For those who were curious, here’s the mini dressmaker’s form that Chaos found so intriguing yesterday. I picked it up Tuesday for a little decoupage experiment after the Knitting Olympics. (Does the word “decoupage” give anyone else a total flashback to ’70s craft projects?!)
Something very cool and serendipitous happened yesterday. I was over at Pink Rocket’s and saw that she’s opening a store in the very near future. I left her a comment, asking if she’d take an order for a black cat softie. Then I went down to get my mail and found a box from Pink Rocket… Meet “Girlfriend”!!
I think she’ll settle in just fine…
Thanks again, Pink Rocket!! I spent most of the evening just grinning at Girlfriend as she stalked along the top of the cds… while I wasn’t knitting away on my Olympic sweater, that is. Body done up to the armpits, sleeve one done up to where it will join the body, and sleeve two about 6″ along. And I think a bit of pinot noir really helped on the gauge issue… at least I didn’t care so much about it!
She’s so cute!!! Did she give her teeny nipples? 😉
Cute kitties … both of them!
pinot noir cures all knitting ills, in my experience!
Lucky Chaos. Now he’s got company while mom’s at work earning money for kitty treats.
hello! found you via yarnstorm–I’m in Minneapolis, too. 🙂
i’m glad you and chaos like her!
So cute! Chaos is lucky to have a cute new friend. Now I have to check out Pink Rocket’s site!
Awww…Chaos has two lovies now!
Girlfriend is so cute!
How cute!! I must go over to that site now and check it out.. that cat is adorable. (and Chaos isn’t bad himself.. but he knew that already..)
Aw…Girlfriend is so cute! A perfect companion for Chaos – cute, snuggly, and won’t eat his food (or give you more litter box presents to scoop!)
Chaos has a girlfriend, Chaos has a girlfriend! Hope you don’t mind teasing Chaos! Ouch! That hurt.
Chaos is a PIMP. 😉
Now I’m all jealous of Girlfriend. I was hoping I could hook Chaos up with Lucy. She’s a beautiful tabby with perfect asymetrical markings, likes long naps and playing with furry mice. Dislikes bad litterbox etiquette and getting wet.
Girlfriend is adorable!
I’m so glad to see that Chaos no longer needs to carry on with a surrogate, but now has a Girlfriend of his own. Maybe he can get her to clean the litter box. Girlfriends are supposed to take over Mom’s duties eventually, right?
Awww, Chaos has come over all shy!
this is just the cuteness I needed to lighten up my day. thanks Chris!
Ooh Chaos, you lucky boy! Girlfriend is gorgeous.
What a cute pair of kitties! Chaos is getting plenty of ribbing about his new Girlfriend (cute name too!)
The gauge thing is funny ;o) I needed this after the squabble at work today… My girls don’t like me when I’m worried.. they think I’ll vaccuum them up or throw them in the washing machine like everything else that gets in my path ;o)
Oh so cute! I hope The Chaos doesn’t get jealous instead of appreciating his new little friend.
I love coincidences like that 🙂 They should happen more often. Or maybe that is what is meant by synchronicity***CV
Chaos is such a riot! I loved seeing her fight with the dressform. The new kitty is very cute too, I’m going to have to check out her shop!
aww. Chaos has a girlfriend! too bad he wouldn’t know what to do with her, even if she was real!
“Girlfriend” is too cute!