Welcome back to Art Journaling Monday! 🙂
- 2017 Stanley Cup Champions!
- Mint, rainbow-making machine.
- Play on words, lighthouse.
- Monochromatic, aurora borealis, superhero, paisley.
- Staircase, purple, fortune.
- Aquarium, Olympics, text as texture, stickers.
- Graffiti, hopscotch or tic-tac-toe, sorbet, path.
*judging whilst lounging* -Mayhem
Hmmm, I wonder which team won the Stanley Cup… 😀
Cats are great at judging anywhere and while doing anything, aren’t they?
A recent post from Nicole..Misc Monday ~ in which my weekend was derailed
Do not judge me!
A recent post from blodeuedd..Author post and giveaway: Amy Sandas