Communication breakdown

Of the telecommunication kind…

Author Barbara Bretton is giving away ten skeins of cashmere and a $50 gift certificate to celebrate the release of her book, Casting Spells. The winner will be announced around 10 pm EST, November 4 (aka today).

Deb’s having a contest over at Knitting Scholar, and there are a variety of ways to enter for your chance to win some of the review copies she’s received. Her contest is open until November 15 – and let her know I sent you. 😉

Want to win a case of gluten-free cookies and a t-shirt? You have until November 9 to enter.

Interested in winning a knitting pattern signed by author Neil Gaiman? If so, enter by midnight GMT, November 6.

I had my ten minutes of fame on Friday, when my three-song set was selected to be the Halloween edition for “My Three Songs” on the Current. (Why, yes, I did select songs about vampires and werewolves. You’re so not surprised, I can tell.)

The return of Standard Time. Close to dark when I get home from work. Kitties convinced I am torturing them by delaying their dinner an hour. Blech.

What Chaos is doing when I’m not home? Or maybe he’s doing something like this?

Check out a more scholarly look at vampire romance than you’ll find ’round here.

Inquiring minds want to know – what is Halloween Nog?!

Besides the many wonderful bloggers I “know” in Jersey (Hi Trek! Hi Van! Hi Chappysmom!), there’s also a bookstore devoted entirely to the paranormal.

Of the feline kind…

*bite bite bite bite bite bite* -Chaos

*hug nip hug nip* -Mayhem

22 thoughts on “Communication breakdown”

  1. Hee, I know Mae surfs the Internet when I’m at work.

    Oooo, a case of g/f cookies?! I’m in! The way I’ve been eating lately, it should fit right in to my stellar diet.

    I’m going to assume Chaos and Mayhem have cast their vote already?

  2. Kitties and their catnip. I feel a bit of a voyeur.

    My dad taught Rip the word, “Wait!” when Rippy didn’t understand daylight savings time changes (or anytime Rippy tried for an early dinner–i.e. everyday). “Wait” was a word Rip did not like, but he understood it. He’d leave off meowing for a whole five minutes after hearing it.

  3. LOL! Chaos and May have a serious catnip problem!

    Congrats on your songs being selected!

    I know what the ferrets do when I’m late, or just in the other room. They get on my computer, do searches, and send ferret mail.

  4. o my. I wonder if my kitties have figured out how to turn on my computer………. for surely they already know how to knock the mouse off onto the floor, and shove it all around 🙂
    hmmm, off to check my computer’s viewing history now, looking for catnip sites (a sure sign).

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