Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with I’m Too Sexy For My Shirt Guy (ITSFMSG) yet again.
was staying
when he developed
due to some
after he shared
with a
, who,
, told the cattle baron, “I just want to
!”, which is when Mark claims he knew
was going on and went to work
with his
*judging glare* -Mayhem
This one vaguely made sense?!
no judgy glares Mayhem, this one was good!
Good luck with that, Mayhem.
to me Mayhem looks more like “which one should I eat first?”
*blinks sleepily* These are the sort of covers I ignore on ebook retail sites when I’m looking for something to read. So uninformative.
Chris- I think Mayhem agrees that there is something shifty happening there.
Eh, he bores me
I think you could turn this one into a novel.
This is the FIRST time punctuation has made me laugh. I mean, like, ever.
Not bad, not bad, but am I the only one who thinks his right pec looks funny where it meets his breast bone? It’s like it’s puckered there. That creeps me out. And have you ever smelled pine tar? That stuff is nasty.
Are you sure it’s the same guy? Those six packs all look the same. Even when the guys are different.