bad and the Downright Ugly
I hope May gets some more birds soon!
I love the quote with the difference between fairy tales and folk tales. It’s always interesting to me to see how different cultures take the same stories and tweak them to suit their needs. (I took a college course titled “Fairy Tales and Fables” which was possibly my favorite of all my courses, so I’ve been interested in this stuff for a while. 🙂 )
The Blob from Mars next to Illumination Mold is indeed scary! 😀