Megan is participating in the Tour de Cure. She’ll have a prize drawing for those who support her in this endeavor. You can even support her by buying a sock pattern!
Rebekah is having a contest. She’s curious about how all those lone shoes end up along roads (I’ve always wondered about this, too). Take a picture of one such shoe and send her an email with the picture and your explanation before November 1.
Amelia is having a contest – leave a comment with a family story about your grandparents and you could win a yarny prize if you’re lucky commenter 3501.
Lorinda is having a ‘fess up to your oldest UFO contest. Leave your comment before 10 pm Central, October 8.
Chaos Update
Adding the additional antibiotic Thursday night seems to really have helped the Chaos Kitty. Things aren’t perfect yet, but they are definitely much better. Again, I cannot thank all of you enough for your support and words of wisdom, which have helped me so much. You guys are great!
Reading Update
To Feel Stuff by Andrea Seigel. Trying to expand a bit beyond the mysteries now and again… This novel revolves around Elodie Harrington, a Brown University student who lives in the infirmary due to her ongoing medical maladies. The story is told from the perspective of Elodie, a doctor studying her case, and another student (in love with her) who is confined to the infirmary for a time. A good read, and I’m definitely going to read other works by this author.
Coyote Cowgirl by Kim Antieau. Reading a book that starts on the Day of the Dead may be as close as I get to participating in the Day of the Dead Knitalong… This contemporary magical realism novel made for a compelling read and some aspects reminded me of Like Water for Chocolate.
The Magyar Venus by Lyn Hamilton. Love how the $0.70 mysteries I pick up at the thrift store often introduce me to a good series or author. This archeological mystery, set in Canada and Hungary, was enjoyable and well written; I will read more from this series.
On Friday, my KnitFlix package arrived! My pal was Anna of Knit-Write. Chaos and Mayhem inspected every aspect of the package, starting with the lovely gift bag.
Chaos took it upon himself to perform the initial inspection. (Please note that a bar of lovely dark chocolate may or may not also have been included, although it is not pictured…)
Finally, he did allow Mayhem to check things out, too.
Oh oh… Thanks, Anna, for a fun swap package! I’ve always wanted to have my own copy of Shrek, and am looking forward to trying the exotic popcorns and WildCAT Popcorn Salt.
hee hee.. gift inspectors!
Hey – are you already on vacation? Thank goodness Chaos is feeling better!
ohhh yummy gifty’s
Wanna have lunch today? Since you’re on vacation and all….
Great stuff – and yay for Chaos kitty.
BTW, I just finished Murder Uncorked which I read (inadvertently) after Murder by the Glass. Where on earth did all of the friendship with Isabel and Andrés come from in book #2?? I mean I was expecting all of this making new friend stuff in book #1 and there was, um, nothing. Okay, done ranting. The story was good.
May is growing.
Glad Chaos is getting better.
Happy kitties make for a happy mom.
hee hee – Mayhem is just learning the joys of yarn and gifts. You get to see everything again through “new kitty eyes!”
It’s October! Amy and I are behind the scenes planning to get the real official DAD KAL going – tis more the season now so get cracking!
glad to hear chaos is doing better!
Ah, the inspection… Looks like it passed the test. You received some great stuff!
Glad that Chaos is feeling better!
Glad the anti-bs are working for Chaos. (And what is it about gifts of chocolate – somehow it’s impossible to photograph them…)
Glad to hear Chaos Kitty is on the mend! He looks a lot chipper. I love the idea of a Knit Flix swap 🙂
Thanks for the link to the Lyn Hamilton book. Since I’m 50% Hungarian I’m always looking for info about Hungary.
I’m so relieved that Chaos is feeling better. And what a fun swap package!
Glad to hear Chaos is doing better.
Just heard on the news today that the MIssouri Humane Society for the month of October won’t allow any black cats to be adopted because of Halloween and are encouraging all people to keep a close eye on their black kitties. My husband actually had their black cat when he was a child disappear during halloween. Sad isn’t it.
So, where’s the knitting? Hmm, lots of time … I think I can hear Mermaid calling!
Yay, Chaos! You show Mayhem how to do it.
Happy vacay! And thanks for the shout out.
Chaos certainly LOOKS like he feels better…back to ‘niffin’ stuff…and teaching May how…
Happy Vacation!
I hope you’re enjoying your time off. Perhaps if Chaos is better in the next few days, you can still salvage a short road trip.
Fun package!
Aren’t cats funny? My cats have to inspect everything that comes into the house too.
I see by the sunshine out my windopw that the weather is cooperating with your vacation — good! Aren’t you going to torture us with a description of that yarn, though? It certainly looks yummy!
Glad to hear Chaos is on the mend! Do you think you could still catch the tail end of your vacation?
“Smells…gifty.” That CRACKS ME UP.
What a great package!! Do you think the kids will like Shrek too?
Glad Chaos is doing better, he’s even looking more like his old self. Love the package.
I’m glad to hear Chaos is doing better:) Looks like you got some great stuff from your flix pal.
For the contest files…check out
She is going to be teaching 5th graders to knit and she needs supplies!
Glad you liked it all! And I’m glad to hear that Chaos is feeling better – sick is no fun 🙁
I’m just back from vacation, and eagerly awaiting the mailman to deliver a weeks worth of mail so I can see/post my package!
Looks like a great package with some unique items! So glad Chaos is feeling better with his meds!
The archaeological mystery does sound interesting.
It’s great to hear that Chaos is doing much better. I’ll keep good thoughts coming his way!
I’m so glad that Chaos has improved. I hope you’ll be able to schedule another tour of the west sometime!
Next thing you know, he’s going to want to taste-test everything for you too. 😉
“Let me just make sure it’s good, OK?”
That’s a pretty cool package!
So nice to see Chaos feeling up to inspection of parcels! And that he’s training Mayhem up properly!
Boy there’s a lot to catch up on here. I haven’t read blogs in a bit, so I’m way behind. It looks like you have good gift inspectors there. Hope Chaos is feeling better soon. Willie and Lucy send him their best “meows”.
Glad to see Chaos is feeling much better and that he’s up to the proper training of Mayhem & packages.
Awesome package, and Shrek, fun! Glad Chaos is doing better. And I haven’t read Lyn Hamilton for quite a while, which book is that in the series, do you know? I read the 1st one which was good, but the 2nd one seemed boring (it was long ago and I can’t remember much) and I lost interest.
I’m glad to hear Chaos is doing much better and Mayhem is definitely growing. It looks like Chaos is teaching Mayhem how to be a proper gift inspector. These things are important afterall. 🙂
Glad to hear Chaos is doing better.
thank you for the heads up about the day of the dead kal! I’m planning on making a skull shawl as part of my costume and this would be great company for it:)**CV
So glad to hear the gift inspecter is doing better.
I think I mentioned what my vacation did to my cat? First, she now suddenly has an appetite, probably because due to key problems she didn’t get fed for two days straight. Second, she’s all over me (meow I don’t care that you’re washing dishes come over and pet me meow). Third, she has suddenly taken notice of my YARN, which she formerly ignored. Uh-oh.
You might be better off staying home!
So glad Chaos let May in on the fun!
Glad Chaos is feeling better. He’s a good gift inspector. That’s pretty yarn.
Chaos could work for the TSA! May is now officially assistant to the head-cat-in-charge.
so glad that Chaos is doing better today.
Yay! Gifties! That yarn does look quite yummy!
One of these days I’m going to have to take your lists to the library. I can’t keep up with your reading!