Linkity lucked out on jury duty (did not have to report, yay)

Teeny, tiny, Mayhem blep!

Bonded siblings Polly and Harry are judging.

4 thoughts on “Linkity lucked out on jury duty (did not have to report, yay)”

  1. None of the weird stairways that you show could exist in Mpls. Code requires a handrail for any stairs with more than 2? 3? steps. And any deck >12″? off the ground requires a railing. Any flat roof with a door opening onto it is considered a deck. Also, you cannot have any electrical wires within 3? feet of said deck, even if you would hae to lean w-a-y out to reach it. We discovered all these things when buying and selling the two houses we lived in in the city. Mpls wants to keep people safe in their homes.

  2. The only thing that really moves me this week is the gorgeous greenery of the extraordinarily over the top house. It looks like every single leaf was carefully choreographed.

  3. That St. Paul MCM totally screams “Brady Bunch” to me.

    Barbie house is awesome! I hope someone buys it and keeps it that way. I wouldn’t want to live in it with all that pink, but I hope someone else does. Though it would still be a nice house to live in even if you got rid of all the pink. Good bones.

    Love the tearoom house. Don’t want to maintain a 19th century house, though.

    Extraordinarily over the top house would make a great hotel. I would stay there.

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