Cat in motion is a crazy thing

“La la la, rolling around all crazy – life is good! Well, except for static electricity. That’s a major bummer.”
“I wish Mom would give me some catnip so I could roll around even faster and crazier!”

“Workin’ it, baby, workin’ it!”

25 thoughts on “Cat in motion is a crazy thing”

  1. I did ponder the sending of catnip to the US but figured that it would be better not to so Chaos will have to imagine that I’ve sent him a Culpepper’s catnip mouse.

  2. Heh…static electricity. Tyberius and Isadora went to sniff each other the other day and when their noses came close there was and audible snap. They both jumped and eyed each other suspiciously. I was rolling on the floor laughing.

  3. He look so happy! My cat only rolls around like that outside on the sidewalk and then is a grump when she’s indoors.
    Your dublin bay socks are so pretty- that colorway is great!

  4. Those eye streaks are cool! Man, he must have really been going, imagine what it would have been like if he had that really good catnip we sold at the last place I worked. People swore that ours was the only catnip their cat would touch.
    I wish we had some sunshine..

  5. Ummm Chris? I think your cat may have a drug problem. I didn’t want to say anything before this but I’ve also noticed he’s always wearing all black and calls himself Chaos. Those were probably early warning signs & we all missed them. Now look at him – rolling around on the floor high as a june bug.

    PS – You should also do something about his addiction to tuna. It could lead to the heavy stuff – grouper, mackerel, or (heaven forbid) flounder.


  6. Think of how much fun it would be to stick a balloon to him after he’s all stoked up with static electricity. Then let the air out and he’d fly around the house like “Super Chaos”.

  7. ROFL at all these comments ;o) When he starts spinning off the floor and sending Chaos-to-ground lightning I’d call the FBI (way too much X-files, I know)

  8. Hey Chaos, I had some yummy fish chowder tonight that made me think of you. Nice big chunks of fish without any “icky” vegatables to get in the way. I would mail you some, but I think it’s impossible to mail soup. If you come up here sometime, I’ll see what I can do. 🙂

  9. Hi Chris! Thanks for the kind comment. 🙂 You’re such a thoughtful blogger! All is well, though I’ve been battling a sinus infection and job searching … but an update is coming very soon, with a picture of Chloe, too! Take care yourself …

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