Scandal of the butt-enhancing box

  • Knitters who’ve given up in despair of me ever giving away a knitting-related book (even though there is knitting in Keeping Promise RockAmy reports that all of her books, except her short story, If I Must, include knitting)… Wait, where was I? Oh yeah, knitters who’ve given up in despair of me ever giving away a knitting-related book, hang in there a few more weeks! On February 25, Crazy Aunt Purl (aka Laurie Perry… or is it the other way around?) will be visiting SoC, plus I’ll kick off a giveaway of her new book, Home Is Where the Wine Is.
  • Yay! It’s warm again here.
  • Warm being in the mid-20s (F) during the day.
  • No need to even zip my jacket.
  • Of course, that also means it’s snowing quite regularly.
  • And apparently all the weather changes are triggering sinus migraines. (Thanks for helping me put together the puzzle pieces, Debby!)
  • On the plus side, while this is my pager/on-call week, I have yet to see the pager.
  • The guy handing off the pager had some complicated vehicular crisis, so hasn’t been to work this week.
  • This guy has so much bad vehicular luck that I sort of hate to park in the same ramp he does…
  • Rumor has it my no-pager luck ends today.
  • Still, as Jeanne pointed out, any missed pager time during pager week is good!

“Hee hee! No one will ever find me. Best. Hiding. Spot. Ever.” -Chaos

“Hey, how’s it going under there, big kitty?” -Mayhem

“What?! How did she find me??” -Chaos

“Oh, and that box makes your butt look big.” -Mayhem

“…” -Chaos

39 thoughts on “Scandal of the butt-enhancing box”

  1. Having weather related headaches/migraines is no fun as my kids and I have them often. (Well, there’s also the fact that you can only shovel the driveway so many times before the snow also becomes no fun, too. It has past reached that point for me.)

    Anyway, hope your headaches get better or you find something that helps them.
    .-= Alison´s last blog ..Lamy Pens =-.

  2. A couple of weekends ago it was raining and then the temperature immediately dropped about a thousand degrees. Dave woke up the next day feeling really sluggish; he told me he thought he was hung over. Only problem? He didn’t drink the night before. I think it was the weather fucking him up – a drop in pressure like that is bound to screw with people’s heads. Literally.

    Anyway. Chaos, I have to agree with May. That box makes your butt look big. 😉

  3. Congrats on the book wins Chris! Ecstasy Unveiled is soo good. 😉

    Yeah, it’s snowing here too, so jealous of that CJ heading to Mexico.

    Nice hiding spot there Chaos!!

    Have a good pager free day! 😉


  4. Oh Chris, I do hope you feel better! (Hugs to you)!
    Missing pager guy… hummm… He might like the way it goes bbbuuuzzzzzzz, lmbo!! Hope to make you laugh!!

    Oh Chaos.. you forgot that May is the all knowning Princess, she sees all!!!

  5. Looking forward to your CAP review/interview! I’ve got her book on my “should I buy” list.
    I really expected there to be an entry regarding litter boxes, I’m glad that it was shoe boxes.

  6. Bummer on the migraines. I’m going through a spate of them myself.

    Chaos, you need to convince Chris to buy some over-the-knee boots, and then the box might be big enough to cover your *ahem* bootie.
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..FO: Nubby Cardigan =-.

  7. I want to go buy the Larissa Ione book. Haven’t made it to a bookstore yet, though.

    Hmm. I’m still waiting for the scandal. So far it seems to be mostly a statement of fact. 😉
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..February Goals =-.

  8. I just love kittehs in boxes!! I have a priority mail box that’s living in my bedroom on its side because both of the cats *love* to curl up in it. No matter how much of them fits! 🙂

  9. ooh laurie is visiting, she’ll boot your butt to knit, lol. went looking for her new book last weekend but couldnt find it
    .-= turtle´s last blog ..Awe! =-.

  10. Now THAT is a book giveaway I can get into. Excellent work, ma’m!

    Weather changes = sinus headaches? I wonder if that is why I have had to take Imitrex twice in the past two days, after taking it about twice in the past year…
    .-= kmkat´s last blog ..Talking cat. =-.

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