Abundance. (Hey, cut me a break – I joined the ABC-Along late! I’m caught up now. Well, after this entry, I am.)
Blogging has brought Abundance into my life: Abundance of laughter, of tears, of joys and sorrows shared… Abundance of friends I would never have met otherwise.
You’ve probably participated in or at least noticed the Abundance of Pal exchanges (be they Secret, Better, or other) and contests in the knitblogging community as we reach out and share with each other, getting to know each other better, getting to know each other beyond the blogosphere. That was something that I never expected when I started to blog – but I’m definitely not complaining.
I love to get postcards from my friends on their travels, but over the past 10 years or so, the cards and postcards have dwindled as the internets increase. We send more email and virtual cards and fewer physical cards. It happened so gradually, I don’t think I really noticed. Until recently. The cards below are all from other bloggers. How cool is that?!
As part of getting to know some other bloggers and sharing the Abundance, I participated in a little spring exchange with Peeve, Mrs Pao, and Eileen. I thought I’d share some pictures of a few of the fun things that have arrived.
Yum… A package from Mrs Pao, with some alpaca, Regia Silk (which I’ve been dying to try), and Fyberspates (which I’ve never seen before):
Along with a very fun goldfish wand toy for Chaos – I love the cat picture on the package!

And my very own toy mouse, made from some gorgeous fruitwood! We’re having a wee spot of trouble with this mouse right now, since Chaos insists on knocking the mouse down from wherever I put it. Apparently, all mice are his mice.
Along with more gluten-free biscuits and steamed pudding/cake thingies (not available for this photo *ahem*), Peeve sent me Kafka on the Shore, with the far superior non-US cover…
And a “Cat Garden” kit. Although the box says it’s for things like catmint and catnip, I think I’ll be growing a crop of little tabbies and torties and tuxedos. 🙂
See! I TOLD you Chaos was a literary cat. 🙂
That Scheepjes looks interesting. Hurry up and knit it so I can see what it looks like. 🙂
Awww, what a sweet post! You should have told me you liked to receive postcards. I always bring a list of addresses with me on vacation as I always seem to have to buy postcards just to get change for the parking meter 😉
oohh lots of yummy things! Great post!That cat garden is such a cool idea.
What a good post, and lots of fun things. I enjoy participating in exchanges, even though I don’t do as many as I would like to do.
Oh, I almost forgot. The empty wine bottle in the cabinet is something we were saving from a special occasion of some sort. (Hmm… maybe not that special since I don’t remember why we are saving it.) We don’t recycle glass or bottles here.
What a fun post, full of interesting things and ‘ahh’ moments (nice Murakami book too — poked J on the shoulder about that one)
Very envious of all of your postcards! Alas, my P.Sp postcard pal never answered my email :o((( but c’est la vie eh?
Is Chaos really that much a camera hog? Never seems to be out of the photo. Love all the goodies!
I wondered if you’d have to wrestle Chaos for the mouse 🙂
I think Chaos is winning that wrestling contests.
The swappie thing is fun. I’ve only done one but I had as much fun giving as getting.
I love swaps too! I’ve made many of my blogging friends through various swaps I’ve participated in.
Oh dude, I have such a great collection of postcards. I can’t wait to send you some.
What wonderful mail love!! So well deserved, too. I’ve been wanting to try that Regia Silk, too- can’t wait to see the socks you make with it! I’m especially fond of snail mail, too- such fantastic postcards in your collection. I love the abundance that blogging has brought into my life and I’m so glad that I’ve gotten the chance to know you through this medium. Thank you for all your support and good wishes this past week- it has really meant a lot to me. Hope all is well with you… take care, Chris! 🙂
I like your cute wooden mousie. And OF COURSE all mice belong to Chaos! Didn’t he tell you? 🙂
If I had your address, I’d send postcards and things too. Maybe even a kitty weed toy for the Cat Chaotic. And tasty nibbles for one Chaotic Cat owner. 🙂
Regia Silk is the best. You are lucky to have gotten your hands on some.
Oh, you got CUSTARD CREAMS!!!! They are the BEST! So sugary! So yummy! Droolllll. A friend sent me some but the blasted ants found them and I had only eaten two… sniffle.
Mrs pao does great boxes – the fyberspates and the lurid sock yarn look great!
Oh what lovely pressies. And of course all mice belong to Chaos…..as does anything else he decides is his 😉
Enjoy the goodies. The goldfish on a stick is by our reckoning (and the cats) the best toy out there.