And the winners are…

Danielle and Peevish!! I know, I know, I said there would be one winner. But there were just so many more great captions than I expected to receive… Thanks to everyone who participated – your very funny captions definitely improved my crabby, crampy weekend!

To select the winners, I numbered the captions and used this random number generator to generate two random numbers. Danielle and Peevish, if you could please drop me an email with your mailing addresses and some of the colors and types of knitting you love…

Oh, it seems Chaos would like a word with you all:

“How could you guys say such things about me?! I am stunned, and, well, shocked at the
things some of you were suggesting! Please send tuna to help ease my pain.”

23 thoughts on “And the winners are…”

  1. Ah – now remember, I didn’t even try to pick a best caption, because there were way too many great ones. The captions that I picked by random number were Danielle’s (“Yarn? What yarn? (Burp). Must go take nap and look innocent now.”) and Peeve’s (regarding the mini-dressmaker’s form: “*tthbbt* We’re just friends. And yes, now that you mention it, I do bite my friends while I’m cuddling them.”).

  2. I won’t send tuna, for fear that it would then be *you* who needed an ease for pain (remember that I had to take The Cat off of the tuna train, and why…)

    Not to mention that I *suspect* that Chaos may not mind the comments nearly so much as he enjoys the attention!


  3. G’day Chris! Do you really need to ask peevish what her main yarn obsessions are? LOL
    You had a fun day not spinning by the looks of it – isn’t it fun to get together with other fibre people?

  4. Um, didn’t you say Monday, February 27th? I was sure I had lost a week there while sunning myself in Florida. Where the Sunday temps were decidedly much lower than forecast! But 50’s were still better than your temps.

  5. D’oh! I meant the 20th – I’m looking at my calendar and realizing I’m a week off. Dyslexia girl strikes again! Please don’t think too hard on the fact that I work with rating phone calls… Check yer bills carefully is all I can say. 😉 (And if you’re ever going to a movie with me, check the time yourself because I’m guaranteed to transpose some digits.)

  6. Oh Chaos…you are a beautiful boy.

    Hey Chris, do you have any staple GF meals you ALWAYS have on hand? I, er, may not have been doing so well on the GF front lately and, umm, need some food inspiration…ACK! Hmm. Why don’t I just email you??

  7. Chaos is really really cute, as always ;o)
    I don’t think I’ve ever seen under his jaw before, such a little pout he has!

    It is a perfect expression for this post!
    Congrats to the winners!

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