Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 226th (Cowboy Who Fails At Rope Maintenance Guy [CWFARMG])

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Cowboy Who Fails At Rope Maintenance Guy (CWFARMG).

After they were done




on the trail of


, hoping they wouldn’t get

because they were holding

and it was definitely time to


Back to making absolutely no sense at all! 🙂

*sigh* -Mayhem

8 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 226th (Cowboy Who Fails At Rope Maintenance Guy [CWFARMG])”

  1. So the cowboy queen, they mean that in the gay way? I’m confused.

    You think the tattoo is real or photoshopped in? Looks real I guess since it’s cut off in some pictures.

  2. I’m with Mayhem on this one. 🙂 MY old cat loved sleeping on top of the computer monitor back in the days when they were still big, boxy things.

  3. Dude has a rope fetish. No matter what or who you put in front of him, he won’t let go dah ropes. You just can’t trick him!

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