Something fishy going on…

Something very fun arrived in the mail yesterday from Cucumber Patch in the UK:

*sniff sniff*
“I could swear I smell something fishy!”
“I don’t think this is tuna…”
“Now I’m really sure this isn’t tuna. Dang it.”

Hello, Mermaid.

49 thoughts on “Something fishy going on…”

  1. Oooh, gorgeous! That looks like a very fun sweater to knit – I can’t wait to see progress pictures. You must. start. NOW!

  2. Chris, are you going to MAKE that? Are you really? The more I learn about you the more I wish I knew you for real.
    How cool.

  3. Oh, you are a Mermaider! Do check out the Hanne Falkenberg Knit along here. Do check with Amy! for her spreadsheet (line by line knitting instructions). While I’m doing the simple Pagode instead of Mermaid–everyone says Amy’s spreadsheet is very helpful. Here’s a link to her latest post on the spreadsheet.

  4. That is so tempting!!! I can’t wait to see how it turns out.I wish you hadn’t reminded me about Cucumber Patch though. I’m trying really hard not to order anything new!

  5. Ohhhhhhh!!!!!! You bought that which we all covet!!!!! I’m so jealous. I love that!!! I love the colors you chose!!! I look forward to seeing you knit it!

    Forgive the exhuberance, but that is just the coolest pattern in the world.


  6. Gorgeous colors! I am working on Mermaid in #4 (greens), but this may have to be next on my list. It is beautiful. Definitely get the spreadsheet from Amy. It is a huge help. I don’t know if you are going to be able to wait until Fall. It’s addicting….

  7. Mermaid is a fun knit — who’d think it with all that garter! Anyway, maybe this will get me to abandon socks for a bit and get back to mine. I’m just at the middle of the back….

  8. Oh, that does look wonderful! You must start it soon so that I can live vicariously through you. I just have a feeling that even if I knit that, it would not look good on a wide-hipped person such as myself. But I can dream…

  9. All these beautiful Mermaid colors make me want to do one too. I had better stick to the Hanne I have on the needles right now though(Decapo). I look forward to your progress

  10. Can’t wait to see it knit up! The colors are amazing and the pattern is so beautiful. I just got a package from Cucumberpatch UK, too- I love their EBay store! Take care and have a fantastic weekend, Chris! 🙂

  11. When do you actually knit? My day only has 24 hours in it and I never seem to get enough time.

    Perhaps Chaos can read and saw “Mermaid” and figured it was still some kind of fish??

  12. Oh, what a gorgeous jacket. I want to make that too and that is one of my favored colorways. Can’t wait to see that one all knitted up!

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