I know a few of you are suddenly unable to read my blog due to a filter marking it as “Hate Speech.” Remember when I mentioned the problems with my site being slow? My hosting provider moved my site to a different server last week, and apparently someone else in my new IP space is getting filtered for “Hate Speech.” My site is getting blocked vicariously, alas. I put in another ticket and my site has been moved again. Hopefully by the time this is posted, those of you who haven’t been able to read over the past week will be able to do so. Sorry for any frustration or inconvenience this has caused you!
Rebekah’s having a contest to help raise money for the medical bills of a dog that was left alone in a house for six weeks. Yikes! 🙁 Deadline to contribute is December 1.
ETA: It’s snowing right now. True, true, it isn’t heavy snow or anything. But still – my brain might explode.
Reading Update
Manhunting by Jennifer Crusie. No, CarrieK, you didn’t miss a new Jennifer Crusie book, really – it’s a rerelease of her first published romance (1993). Either she polished it up a bit, or she’s always been a great writer.
Kiss of Death: A Daytime Mystery by Linda Palmer. The Daytime (Television) Mysteries are exceptionally well-written and enjoyable. Recommended, but read them in order – this is the fourth book. (There’s a black kitty in the series, too!)
UltraViolet: A Jane Kelly Mystery by Nancy Bush. One of the reviewers compares Jane Kelly to Stephanie Plum and Kinsey Milhone. I’m not sure I would go that far, but I do enjoy the series and will definitely continue to read it.
Life Update
Later this morning, I go in for my recheck and work release appointment. I’ll be going back to work on Wednesday, November 14. At today’s appointment, I’ll find out whether I go back full-time right away, or ease back. I’m hoping for easing back! Especially since things are completely weird at work right now. Take a mental note, folks – if you need to take medical leave, make sure you do it while your company is being acquired. This adds exciting stresses to your leave. At least I know I made it through the first cut – whew!
“What?” -Mayhem
That poor dog! My daughter and her best friend both just finished reading Twilight and loved it! Have a great weekend!
Good luck going back to work! And I hope you find it just as you left it 🙂 (pre-aquisition).
Hoo-boy! That photo of May is scandalous. I hope she doesn’t ever decide to run for public office, she’ll probably regret that one.
Oh yeah, I like the “limp when you walk in” suggestion. That really cracked me up. Seriously, don’t go back too soon!
Snow! Dang, it’s going to be 75 here in a few days. Best of luck with your checkup, and take it easy back at work.
I saw that post about the Boxer doggie! Ohmigawd. Who could do that????? And you are correct, Mayhem is exceptionally cute today. Amazing the poses they can contort themselves into, isn’t it?
Thanks for the heads up on helping that poor dog. Extra special cute cat picture.
Fingers crossed for easing back!!!
What a cute belly shot! She looks like she’s got a little anchor shaved in her tummy fur. hee hee
My gawd May – that’s a pose for PlayCat!