Disjointed, which is what today’s entry will be.
D is also for Diablo II! At the beginning of every winter, I get sucked back into Diablo II for at least a few weeks. My character is a level 78 Amazon named Chrystabel… and it would be best not to ask how many hours of my life have been lost getting her to level 78. Let’s just say I could’ve knit several Alice Starmore sweaters or become fluent in Spanish. At the very least, I should obviously have knit poor Chrystabel a sweater and some leggings – like most female video game characters designed by men for men, she’s a bit nekkid:
Tangent: Chaos is not a big fan of Diablo II because I do not make an adequate lap while playing. He much prefers knitting.
And D is for… Diablo, brother of Chaos.

I have wasted 71 hours of my life in the past year playing Final Fantasy X-2. That’s almost two full work weeks! I’m a loser.
I LOVE the picture of Chaos and the mirror. Does he ever actually attack it?
Hello Diablo Kitty! I also love that picture of Chaos. I love video games and have spent many an hour with Diablo 2 as well. In fact I think it’s in a box around here somewhere… maybe after my Olympic knitting…
My comment didn’t seem to post, so I’ll try again….
My husband would so marry you if he saw this. He is obsessed with Diablo. I don’t think I can possibly overstate how vital Diablo is to the peace of our household.
Diablo is gorgeous! Do you have two or more cats?
Wow! Level 78! I am in awe! I must dig out my Diablo cds again….
Oooh cute kitties – but which is the naughtiest?
Oh, I see. Diablo II must be a bit like Evercrack…er…Everquest. GAH!
Oooh…Diablo II. I haven’t played that in a really long time. Let’s see…I think my main character (an Amazon, of course) is somewhere around level 60-something? Hmm…maybe I should break that out.
Sad, geek fact of the day: my first pets were three male dumbo rats that I named Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal.
Does Chaos know that it’s his reflection or does he think it’s another cat?
Long, long ago, I worked for a mostly male design shop that put together the print materials for video games. A lot of the stuff that came through was kiddie stuff, nice and cutesy. It didn’t matter how kid friendly the jobs were, majority of the office was still covered with mostly nekkid caricatures of women – drawn by devout mormons.
Chaos is simply adorable! Does he ever have play dates with Diablo? Those two kitties are too cute!
Ha! I have purposefully delayed getting any sort of game system until I finish my degree. Vid games really bring out my most unattractive OCD, so I completely understand!
Note to self: Never try a game system. No one will ever see me again. It’s rare now.
Chaos looks more like he’s warning off the interloper than preening in front of a mirror. Or maybe he’s practicing his “mean face”?
I love video games, too but haven’t made much time for them. I expecially love HALO and HALO 2 on X-Box. My hubby gave them to me! He also gave me BloodRayne one year as a Valentine’s Day gift. Have I got the perfect man or what?
I spent many happy hours in grad school (d’oh!) getting my bow-wielding Amazon up to level 70. Haven’t booted that up in quite a while, but maybe once the Knitting Olympics are over… (FYI, other commenters, Diablo II doesn’t require a gamesystem, just a computer.)
Diablo was a beautiful kitten (and is a beautiful cat, of course)… Chaos is already admiring himself, so he probably won’t notice if I butter up Diablo for a bit ;o)
J has that game! He recognized the screen shot on the page from a mile away ;o)
You don’t know this, but he and I used to code on one of those ‘text-MUDs’ back in the day, that is, where you run around in a dungeon-and-dragons format but it is all just descriptions and little x-x-x maps. Weird huh? The only time in my life I was a ‘demi-goddess’ *grins* Coding at the MUD also made me fail my C++ class due to inattention *cowers*
Congrats on you Olympic knitting! I can’t wait to see it finished!
That picture of Diablo looks so sweet & innocent!! 🙂
Diablo is such a cutie! And good luck finishing your sweater … you can do it! Re: the whole blogdrive thing … I’m *this close* to switching my blog. It’s going to happen any day now … some morning I’ll drink way too much coffe and just do it.
Ah Chaos, are you looking for a fight?
I love that pic of Chaos. Looks like he is about to bat himself in the mirror!
Hey, any chance you wanted to do the Postcard Swap for Project Spectrum? I have an odd number… I know you mentioned a little interest at one point… lemme know! No pressure 😉
Diablo may be a congenital idiot, but he certainly was a truly beautiful kitten!
Love the pic of Chaos practicing Othello in front of the mirror. Has he memorized his lines yet?
Oh, video games. I hate that men don’t seem to realize that there are plenty of women who enjoy playing, so when we are given female characters, they are half-naked and completely unproportional (Barbie-like). Having said that, video games are a wonderful time-sucker that I absolutely love!
I’ve learned how to read and knit; now if only I could read, knit and play video games at the same time I’d be really happy:)
Diablo is beautiful too! You will win gold medal for sure. Have a great day.
How is that possible? They are like yin and yang!!! In fact if I ever get two more cats I will get a black one and a white one and that is what I’ll name them. I just thought of that. Heh.
Amazing that they are from the same litter and both so cute too.
Gawd, I am SOOOO middle-aged. Never heard of Diablo the game….but Diablo the cat is precious, as is, Chaos. What a charmer he is!
Keep going on the hourglass – you can do it!
Cheering in Chicago!
Civilization II is the game that caused me to lose many hours of sleep. I refuse to install it on my new laptop. I should sell it on eBay.
That’s funny. I get sucked into American McGee’s Alice and The Sims on random occasions. But once it happens, it’s ugly…hours of time spent sitting in front of the computer…
I’ve heard about both Diablo 2 and Halo…maybe my video game addiction needs to be starved though…
Whooooo… pretty kitties! I love their names. It looks like the black one is ready to attack it’s reflection!
Oh, video games. We are big fans of Tony Hawk and every time we mention it Julia runs around shouting “TONY LOVES HAWKING!”
Of course you’re the fairest cat of all Chaos? Need you ask……
I just got the latest Zelda game for my GBA today…..no guesses what I’ll be playing later 😉
Message from Thunder to Chaos – whats with the tissue paper? Are you sure its real tasty? I tried some pink stuff but it didn’t really do it for me. Perhaps another colour would be better. But those pointy wooden sticks and glossy books our mums have – well they are just too yummy for words!