Revealing the Portable Ubiquitous Resource Storage Environment

Today I have a very special treat for all of you. Based on a discussion Bron and I had, I have decided to show you all my Portable Ubiquitous Resource Storage Environment… aka my purse. 🙂

“Surely this is a new low, even for you, Mom?!” -Mayhem

Not so, May! Back in August of 2007, we toured my then-purse, which was actually a small piece of carry-on luggage. This time, backpack straps notwithstanding, it’s actually a shoulder bag – the Eagle Creek Hitch. (Oh, Eagle Creek, how I do love thee and thy clever bags with so many pockets and features…)

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

Chaos included for scale. Also because I couldn’t keep him out of the picture.

Let’s start with the electronics, shall we? I notice that this category is significantly larger than it was in 2007.

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

Clockwise from the left, we have my ebook reader, Kuroi Neko (my netbook), my camera case (since obviously the camera was in use), my un-smart cell phone in its case, my Palm Tungsten E2, my access badge for work, a mini surge protector, and a case containing two USB drives (8 and 16 gb, respectively).

Next is everything else.

*gnaw gnaw gnaw* -Mayhem

Not sure I’ll get everything, but I’ll give it a try. Clockwise from the bottom left corner, UnPetroleum lip balm* attached to a carabiner for easy access, glasses cleaning cloth in a case, gloves and ear covering, a glasses strap, Motrin, my blog card case, earplugs, hand lotion, a notebook (with pens and a permanent marker), two Chico shopping bags, a book stand/holder, Mayhem gnawing on said book stand/holder, a GorillaPod tripod, several coffee clutches, migraine shots, decongestant (the kind you have to show ID for!), a purple hairbrush, clip-on sunglasses in vintage case, hair clip, USB to mini-USB cord (whoops, wrong photo, but very handy for charging my ebook reader and mp3 player), Swiss Army knife, hemp wallet, checkbook, crazy black kitty pocket mirror, inhaler still in box, travel lint brush, toothpaste and travel toothbrush, and sunblock. (And hey, MamaTulip, I did throw away that powder from 1997! Although… I just noticed that I have the same sunblock now as in 2007… suppose I should throw it out and start fresh, huh?)

*gnaw gnaw gnaw* “Hey, Mom, this gorilla thingy is pretty tasty!” -Mayhem

Really, May. I notice that you were chewing on it the last time I did this feature, too.

*Please note that all my backup lip balm was excluded from these photos because having eight backup lip balms just seemed sort of crazy. So why am I telling you about it?! Hmm. Also excluded were hair ties (Chaos kept stealing them), my purple hankies (just because), and my mp3 player (it was in my jacket pocket and completely unaware of this photo shoot).

49 thoughts on “Revealing the Portable Ubiquitous Resource Storage Environment”

  1. I am all agog at what you store in your bag, Chris. And here I was thinking that my handbag is full of crap. You’ve definitely beaten me in terms of useful items in bags. Mine has tonnes of useless bits of paper as well as all the useful stuff.

    I have 5 back-up lip balms in my bag. So you’re not the only crazy one.
    .-= Jenre´s last blog ..Review: The Dark Farewell by Josh Lanyon =-.

  2. Wow. I’d forgotten how much stuff you have! I’ve downsized my purse a bit…actually, I just stuff more stuff in my laptop bag. 😀

    Where’s the lovely wallet you picked up at Naked Sheep while you were here?!!
    .-= Brigitte´s last blog ..This Is What Happens =-.

  3. 1. Holy crap, you’re incredibly technologically connceted!

    2. A book stand? My great aunt used to carry a salt shaker in her purse. A big glass one.

    3. Shelli steals my hair ties, too. I have one that I found and keep in my jewelry box, and the rest are in the black-kitty-toy-hole.
    .-= Melanie´s last blog ..The Appalachian Trail =-.

  4. I try to keep my purse pretty empty.

    It holds: a book (Right now Geoffrey Knight’s Riddle of the Sands, my wallet, taxi chits for work, a couple of pens, my glasses in a case, my work pass, whatever plastic container my lunch is/was in that day. That’s it. 🙂

    I could fit my netbook but I don’t take it with me unless I know I’m going to use it. My phone is always in my jacket pocket, same with my ipod. I’m all about traveling light.

  5. 1. That isn’t a purse, it’s a backpack. PURSE, okay.

    2. Mel has decided that hair ties are very good toys, second only to the cat dancer and the fish-on-elastic-string. Of course, the elastic on that is much like a very, very long hair tie…
    .-= naomi´s last blog ..a quick hurrah =-.

  6. What shots do you take for your migraines? That’s why I missed two days here – got an eyesnake Wednesday and was down for the count. I was out of medication…it was shitty. Boo.

    Also – you have a LOT of stuff in that purse. I am suitably impressed (and inspired – I really, really need a better purse and this looks like the kind of thing I need!).

    Have a good weekend!

  7. Whoops! I forgot to point out the nice external pocket specifically designed for carrying my water bottle. 🙂

  8. Was my winning notification of Laurie’s book cleverly disguised as a vicodan or viagra spam? No? *le sigh* Thanks for the tour of your purse, that was fun.

  9. OMG that’s a lot of stuff! Do you use it all or is it “just in case”? 8 lip balms, huh? Do they all end up together in the bottom of the (I refuse to call that a purse – it’s more like Mary Poppins magic carpetbag) pack?

  10. I use a bunch of it – some of it’s just in case (gloves, ear covering, inhaler). The lip balms are in a special zipper pocket inside so they don’t get linty.

    It’s not just a purse, it’s a P.U.R.S.E.! 😉

  11. I have an ancient Eagle Creek carry bag that I’ve used off and on for about the last 15+ years.. still going strong!

    My MIL carries tiny little bags and is constantly borrowing things or missing something.. yet she teases me for having such gigantic purses/bags. Hey, at least I know that I’m prepared in the event of injury or zombie apocalypse!
    .-= Mouse´s last blog ..Thankful Tea =-.

  12. and was it mentioned in there somewhere how much this PURSE weighs? yikes.
    I think its time for a smart phone, you could eliminate several other things 😉 Heh heh… love me my iphone.

  13. LOL, but how often do you change purses? I carry (COMPARATIVELY) fewer items, but I change purses every couple of weeks (speaking of, I think it’s time for a change this weekend). And I tend to have a large bag that goes with me most places with several smaller bags (purse and knitting bags included) inside.

    That said, you are my hero when it comes to stuff carried with you daily. I bet you win that bridal shower “what’s in your purse” game.
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Hiya, March! =-.

  14. Excellent preparedness, although I notice you lack the requisite baseball bat for the unexpected zombie apocalypse. I am confident you will remedy that flaw post haste.

    I carry a P.U.R.S.E., too, although it is so heavy I often leave it in the car. Seeing your inventory makes me think I need to add a few things to mine — hair clip, flash drive. Already have Swiss Army knife AND mini Leatherman.
    .-= kmkat´s last blog ..A little knitting. Literally. =-.

  15. I bow to you. I bow to your organizational skills. I bow to your lip balm holder. *makes mental not to get one ASAP* You and your P.U.R.S.E. are amazing. Mine is a horrifying mess by comparison. Oh hell, who am I kidding. It’s a horrifying mess even without comparing the two. 😀

  16. That is absolutely fascinating, especially illustrated with photos (I’m also fascinated by what people keep in their cars). I’m surprised there’s no knitting stuff! And I’m impressed by the tech gadgets. I love the kitty trying to get into the middle of everything!

    I’ve pared everything down for myself as far as possible in terms of stuff. I always wear clothes with pockets if at all possible, and I just take lip balm, phone, housekeys, and a tiny wallet, and sometimes my iPod. And I’m working on reducing the keys on my key ring to just one for car and one for house!
    .-= Val Kovalin´s last blog ..Author Gender Ambiguity =-.

  17. My bag used to look like this, but I’ve been trying for the past few months to downsize how much I’m carting around. Of course, the fact that I have a crochet project, a scarf waiting for me to weave in ends, and a sweater project in a single bag with food, gym clothes and workout log means I probably failed that big time.

    The only thing I don’t cart around everywhere is a computer/DS/etc.
    .-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..[insert title here] =-.

  18. And I thought I carried a lot of stuff in my purse. I’m impressed.

    My purse usually contains my eReader, wallet, planner, notepad, pen, chapstick, iPod, brush, mints, small umbrella, badge for work, keys, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, perfume.

  19. Now I don’t feel so bad about my bag. I think I’ve got to get a carbiner lip balm holder. Right now I have several lip balms tucked into various places. The problem with seeing everyone’s bag contents is that I see lots of stuff I want for mine. 🙂
    .-= Sydney´s last blog ..Watching Olympics, No Time for Blogs =-.

  20. Wow! That’s a lot of stuff, although trek makes an excellent point.
    May looks concerned with how you are representing her out “in the hallway” with your fashion sense. Perhaps a bedazzler and some pink rhinestones would up your image with her. 😉
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..Socks 2010: February: Check! =-.

  21. I love that you have everything at your fingertips (rather than having something dainty but that won’t carry anything 🙂

    Chaos included for scale. Also because I couldn’t keep him out of the picture.

    Good to see Chaos that you’re proving the proverb!
    .-= orannia´s last blog ..Books 2010: February Update =-.

  22. I’ve never understood the concept of a wallet purse. Maybe it’s the NY’er in me. I’ve always carried around some sort of huge leather messenger bag. I like the fact I can slip the strap over my head and have my hands free.

    Kind of need the hands free with a working dog. It’s great for walks when you have a water bottle and collapsable bowl.

    I have to admit you are way more digital than I am.(Hugs)Indigo
    .-= Indigo´s last blog ..Don’t Stop the Music =-.

  23. Where are all the crumpled atm receipts and granola bar crumbs?

    Oh. That’s my bag.

    I’m going to have to check out Eagle Creek. I love my Baggalini bags for the same reason. Tons of pockets and storage. I’m feeling the urge to go purse shopping now.

    I understand the need for the backup lip balm. My Burt’s Bees fell apart recently, and it was driving me crazy until I could replace it.
    .-= Renee´s last blog ..February 2010 Read Books =-.

  24. What, no knitting? I always have at least one project with me! Don’t you love those Chico bags? I usually have a Luna Bar or two in my bag as well.

  25. LOL– I don’t have a lot of that stuff, but I do have three pairs of socks in process and two balls of hat yarn with needles! (And four bottles of lotion!)

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