Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Cowboy Who Fails At Rope Maintenance Guy (CWFARMG).
After they were done
on the trail of
, hoping they wouldn’t get
because they were holding
and it was definitely time to
Back to making absolutely no sense at all!
*sigh* -Mayhem
So the cowboy queen, they mean that in the gay way? I’m confused.
You think the tattoo is real or photoshopped in? Looks real I guess since it’s cut off in some pictures.
Only Mayhem could balance on an open door!
Mayhem- I’m not impressed either. Le sigh.
I’m with Mayhem on this one.
MY old cat loved sleeping on top of the computer monitor back in the days when they were still big, boxy things.
He has no neck
Don’t worry, May. Chris may be crazy with the naughty boys, but she NEVER for gets to feed you.
May’s staring pretty intently there, I think she wants to unravel that rope some more!
Dude has a rope fetish. No matter what or who you put in front of him, he won’t let go dah ropes. You just can’t trick him!