Gone walkabout

Saturday was gorgeous in the Twin Cities – sunny and in the mid-30s. I tossed on a lightweight jacket, grabbed my camera, and headed out for a walk around the neighborhood.

The sky was divinely blue.

Mmmm… coffee…

Some neighbors were out and about, too. 😉

And I found plenty to contemplate as I wandered. Do you need to buy two dresses to get a pair of flip flops? And spend $200 to get a pair of boots? How many people just leave with their one boot or flip flop?

“Darn it, that time Mom almost busted me traveling through the wormhole between Cyn’s place and here! Must be more careful…” -Mayhem

34 thoughts on “Gone walkabout”

  1. Oh grrl! I’m so envious of your clear blue sky. We’ve had rain, sleet, snow, rain, hail, rain…it’s the pits. Maybe by March we’ll see some warmth.

  2. Mayhem the Time traveler kitteh! I love your city photos.. if I did that I’d have pictures of houses & cars- nothing interesting at all! I’m so jealous of folks that are walking distance to ANYTHING!

  3. Ah, a nice day…We had one on Sunday as well, maybe not as warm, but still sunny. But, back to snow today.

    Gandalf is so. jealous. that Mayhem has discovered a wormhole! I hope he never finds one here (imagine the havoc he’d create…)!

  4. Are you supposed to wear two Flip Flops? If you spend $100 on a dress, do you get one flip flop and one boot? Hmmm, so many questions.

    You have some interesting neighbors there.

  5. Considering how much flip flops cost, why bother with the dress? Jsut buy a pair of flip flops. Those kind of giveaways always make me wonder if people really think it’s such a good deal…

  6. Wow, a free pair of $1 flip flops with the purchase of a really expensive dress. Nice deal. *Eye roll* 🙂

    So… Who else was talking about zombies?

  7. Wearing matching shoes is so last millenium. You’re supposed to mix and match with what’s at home. Kitty worm holes… heh, heh, heh. I think all of them have a secret portal into our back yard because there is no way that the amount of kitty poo in my back flower bed came from the few feline butts in our neighborhood.

  8. Chris- Flip flops are a little premature I think.

    My son told me this one: If a girl with big boobs works at Hooter’s, where does a girl with one leg work?

    IHOP. (ba dum dum)

  9. Wow – mid-30s? Sounds positively balmy!

    Emily’s also discovered a wormhole – in the crawl space under the dishwasher. She disappears somewhere for hours, and then comes darting out of there when I walk into the kitchen. Freaky!

  10. May might want to stay away from the wormhole, b/c her alter ego is not feeling very well. His evil mommy took him to the vet, stuffed some antibiotics down his throat, and we’re experiencing some gastro-intestial yuckiness.

    We had mid 40s here in Boston yesterday! I missed it all since I was inside from 9a-7p.

  11. Those signs for free footwear are a bit ambiguous when considering the situation logically.

    I’m assuming Mayhem is exploring the wormhole in hopes of ending up in the Addi Turbo factory in Germany. Munch! Munch!

  12. I don’t wear dresses (okay, occasionally once a year or so) so I want to know if I can just buy some cheap flip flops & be done with it.

    Are you sure she wasn’t escaping from the kitchen counter & blaming it on a wormhole?

  13. 30 freaking degrees and you wear a LIGHTweight jacket???? You people are NUTS!!!!!

    It’s in the 50s here and I am up close and personal with my heater.

  14. Is that the VFW near Lake Street and Lake Calhoun? I think I recognize it. Saturday was gorgeous. I heard the drip-drip-drip of melting snow all day.

  15. Sounds like a lovely spring day, even though you know, spring isn’t here yet. Sounds like you are feeling in tip top shape, taking walks and enjoying yourself. I’m glad to hear/read/see it!

  16. It sounds like a beautiful day for a walk. Of course, you realize that 30s here would be considered ultracold. Today they started schools late because a few flakes fell from the sky.

    May needs to be careful. She must protect the location of the wormhole.

  17. OK, I’m so in awe and interested in other people’s photos; I’ve even come to friend random strangers and photo sites in LJ and Flickr, but I just can’t seem to find interest in mine to post. There seems to be a correlation, here: I can’t send out my scholarship either. Sounds like a discussion for therapy.

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