37 thoughts on “Sometimes there are no words…”

  1. That second picture where Chaos is hugging the… whatever it is with boobs, is just the best! Strangest thing I’ve ever seen a cat play with, at any rate.

  2. Wow, that thing must have really pissed him off! At least we’re in no doubt now that Chaos is definitely dominant over any stray miniature bustforms that might appear in his territory!

  3. Can you send Chaos over for the interogation when I nab the suspect? Looks like he could get the bird to sing. As long as he doesn’t eat the bird!

  4. As I pointed out to Scout, shouldn’t he be going for, like, girl kitty boobs?! As in eight teeny tiny nipples?!

    Li might be onto something – maybe Chaos is a “real boy.” Hmm.

  5. Chaos is a riot–it looks like he can make anything a toy 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog. They are doing a complete blood workup on me, so I’m sure that something will show up if there’s a problem–I’ll post about it on Friday or Saturday. Thanks again for stopping by!

  6. Thanks. I needed a good laugh. It made me think of the scene in Lilo and Stitch where Stitch creates a minature San Fransciso so he can destroy it. Too funny.

  7. Thats so sweet to see your baby play like that. I miss Priscilla playing. She is sooo old now all she does is sleep and walk to the food bowl and the potty. She used to play like that too.

  8. HAH! Boy is that a fun toy! ;o) J lifted Willowpede up to bat at the ceiling fan ‘danglies’ today. She had been standing on the drafting table for a week looking up at them, just hoping that one day…

    Oh she had a blast! (I have a picture to upload later) Chaos looks like he is having just as much (grounded) fun!

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