To my coworkers, this gaudy catnip blanket was simply a white elephant gift.
To the kitties?
*bliss* -Chaos
Nip nirvana achieved.
*bliss* – Mayhem
To my coworkers, this gaudy catnip blanket was simply a white elephant gift.
To the kitties?
*bliss* -Chaos
Nip nirvana achieved.
*bliss* – Mayhem
Two words … Narcotics Anonymous!
aw, they *lurves* the ‘nip blankie!!!!
How wonderful for the kitties!
Chris- Gaudy? Au contraire.
Isn’t it funny how we can drug up the kitties but not the kiddies? ;o)
Heh.. little did they know that your cats are such nip heads!! May looks like she’s about ready for some pizza and cheetos… lol.
Dude. Catnip is a gateway drug. Beware.
Score! Looks like the kitties are very happy.
cute! lol, we spent the cold weekend getting the kitty stoned as well…got a new potent supply! The fabric on your blankie was the lining of my daughters first winter jacket almost 20 years ago!
ooh…kitties and chile peppers – just my kind of gaudy!
Heh, I’ve wanted to try those, but J & M are getting cozy cushions for Cmas.
Mayhem’s picture is especially funny/adorable!
Whoa! Now that IS money well spent. Mayhem has a far off look in her eyes…
that is an awesome idea, my cat ziggy has an issue with this one corner of the throw rug in my living room
Now that’s hilarious!!! BTW – I posted today!!
My kitties heart them the nip as well. Thanks for posting the photos – I think I know what I’ll get my brother-in-law’s kitty for Christmas!
Wow, Mayhem looks under the influence. Too cute!
I just may have to break out the sewing machine over the holiday and whip 2 of those up for the boys… they would LOVE IT!
Tis lovely and clever. I want to make one for my kitties. I wonder how to clean the nostril sauce off of it without ruining the nip… perhaps a removable case. Sorry, just lost in thought. Have a magnificent Monday!
No, I think it’s cute!
Duuuuuuuuudddddddde. I want one.
Wow…kitty heaven.
THOSE are sweet faces….
OMG. It’s actually pieced, isn’t it? A white elephant? Well, considering it’s cat fabric squares pieced with hot peppers? YES. (what an odd combination)
But to a cat humin with nip-addicts for housemates? Good deal!

It’s a good thing Smell-O-Vision has not been invented yet, or Hannibal would have been all over my monitor. Chaos and Mayhem are sooooooo lucky!
Awwww. Perfect.
Mayhem does look quite content. What a great idea! I wonder how you would clean the… heide so delicately put it, the nostril sauce off without killing the catnip. I don’t think it can be done. Must ponder this.
Dooood…bet they had the munchies afterwards.
“Hey, Chaos, don’t lick the brown one.”
Too fun! A catnip blanket? Sinful.
Those are truly faces of bliss! Is it really ‘nip flavored? Now all the kitties are going to want one.
“Next on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew…”
Good Gods, look at the size of those pupils! Lol.
I think I should get some kind of nip for Suzy this Christmas…
Somehow, I think that it should say *stoned* rather than *bliss*, lol…
Can you refill them!