In which Mayhem plays with the Magic Goldfish Wand Toy (MGWT)

Since many of you seemed so interested in the Magic Goldfish Wand Toy (MGWT), allow me to present (with Jeanne’s expert assistance as MGWT operator) Mayhem in action. Blurry action, even using my camera’s sport mode – be warned! (Note that the dirt in the background was from a little plant tipping incident and was cleaned up as soon as my dad arrived with the wee vacuum cleaner.)

*twitch twitch twitch* -Mayhem

*lunge* -Mayhem

“Hmph. It keeps getting away from me!” -Mayhem

“Drat!” -Mayhem

“I’m sure I can get it this time!” -Mayhem

“Whew!” *pant pant pant* -Mayhem

“Noooooo! Please don’t put it back in the closet! Please!” -Mayhem

45 thoughts on “In which Mayhem plays with the Magic Goldfish Wand Toy (MGWT)”

  1. Where’s Chaos while all this is happening? Is he too smart to play with the MGWT? Does he know that it’s just a trick to get him exercising?

  2. Very cool toy! Very endulging mommy too. Is that catnip in the background? Oh, to be reincarnated as one of Chris’ kitties… talk about the good life.

  3. Put the video in and let them watch that for a while! Kids can watch a little TV now and then – despite what all the parenting books tell you!

  4. Great action shots! All our kids have their own favorite toys… Loki goes mad for the plastic rings off milk jugs – that’s about the only thing he’ll play with reliably. Everytime I decide to move the couch (or the stove or fridge) to clean under it I find a huge collection of them 🙂 If he hasn’t lost his toy by bedtime we have to take it away and hide it otherwise he’ll wake us up in the middle of the night ‘chirping’ while he walks around with it in his mouth… it’s almost like a crying sound so it wakes us up immediately!

  5. You caught it! You go, girl!

    I have a feather wand that sits on top of Mom’s dresser. I stretch full length and then cry and cry and sometimes, she gets it down.

    But your goldfish looks like a lot more fun…

  6. We used to have a little thing we called the kitty torture toy when I was little (much like your MGWT). We had made it from an old wire hanger, a piece of string, and a rubber alligator toy. Even the most settled of cats would begin to pounce and fly around the room when we started to wave it around. Ahhh . . . . the memories!

  7. THAT is how those toys are supposed to work; mine get tired of it very quick. However, I have a lot (hoo boy, I mean a LOT) of the rubber rings Target puts on pill bottles (I can’t bring myself to throw them out, they look so *potential*) and Evangeline one of those around now and then, chasing it around the kitchen floor and then trotting around with it in her mouth. Lilliane is waaaay to cool to play with anything like that.

  8. Hahaha! That wouldn’t last in our house. We used to have a green fuzzy one, but Tyger kept biting through the elastic string. I think we went through four or five! He’s just so fast with those teeth.

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