69 thoughts on “Q is for…”

  1. Nothing much cuter than a baby kitty!
    Congratulations on the new family member! They have the same spot and eyecolor and everything, how will you tell them apart when she gets big?

  2. Oh my. Chaos doesn’t look very happy. But, no flying fur or blood. Yet. She is absolutely adorable. They look so much alike! We must know her name…

  3. Such a little cutie! And Chaos seems a little wary but basically okay with her — hope it stays that way! I agree with the general consensus here that Mayhem would be the ideal name for her.

  4. Q is for QUITE CUTE! She’s adorable. And I see Chaos is just keeping an eye on things. How’s it going so far? (Looking forward to that post!)
    Congratulations on the new arrival.
    She’s so photogenic already.

  5. LOL! Chaos is doing just about what my son did when he got his new sister – staying up and away where the THING can’t touch him but still staying close enough for the baleful glare to have it’s full effect.

  6. Chaos looks completely taken aback!

    I love Lorinda’s name suggestion, Control…. of course, you’re probably too young to remember Get Smart…. aging myself again.

  7. Control’s a nice name too LOL… And indeed… how are you going to tell them appart??? They look identical to me!!!
    In that last picture Chaos is imitating Bugsey quite well, don’t ya think 🙂

    Cheers Eva

  8. She looks familiar .. hmm .. wonder who she reminds me of? What a gorgeous baby kitten!

    Hello, Mayhem! Time will tell if you live up to your name. I’m sure Chaos has a trick or two he can teach you 🙂

  9. Chaos appears unsure of what to make of the interloper in his territory, but dang!! she sure is a cutie! That’s what I imagine my babies looked like when they were wee ones. Can’t wait to see pics of them snuggling.

  10. “…baleful glare…” Yup, that’s how I would describe Chaos’s expression, too. But judging from the straightforward, in-your-face kind of expression on little ?Mayhem’s? face in the second pic, I think she will be able to handle Big Brother, no prob.

  11. Ohmigosh, isn’t she just adorable???

    But no, Chaos does not look like he thinks this is a good idea. (“Where did I go wrong in my human training, that she could do something like THIS without consulting me?”)

  12. I LOVE that look Chaos is giving her in the first pic! “WHAT is THAT?” “Mooooom!”

    Yes, yes, what’s her name? Chris, Chaos, Control fits alliteratively and Get Smartly. Kaya? Crazy?

  13. Oh my — now you are two black kitties ahead of me! 😉

    She’s so pretty! I can’t wait to hear about this new member of your household and how everybody does together. Is she going to get to model for us too?!

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