

  • Jane of Quiddity is celebrating her sixth blogiversary with a contest – guess how many pairs of socks she’s made since she started knitting and you could win yarn, a project bag made by Jane, and a calendar of her gorgeous flower photos. Contest closes at midnight EDT, March 21.

Books & Reading & Beyond

  • I’m quite intrigued by the Spring Designs Alex eReader, but I’ll be waiting a while so I can read some reports from users after it ships mid-April.

Learn Stuff



  • When you’re desperate for that caffeine fix, you might want to try the Coffee Inhaler.
  • Arachnophobes might want to avoid this gadget stand (and completely skip the spider story in the post about the stand).

Moment of Silence


  • Wren posted a great list of random thoughts. Here’s one of my favorites from the list: “MapQuest really needs to start their directions on #5. I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.”
  • Love xkcd’s take on romance novels… (as always, hover your mouse over the cartoon for additional amusing text)

Teh Cute

  • Chaos does the same thing, only he manages to splatter a much larger area.

Reading Update
A to Z by Marie Sexton. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a video store owner who hires one of his customers. They become best friends and… 🙂 I would definitely recommend that you read Sexton’s Promises first, as there’s a bit of character congruence. Definitely shouldn’t be a hardship, since both are good reads (although I think Promises is the stronger book). And after you’ve read both, there’s a free short story about the guys from Promises – it takes place shortly after A to Z.
Only in His Dreams by Shawn Lane. ebook. Sweet m/m romance about a law firm billing manager who has a crush on one of the seemingly unattainable partners at the firm.
And Call Me in the Morning by Willa Okati. ebook. In this very good m/m romance, two straight doctors, whose friends always tease them about being a couple, kiss each other just to prove there isn’t anything like that between them. Whoops. (And, as many others have mentioned, neither of the characters is described as looking as old as the guys on the cover look.)
Saying I Do (Quinn Security, Book 3) by Cameron Dane. ebook. Pretty good m/m romance about the two guys from Finding Home (Quinn Security, Book 1) during their hotel stay in Vermont the week before their wedding.
Finding Home (Quinn Security, Book 1) by Cameron Dane. ebook. And then I had to reread this one. Still smokin’ hot.
Netting Neptune (Southern Cross Resort, Book 1) by KC Kendricks. ebook. Ok m/m romance about a resort owner who helps out a stranded and skittish traveler on the beach.
Damn Gorgeous by Jaye Valentine. ebook. Decent paranormal m/m romance about a tabloid reporter doing a story on Lizzie Borden’s house who gets involved with the mysterious owner of the inn where he’s staying.
The Wedding Planner by G.A. Hauser. ebook. An m/m romance about a stockbroker and his wedding planner that started strong, but about 2/3 of the way through deteriorated down to preteen girl gushing. *sigh*
Calling Dr. Love by G.A. Hauser. ebook. Disclaimer: This was a free m/m romance from ARe over the holidays, or I wouldn’t actually own it. So why did I read it? Um, I figured, since I already had low expectations based on how the previous book panned out… It didn’t help. Gah. And then… I kept reading out of sick fascination. I’m so ashamed. Especially after reading “Phil cuddled Phil…” and continuing.
Lifting Spirits by Alexandria Rayne. ebook. Um, should I confess that I bought this m/m romance simply to see if the continuity error in the excerpt was actually in the book? Yup, it sure was. Might’ve had potential, but with editing issues and way too much weird self-referential stuff from the author, it was a confused mess.
Nowhere Man by Jamie Craig. ebook. Good m/m romance about a grad student who tracks down a reclusive writer and works to break through the writer’s shell. (Yup,  you’re right – that is Neck Crick Guy on the cover!)
Calendar Boys March: Kiss Me by Jamie Craig. ebook. Ok sort of holiday (St. Patrick’s Day) m/m romance about a photographer who starts to date a p0rn star.
Carey’d Away by J.M. Snyder. ebook. So-so m/m romance about two guys working at a comic book convention who hook up. I could definitely have lived without the slanguage.
A Feral Christmas (Lost Shifters, Book 2) by Stephani Hecht. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance being the continuing story of a family of jaguar shifters searching for their lost siblings.
Sex, Lies and Wedding Bells by E.M. Lynley. ebook. Reread. Very enjoyable m/m romance in which a snarky Manhattan columnist researching a runaway bride story finds himself falling for groom #4.

“I love you, pink fluff, even if you aren’t sparkly!” -Mayhem

31 thoughts on “Absolinkity”

  1. Oh, that Sadie Huggins is a cute one alright!

    Coffee inhaler??! I saw that on the news, and I have to say. If I’m ever that desperate for caffeine? I’ll wait.
    .-= Brigitte´s last blog ..Just Stuff =-.

  2. Gah! There are days when I think there are too many ereaders out there. It’s hard to finally decide to bite the bullet when new products are coming out every few months (or less). I still like the look of the 360 that I was looking at last week, but need to save my pennies first.
    .-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..pumpkin to cure my ills (and geekery) =-.

  3. You continually outdo yourself my dear…

    You send us to a blog that people talk katz speak, – and you complain that we talk to Chaos and Mayhem…..
    let the chatter carry on – email me boyz…

    Great set of link this week – I wonder when this whole ebook thing will settle down – the public is spoiled for choice..

    Love your books this week…. I have read quite a few of those as well…
    I did like Sex, Lies and Wedding Bells alot.. some very funny scenes are in that one…

    I need to block off a week and read some Cameron Dane – her books are so calling to me..

    .-= Erotic Horizon´s last blog ..Review: The Cowboy and the Cougar & Loving Eve © Helen Hardt =-.

  4. *sigh* I have to stop clicking your links before work or I’m going to end up late one day…

    Love the scifi table, and the finder link made me laugh out loud – I didn’t know there were people like that!

    BTW – I got an e-mail from a certain kitteh yesterday…*grins* now I’m part of the Kewl Kids Klub! (or something)
    .-= Patti´s last blog ..Visiting the Smutty Hussy Lair…. =-.

  5. I just won Only in his Dreams yesterday. I gave up on GA Hauser after book 3. Just does NOT work for me, but obviously does for many many others.

    Damn Gorgeous still gives herpetophobic me the willies. LOL

    I’m going to pass that Sci-Fi chart on to a friend. Too funny.
    .-= Tam´s last blog ..The Vampire Report =-.

  6. Kitties = cute! I think I’d rather not know what my little visitors are up to at night. Found a prescription bottle (with childproof cap still on) on the landing this a.m. It had been on the kitchen counter.

    I’m thinking you’re a little masochistic if you’re buying books just to see if the blurb errors are real.

    And thanks for the shout-out!
    .-= wren´s last blog ..Random thoughts =-.

  7. LMBO!! Your linkty links never cease to amaze me! Thanks for sharing all….

    Pause.. yes, still sniff sniff over Janna’s kittie.

    And those little kitties are so precious.
    And Mayhem and her pink… to cute!!

    Hope you are having a great day!

  8. I have always maintained that the “finding” ability is directly linked to the possession of a va-jay-jay. Seriously, three men in my house and they can’t find ANYTHING.

  9. Great links today (as usual). I liked the info on Readers and the kitty links were adorable.

    I’ve read just a few of the ones you listed and generally agreed with your thoughts. Thanks again for the mention.

  10. That’s a nice pillow Mayhem’s got.

    Sometimes, I use Google Maps directions for *not my neighborhood*. Or to send to people who don’t know my neighborhood and its slew of one-way streets.

    Eee! Adorable tabby kitten!
    .-= naomi´s last blog ..eye candy wednesday? =-.

  11. You know, Brent Spiner pointed out that Gizmodo link about the Death of Data on Twitter, though he complained that they obviously hadn’t seen “Nemesis”.

    And thanks for the link to the periodic table! I’ll have to save that one for future blog use. It’s too awesome not to share.
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Week 11: Sherlock Holmes =-.

  12. And I wonder why I never get anything done on linkity days…

    Okay, so you warned me, but I had to do it anyway. I had to look at the spider stand link…and once there, read the damn story. I has a dumb. A giant dumb with no sense of self preservation.

    Poor sweet Binny and Janna. 🙁

  13. I wonder if the librophile site reviews the readers on Librivox. I had one decent book, but a couple were so bad it was like listening to the slow reader in 4th grade. (Snotty, I know.)
    .-= Mary Lou´s last blog ..Wool Ad =-.

  14. So much linky goodness in one post. Um, coffee inhaler? Hyperbole is so funny, in my favorite dry sort of way. Sorry about Binny. Good news about Myron.

    And it’s good that May can see beyond the sparkle to what’s really important: it’s pink.
    .-= Karen B.´s last blog ..FO: Ready to go public =-.

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