Welcome back to Art Journaling Monday!
- Limitations.
- “Unabashedly Bookish“.
- “Talkin’ Bout a Revolution“.
- “…the constant bracing shock of now.“
- Egrets!
- Inspiration.
- Breathe in. Breathe out.
“Don’t. Move.” -Chaos
“That is really unnecessarily mean, big kitty!!!” -Mayhem
Even though I know that it is the content of the book that’s important, I love the physical containers – the different sizes and shapes, the colourful book jackets, the illustrations, the physical heft of them, the scent and the feel. For me, happiness is a room full of books. 😀
Do you have egrets there? How wonderful!
I like that Madeleine L’Engle quote, but it’s a rap on the knuckles, isn’t it? 🙂
Chris- Love your egrets.
A recent post from lorraine..Spot The Difference
Great pages, Chris! I really like the handwriting on the “Inspiration” page (and the colors). And I am intrigued by your homemade acrylic inks. Sounds like Articulture is a great place to learn cool techniques!
I really like that “Inspiration” page. Great quote, too. (I love Madeline L’Engle.)
Hope the kitties are behaving!
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My cuties!
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