- Blodeuedd’s giving away a copy of A Match Made in Texas by Margaret Brownley. Closes June 10. US only.
- New releases: (scifi, fantasy. genre-benders) and Smart Bitches (romance)
- Wonder Woman linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Linkity from Inkophile.
- Pros and cons of paper books and ebooks.
- “Why writing takes forever“.
- Uhhhh… (NSFW-ish, but will amuse fantasy readers)
Think, Learn, Do, Make
- How to feel old: remembering Y2K.
- Understanding Fahrenheit temperatures.
- Geeks are as hypermasculine as jocks.
- Hillary Clinton’s “surreal post-election life”.
- “‘Why shouldn’t I be able to speak my truth?’“
- Thank you, Senator Franken.
- Who thought a sculpture of a scaffold that children could play on was a good idea in the first place?!
- The sixth sense is actually not the ability to see ghosts.
- Broccoli and cauliflower “coleslaw”.
- Spicy salmon black bean salad.
- Layered cobb salad.
- Chopped bbq chicken salad.
- 25 delicious lettuce-free salads.
- 20 no-cook lunches.
- Summer squash risotto.
- Brimstone bread.
- Orange and strawberry muffins.
- Vanilla purple cake with lemon buttercream. (via maderr)
- One-bowl vanilla cake with yogurt buttercream.
- One-bowl strawberry shortcakes.
- S’mores blondies.
- Chocolate peanut butter cookie cake.
Gluten Free
- Popcorn chicken.
- Tex-Mex quinoa salad.
- Chickpea and buckwheat crackers with turmeric and fennel.
- White chocolate mousse.
- Dark chocolate brownies.
Artsy Crafty
- I can walk to this lake from my condo.
- Minnesota is pretty awesome.
- Fiery-throated hummingbird.
- Dramatic art.
- Piebald moose.
- Short film about the moon landing.
- Linkity from kmkat. More linkity from kmkat.
- Conjured demon having a bad day.
- Minnesotans.
- Best kitten hiding place.
- Oh, cats.
- That is a good nickname.
Teh Cute
Reading Update
The Best of Down Goes Brown: Greatest Hits and Brand New Classics-to-Be from Hockey’s Most Hilarious Blog by Sean McIndoe. Good collection of humorous hockey writing – unfortunately, it really doesn’t stand the test of time (six years) that well.
The Jargoon Pard by Andre Norton. I loved this book as a preteen and it stood up pretty well to the reread. I did get annoyed with the sort of formal, tangly language at times – obviously preteen me was a more forgiving reader. 🙂 (Confession: I was too lazy to go dig this out of my under-bed storage, so I just checked the ebook out of the library from the comfort of my purple chaise instead…)
*thlurrrrp* -Chaos
*purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* -Mayhem
I’m saving the summer squash risotto recipe. I hope you DO walk to that lake. What a beautiful spot!!
A recent post from margene..Unraveled By Stripes
Thanks for the shout out 🙂
A recent post from blodeuedd..Friday Night Movie: Winter’s Tale
I tried making crackers the other day, and they were just so-so. Maybe I’ll try this recipe.
How to feel old: remembering Y2K AND the first moon landing.
Except I don’t feel old! 😀
I’m certainly suggestible: I followed the link to the slaw, ended up at Waldorf salad, and just got back from chopping apples and celery. Perfect for a warm evening.
A recent post from P.D. Singer..A Snippet of Otter Chaos
Finally catching up on Linkity (and other life interests!) Lettuce free salads – for a partner who claims that salad isn’t food, salad is what food eats…