- Grr. At some point yesterday afternoon, Dreamhost started to have mail delays with things like comments from my blog. I’m sure hoping that they get that sorted out soon so I can reply to y’all. (Of course, after I wrote that, I started to receive comment email again.)
- Looks like Amazon’s celebrating a million Twitter followers by giving away a free mp3 song of your choice. (Ends Sunday.)
- Thanks to everyone who played along in my contest for Michelle Rowen’s Tall, Dark and Fangsome. The five winners have been notified and have 48 hours to respond (from 7:30 pm CDT, September 3). I’ll post the winners on Tuesday.
- Tuesday? Why, yes, Monday’s a holiday here in the States, so it’s a blogging holiday for me. 🙂
- Speaking of which… After today, only two more blogging (and working) days until vacation starts next Thursday! Woot!
- I’m sure I’ll blog while I’m on vacation, but it’ll be sporadic and probably picture heavy.
- In order to add a bit more knitting content (the four remaining and desperate knitreaders just perked up, I can tell), I’m trying to convince Jeanne to guest blog periodically.
- Jeanne also has three very cute kitties, who have been known to (unwillingly but adorably) model knitwear.
- No pressure, Jeanne. *ahem*
- While on a bike ride after work yesterday (yup, things are slowing down at work!), I saw a guy with possibly the most amazingly muscley and sexy arms ever. Yum. Sleeveless bike jerseys were made for that guy.
- I also saw a large moving van stuck under one of the bikeway (formerly railroad) bridges. Dude. Did you not think the height restriction applied to your humongous vehicle? Why were you driving a moving van on the parkway in the first place?
- Glad I wasn’t on the bridge when that thing got stuck!
- Today should be a mellow day at work. My boss is on vacation and I’m the in-charge. My minions shall be legion, um, well, maybe two. One of whom will probably go for a long lunch and not return.
- That’s ok, since I’m taking a long lunch and getting a pedicure. 🙂
- And tomorrow I’m finally getting my hair cut, after six or seven months. Goodbye, 3-5″ of heavy, tangling hair.
“You did not just write that you are leaving again next week, right?” -Chaos
*looks worried* -Mayhem
Happy vacationing!!!!
Ah vacation! I see one of those on the horizon too – Double WOOT!!
Now that kind of viewage makes me want to take up bike riding too. However, I spend too much time dog walking. lol
A nice long weekend is definitely welcome and blog holiday as well.. 😉
Looking forward to meeting you while you are on vacation Chris.
Hey, can I borrow your “Proud Bookworm” pick in your sidebar? She is cute!
I got a manicure and pedicure yesterday too – I picked goth irridescent blue this time… 😉
Have a great day and long weekend Chris!
Yay! Vacation!
“We want Jeanne! We wean Jeanne! We want Jeanne!”
So did the stuck truck just let air out of his tires to get un-stuck?
Congrats.. have a great vacation!
yay for three day weekends!
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!! I love that picture. It’s all about perspective, right????
Oh… My… Gosh… Kitties are not going to like you taking vacation on them. You better watch the bobble headed kitty on your entertainment center!!!
YAYAYAY for vacation!!! I hope work is peaceful today.. and a pedicure… I had to go back and re-read that one!! So jealous of you over here!!!
I hope you have a great weekend my friend, you deserve it!
Ah yes, happy vacationing…! 😉
Don’t you worry guys, she will be very well taken care of!
Ah nice arms. They get me every time.
Enjoy your pedicure, and upcoming vacation!!!
Hope Chaos and May forgive you. I’m still cleaning the dining room carpet as penance for having taken a three day weekend, two weeks ago. Sigh. 🙂
Glad you are getting a vacation! I can’t imagine how naughty Chaos is going to be if you go away again.
Chris- I can’t help feeling bad for poor Chaos.
That’s good work is easing up. : )
I really liked Jamie Bamber’s arms when he was on Battlestar Galactica. Shame he didn’t go sleeveless very often during the last 2 seasons.
I hope Jeanne will guest-blog a couple posts!
Ah, but does Mr. Muscley Arms have what it takes for the Ab-centric modeling job? Can he do book covers for you?
I am NOT a desparate knitter! I resemble that remark!
I feel no pressure whatsoever.
Have a great weekend and upcoming vacation! Ahhh is what it’s gonna feel like after your haircut 🙂
Long lunch, a pedicure, and a 3-day weekend! Heavenly. Thanks for the amazon free song link.
ahhhh – vacation – I remember hearing about a wonderful thing called vacation… I’m thrilled with the prospect of a long weekend!!!!!!!!!
To Jeanne – “Do it, do it, do it, (lather, rinse, repeat)”
There’s an old railroad bridge on campus that trucks regularly get stuck under. I’m the daughter of a trucker – I can’t imagine my dad ever doing that! But as someone mentioned, letting the air out of the tires usually works.
Yes — we want knitting content, even if it’s not from you!
Jeanne! Jeanne! Jeanne! No pressure. [pressure, pressure]. How’s your sweater coming?
Mayhem is hilarious going after that cat.
Tell me about work piling up. Gah.
And annoying blog servers. Typepad started posting MY replies to comments to comments on my blog. What the –?
Vacations are always good! And where are you going, or do you not want those cats to know??
We want new hairdo photos!
are you going somewhere or is it a staycation?
no pic of the most yummy sexy arms? SERIOUSLY? selfish, i tell you. plain old selfish.
That bicyclist with the handsome arms? Not my biking son. He’s a cutie but not like that…
Perhaps the moving van was trying to get to a house on the parkway? Have a great weekend!
Yay for the vacation, and probably not a moment too soon!
Jeanne… Jeanne… Jeanne… Jeanne!
Go on, Jeanne! You know you want to.
I’ve entertained the thought of knitting a few times, my mom even tried to teach me but I can’t sit still long enough. I envy those who can do this. The only thing I seem to be able to stay in place very long for is reading.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!!
Well, since you’re going on vacation:
We want Jeanne!
We want Jeanne!
We want Jeanne!
is that May in the background, looking totally ‘innocent’ (blink blink) on.top.of.the.table.??? (yes, I know that look from my own two.
Here’s to you taking good care of yourself!! woo hoo! pedicure, haircut, and impending vacation time? yahoo.! glad to hear it! You’ve had one heck of a difficult month or two, and totally deserve it!
hehehe, your minions are legion has me giggling. ;o)