Congrats to Kelly, who won Texas Winter (The Heart of Texas #2) by RJ Scott! Texas Winter was released by Silver Publishing on November 19.
Congrats to Cori and Lilli, who each won copies of Honored Vow (Change of Heart #3) by Mary Calmes! Honored Vow is being released by Dreamspinner Press today.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Torso Guy. (Curious how he got his name? You can find out here.) Don’t forget that you can hover your mouse cursor over the covers to see how I used the title in the story. 🙂
the Third (or, as he preferred to be known, R2D3) won both the coveted title of
and the not-quite-so-prestigious title of
, he developed an immediate craving for
– maybe a
or a
. While he was trying to make up his mind, he started a
of laundry and used plenty of
, hoping it would get rid of that pesky infestation, then checked to see if he’d received new
from either the
. He thought Planet Mail from
would be great, since neither was there to play
with him – oh, how he longed to be pressed against them,
If that made sense to you, you should be very worried. 😉
“How could you??” -Mayhem
Mwahahaha, very funny
*Pets Mayhem*
I know I said this before, but pecs that large stop being pecs and move into moob territory no matter how muscular they are. I have a few female friends who would be thrilled for a cup size like that, especially if it meant they could still go braless.
A recent post from Seanna Lea..walking my way back to better health
Come on, May, those were only partial naughty boys at best!
A recent post from Melanie..I Am Camping My Butt Off!
Seconding Seanna Lea and Mayhem both.
A recent post from trek..Sexist socks
You seriously need to do laundry more often if you have to use Demons Be Gone when you wash your underwear. 😉
May, maybe the next one will have a kitty in it.
A recent post from Sydney..RIP Zoe Ferret, 2002-2011
(or, as he preferred to be known, R2D3)
I laughed out loud. That was brilliant. Great job and it sort of made sense, at least he’s clean and does laundry.
A recent post from Tam..Learning to Walk – Drew Zachary
Color me worried! Mayhem – You must forgive your mommy. This is catnip for us all….
Chris- I too, would not want to share a washing machine with that dude.
A recent post from Lorraine..It’s Not Always A Good Thing
OMG LMFAO. You’ve outdone yourself.
Get over it May. Mom’s never going to change.
A recent post from margene..Overcast with 60%
I’m with Tam — I laughed at R2D3. We’re such geeks. Also, I love the mundane domesticity of this one. Checking his planet mail, doing his laundry, pulling out the Demons Be Gone to take care of that pesky infestation. 😀
A recent post from Val Kovalin..I have gorgeous new cover art
Yes, my favorite part was R2D3! Very good one. My personal favorite is the photoshopped arm band. And yes, who wouldn’t want a cup size that big and also that firm?
A recent post from jayhjay..Author Interview and Giveaway: Andrea Speed
LOL That was the perfect caption, Chris. I laughed aloud.
Thanks for the photos; they made me laugh.
Hee hee! I think, no – I’m sure – that Torso Guy has bigger boobs than I do. 😉
A recent post from Brigitte..Presenting…
I suppose I should take comfort that the ladies shown on the covers obviously have home-grown bosoms as they are not humongous. However, all of them would wear a smaller cup size than torso guy.
I giggle to think what’s going to happen when old age and gravity catch up to him. It won’t be pretty.
A recent post from marji..i am so tired of this
Oh finger in pants man, you sure like to stand like that
A recent post from blodeuedd..Author interview – giveaway: Sharon Lathan with Miss Darcy falls in love
R2D3…*snickers*. He’s pretty easy to spot with that bellybutton.
A recent post from Devon Rhodes..Guest Blogging about "Deadlines" on OGG today…Scary Word, Isn’t It?
Cowboy Double-Decker…*chuckles* That’s quite the descriptive title. And yeah, TG has some impressive moobs. He’s even got shadowage going on under his moobs.
A recent post from Ava March..Scavenger Hunt for Men Under the Mistletoe
Okay, it’s official. It made a reasonable amount of sense to me. I’m worried…
But R2D3 was inspired 😀
A recent post from Bronwyn Green..Texts from Cait – Part Seven
Sadly, his moobs are bigger than MY boobs! Sigh…
Even more sadly, the story make complete sense to me…
A recent post from VJ Summers..SNARK!
Dementia is a terrible thing to waste. I’m so glad yours is being put to good use. 😀
Oh, I’m so sick of torsos. That’s why I’ve been going for fog banks and zombies and hypodermic needles. They’re so much sexier. 😉
A recent post from K. Z. Snow..Saturday Snark V
My gosh, look at the size of May! I’m so surprised at how big she looks in that photo! Love the captions- Laundry, how mundane!
Oh dear!
A recent post from mrspao..Making Monday: Charmed
Torso guy is bustier than I am. That ain’t right.
May you are pretty even when distressed. I don’t think your mom is going to change.
A recent post from Brenda..WIPs: now with 17% more texture!
Poor May. She looks so depressed.
But… ONE OF MY COVERS MADE MISADVENTURES! WHOOT! I have arrived! Hee hee. I’ll have go to tell Jared, he created two of those… I wonder if he can Photoshop that button open, maybe the zipper down a bit…
I do love these. *grin* Although, the DOUBLE DECKER kind of concerns me.
A recent post from Literary Escapism..Black Friday Is Coming Nov 25th!
he keeps coming back hehe
Thank you 🙂