The SoC “But since I wasn’t blogging then…” contest

One thing about blogging – it allows us to document and share all sorts of ephemera that would otherwise slip away unnoticed by anyone else. Sometimes that might be for the best, but usually, it’s those fleeting glimpses into your lives that really help me feel close to all of you. Hopefully that isn’t just me! 😉

Allow me to present the Stumbling Over Chaos “But since I wasn’t blogging then…” contest. Think of something that happened before you started blogging, something that, had you been blogging, you would have shared with us. Describe that event in a comment to this post before 5 pm CDT (ack!), Monday, March 19. (If you don’t blog, this contest will be particularly easy!)

What? You want me to start? Ok. Back when the Chaos Kitty was a wee kitten (only about 8 pounds or so, instead of the strapping 16 pounds he is now), he started to climb my long summer weight bathrobe (made from a nice textured t-shirt material), which was hanging on the back of my bedroom door. It was winter or early spring, so I wasn’t wearing that bathrobe and didn’t pay any attention to it. After the weather started to warm up, I pulled the bathrobe from its hook to discover that it was now a swiss cheese style bathrobe! Apparently, when an 8-pound kitten repeatedly climbs stretchy, lightweight fabric, there are dire consequences for said fabric. My poor bathrobe suddenly wasn’t good for covering much of anything and I had to throw it away. Now, if I had been blogging back then, I would’ve thoroughly documented this (although I would’ve been dressed underneath the robe, sheesh), as I have documented other tales of Chaotic naughtiness, but since I wasn’t blogging then…

And since I wasn’t blogging back during the memorable summer that I went on over 30 coffee dates (oh, the magic of internet dating… heh), you’ll all just have to wonder what the blow by blow on that would’ve been like. A hint – I went on maybe two second dates and no third dates. The tagline for my blog? Not joking!

Anyway. Winners will be selected by random number and there will be an assortment of prizes. No non-knitters will be forced to take yarn, unless, of course, they’re interested in learning to knit.

A bag of Briggs & Little Atlantic in mulberry (10 skeins, 1350 yards total):

“The tags make excellent snacks!” -M

“But what I really want is to get into that bag!” -M

A skein of Sunshine Yarns sock yarn in Denim:

“This looks like a fun toy, too…” -M

A skein of Trekking XXL, color 144:

“…or this…” -M

A skein of Dicentra Designs superwash sock yarn in Kingsfoil:

“You are so mean, not letting me play with these, Mom!” -M

A copy of Knitting Rules!, autographed by the Yarn Harlot herself to “Friend of Chaos”:

“Stay away from this one, May, because it’s all about me.” -C

133 thoughts on “The SoC “But since I wasn’t blogging then…” contest”

  1. Yeah, I would have loved to have blogged ad nauseum to you all about the Adventures of Baby Puppy Katy and the sequel, Adventures of Baby Puppy Chappy. And, oh, the puppy-p*rn I could have posted with those two adorable faces. There was the time Chappy ate a hole in the kitchen wall (for no reason we were ever able to discern), when he emptied all the waiting newspaper out of the fireplace. The lovely fun when Katy swallowed a dryer sheet (did you know those are toxic?). And then when she swallowed the sock. And then the second dryer sheet… Chappy’s adventures at puppy-school where his best friend was also a student and they had to sit at faaaaar ends from each other so everyone else could concentrate. And . . . well, you get the idea. I would really have loved having a puppy blog!

  2. OH so many stories, so little time!! I probably would have blogged abt my experiences while working at JoAnn Fabrics. One in particular was when a couple came up and wanted some black silk because the girl wanted to tie up her boyfriend. I showed them some very nice satins and he was thoroughly happy with the choice (they wanted a breathable fabric to eliminate chaffing) Ah the memories…..

  3. If I had been blogging then…I think the best would have been to describe the situation when I moved to washington state.
    I moved here all by myself, with an absolutely full Jeep, and pulling an overfilled u-haul trailer behind for 1500 miles. When I finally found where my house was (I had to rent it site unseen!!) it was on a very steep hill with lots of dead end lanes and NO WHERE to turn around.
    I pulled up on the wrong side of the street in front of my place, saw it and almost burst into tears (it was that bad!)…within about a minute, the next door neighbor came out of his house (looked even scarier than mine!) and started yelling at me “Get out of MY parking place” (on the city street), and “your landlord is a slumlord!” etc…
    The five months I lived there would have supplied endless blog material!

  4. Great idea for a contest. Since I waited well past the 12 week mark to announce bring prego – I may have blogged about when hubby and I were in the ultrasound room and they informed us we were having triplets.

  5. So one lovely afternoon when I had just adopted Viva and lived near the beach, I had all my windows open to let the sea-smelling air brush through my apartment. I had a baseball game on the radio, a beer in my hand, and a huge stack of magazines to get caught up on I(this was pre-knitting days). Next thing I know, Viva comes flying through the window from the outside, with a huge pigeon sans one wing in her mouth. She dropped it, and the poor bird tried to fly away but managed to drop little bits of blood and feathers EVERYWHERE. I finally got it back outside, but imagine trying to explain to your landlord why the curtains suddenly had blood spray on them.

  6. This is such a great contest idea.

    Let’s see…
    Once I got “pulled over” while I was stopped at a red light at night in a very bad neighborhood. The officer had been shining a flashlight into my car and I didn’t look over at him because I was scared. So when the light turned green, I took off and he pulled me over. I had been returning from dinner with a friend and had had two glasses of wine. Not drunk, or even driving under the influence but the cop was bent on being a jerk and made me take TWO breath tests, both of which I passed, then he proceded to lecture me on the dangers of drinking and driving even though I was well below the legal limit and he had pulled me over for no reason late at night in a bad neighborhood. I’m not sure what the cop was trying to prove, but it was a really scary experience.

  7. I would have blogged about my ex, with the multiple personality disorder. One of his personalities didn’t like me to sew or have hobbies. I talked his OTHER personality into buying me a really NICE sewing machine. I’m not sure, but I think the third personality enjoyed the whole thing. (And don’t even ask about the dinner party when all THREE of them were there. PSYCHO!)

  8. I would have blogged about the time someone tried to turn my Mom’s flower shop into a drive through flower shop. Nothing like getting a call from the police with that news.

  9. Oops… I should mention the driver was just fine – not a scratch and it was at night when the store was closed – oh, but you should have seen the damage the car did.

  10. One of the joys of having lived a long time is having an endless supply of stories with which to bore one’s younger acquaintances. 🙂

    I would have blogged about the time on the way back from Florida when I left my husband in a McDonald’s and didn’t realize he wasn’t in the car until a highway patrolman pulled me over, smirked, and asked, “Missing something?” This was 90 miles away from said McDonald’s and in another state. And it was 20 years ago and we are still married.

    Then there was the time on a business trip when I parked the rental car in the motel parking lot, locked it, and slammed the door… having forgotten to put it into park or to set the e-brake. It rolled slowly across the aisle — with 6-month pregnant me running alongside trying to jam the key into the door lock — and slipped perfectly into a parking space, coming gently to rest when its rear bumper encountered another car. The space it had rolled into was so tight that neither I nor any motel personnel could open the door to get into it. Seriously, I couldn’t have DRIVEN into that space. I had to take a cab to the client’s office the next morning, so everyone in my office ended up knowing about it — my expense report had both rental car AND cab.

    Or the time I reported my car stolen when I couldn’t find it in the parking ramp. Turned out it was parked on a level lower than skyway, where I never, ever parked. In my defense, it was 2 a.m.when I left work (tax season, you know) and couldn’t find the blasted thing.

    I would definitely have blogged about my older son being stranded in Washington, DC, where he had stopped to visit his girlfriend on his way to his semester abroad in South Africa, when South Africa Airlines went on strike a day before he was to fly out. The e-mail were flying thick and fast between Washington, Minneapolis, and Pietermarititzburg for about 5 days.

    Pet stories: Lucy, encountering a porcupine. Bear, mothering kittens. Pius, depositing a nightcrawler on my pillow in the middle of the night. Tabby, disappearing into the woods for a month every summer when we fostered kittens for the Humane Society.

    I could go on, but I take pity on you all so won’t. Great idea for a contest, btw — best one in a long time!

  11. Let’s see. When I first moved here, I had a cat named Nell. Apparently the apartment had fleas, because Nell suddenly got fleas. When I asked the vet about the best way to get rid of them, he told me to bring her in for a bath while I sprayed the apartment. So I dropped her off one morning on my way to work. About an hour and a half later, I get a call from the vet tech. “Nell doesn’t want a bath today.” They ended up having to give her some kitty downers to finish the bath.

    Oh yeah, then there was the time I was changing a flat tire and ended up closing the trunk on my hand. I was too far away from the lock to unlock it myself. I had to wait for someone to come along and get me out. Luckily that wasn’t too long.

  12. When I first graduated from university, I was really chuffed to get a job interview for a disability charity in London. Unfortunately I had terrible sunburn and was red on one side of my body from hanging out with my friends too long in the period between the end of exams and graduation so I was feeling more than a bit nervous.

    I arrived at the job interview really early and went to the cafe next door for a cup of coffee whilst I was waiting for the interview time to come round. Naturally, I needed to use the bathroom just before I left so off I went. It had been really hot that summer (hence the sunburn) and the door to the toilet was quite hard to push shut. My mind wasn’t really on the consequences of pushing the door shut so when it came time to leave the cubicle, I couldn’t. I assessed my options : there was a tiny window which I could try and climb through but I was just about to go for an interview and I could bang on the door and hope someone would be along to rescue me.
    I went for option 2 because I was afraid of ruining my suit, hair etc so I hammered away and shouted to no avail – no one could hear me.

    It was getting closer and closer to the interview time and I was getting more and more hot and distressed. Suddenly, I remembered that I had brought my mobile phone with me (these were the days when mobile phones were big and not very common) so I dithered a bit because I had no idea what the cafe was called and eventually settled on calling the reception of the company who were interviewing me and asked them to send someone to the cafe next door so that they could let me out.

    It was very difficult to conduct a sensible interview after that experience and with extreme sunburn and heat exhaustion! It has reminded me that even though they are annoying, mobile phones can be so useful!

  13. Eight years ago Nephew #1 was three. We were sitting around the dinner table talking and he burped out loud, and looked around sort of surprised, amused and horrified: what was going to happen? would he get away with it? My sister said, “Now ________, what do you say?” in her most lecturing tone. And he sat up straight in his chair and looked as proud as he could be because he KNEW the answer:


    And then realized he’d answered the wrong “what do you say” question, and everybody cracked up, including him.

  14. I probably would have blogged about the birth of my second child. My first was a breeze, I always had such bad periods- it was like that. My second was permanent birth control! Everyone says the second is easier- uh no!

  15. If I had been blogging at the time I would have told the story of popping out to the shops for a tin of anchovies only to follow a fire engine all the way home – to my house!
    I had left the chip pan on and it caught fire – thankfully only the kitchen was damaged and everyone was unhurt. OR I might have blogged about the first time my house caught on fire – no it wasn’t my fault, faulty appliance. That time the dog came and got me BEFORE the smoke alarm went off, I got him, me and the cats out the house and called the fire brigade – who got lost and finished up in the next street across. I had to go back into the burning building to phone the station and tell them they were in the wrong place. OR the time the ambulance couldn’t find us? Never dull around our place 🙂

  16. Well, if this counts… I don’t currently have a blog. I will once I buy my own computer. So if I had my own blog now… I would be theorizing about divorcing, getting a new job and moving across the country. Of course I am only considering apartments near yarn shops in the new city. Maybe I’ll teach beginning knitting classes there. I would be blogging about change. Definitely.

  17. I’d probably have blogged about the time I stabbed myself in the hand with an illegal stiletto knife. I’d always seen switchblades in movies flip open from the side, and I wanted to see what the blade looked like, so I held it carefully at both ends and pressed the release. Pop! The blade shot out the top of the handle and right into the palm of my hand.

    I had to go to the ER when it wouldn’t stop bleeding, had to lie about what happened since the knife is illegal, needed to get a tetanus shot and I’m absolutely terrified for that knife now.

  18. It would’nt let me leave one yesterday. I think I started blogging as my memory was failing me. I probably would have posted about my return to knitting after been away from it for years. My first pair of socks I tried to do with 3 dpn’s instead of 4 or 5. (Did’nt read the instructions too well) I could’nt figure out why it was so hard and I had ladders down each side.

  19. You know, this question it too easy to answer! I would have blogged about the awful summer that my dog Toby was hit by a car–almost two years ago. …and how the millionaire who did it not only didn’t offer a dime- but had the nerve to say, “Next time get a bigger dog!”

    He ended up having two surgeries, and completely depleted my house repair stash… a stash I still haven’t been able to replenish.

    you can see one of his scars here:

  20. No blog so my choices are infinite. A few years ago an emu walked down our road–we live in the upper midwest USA. No idea where it came from or where it went. Our dog (the older polarbear) is now and forever a “certified emu herder”. Not bad for a clumber spaniel. Gives new meaning to the term “bird dog”. I have pictures to prove it.

  21. I might have blogged about the time I fell out of bed, and injured my knee so badly, I was on crutches for six weeks. I am very graceful. And I certainly would have blogged about my beloved Shadow, a beautiful grey mutt of a cat, who weighed an impressive 20lbs. He wasn’t just fat, either — he could stand on his back legs and put his front paws on my hips, and I’m 5’8″. He lived with us for about 13 years.

  22. OK, here is my unblogged moment that would have definitely been blogged complete with pictures.
    My daughter made me a poster when she was 5. She was very busy all morning with her construction paper and crayons and glue stick. She was cutting out animals from a National Geographic to paste on the picture. She is an animal nut you see. Finally, she finished and proudly handed me the poster. There were several animals pasted all over, but right in the middle was a large crab and written underneath him, in her 5 year old chicken scratch, was the words, “Mom, Sometimes you are a crab.” I think the cutest part was the fact that she spelled crab “crad”. Her statement was so simple and yet…so true! I still have it and have since cropped it down so I could frame it.

  23. Blogless here, so my entire past would be rich fodder for blog stories. Snore…..oh, sorry, I drifted off there from the sheer excitement.

    I am sure, though, I would have blogged about the time I came home, after a terrible, stressful day at work, during which I had learned I had to have a hysterectomy, to find that Gizmo, our new kitten, had escaped from the house in the morning and been outside all day long. My husband and daughter and I went out and called and searched. No Gizmo. I was in tears all evening. I went out one last time, before bed, and heard a little “Mew.” I looked up and there was Gizmo, about ten feet up in a tree, apparently unable to come down. So my husband got a stepladder and this miniature pool table we had and stood on the ladder, holding the table up over his head so that Giz could step down on it.

    Thirteen years later, Gizmo’s still with us and still, very occasionally, manages to slip out of the house…though usually now he doesn’t go much further than the front walk.

  24. *reminder to self* DO NOT READ ANY MORE OF THESE COMMENTS AT WORK, SNORTING AT ONES DESK IS FROWNED UPON..especially on a quiet Tuesday when the phone isn’t ringing. Kitty Paw Pies, drunken ankle purses, kitty oral eye drops, too funny!

  25. i wish i had been blogging when i made my first sweater. I started it just after my Mom died and it was therapy to come home every night and immerse myself in knitting.
    it was acrylic (eek) and gauge meant nothing to me at the time.
    it is a cardigan, more of a house jacket but the thing is so big i can fit 2 of me in it!!
    i should post a picture sometime. i still wear it, but it makes me laugh.

  26. I have another story that I love to tell, but it wasn’t P.C. or funny enough, I guess, to tell when I was on a game show. I’m relatively small, which I think figures into this story. When I was at UCLA I was at the cafeteria and decided to have a bagel. Apparently the bagels were extra soft or the knives were extra sharp that day, because I cut my finger on it (and I still have a scar). I was telling a group of friends this story that evening when this, I’m going to guess basketball or football player, came up to our table and asked “What are you talking about?” It seemed slightly menacing to me, but I said “Oh, I was just telling them how I cut my finger on a bagel this morning.” This very tall guy lifts up his also bandaged hand and goes “The same thing happened to me!” I think he thought I was telling people that I had seen him do it to himself. Anyway, I still think it’s funny, since it was such a random occurence.

  27. These are so interesting! Let’s see…my life hasn’t been very bloggable… Perhaps I would’ve blogged about my seven year engagement – and why my fiance wouldn’t tell his parents we were engaged for five of them… and how the wedding was canceled because my grandmother spilled initial plans to his mother before we’d told her…then replanned for a year later (finally!) – and the best man (a friend for fifteen years) informed my husband he MIGHT NOT make it because he had a class field trip that weekend (the wedding was actually on monday)… he made it, didn’t give us even a card (and made us pay for the tux). And to be honest – i’ve never forgiven him for it. the last time i saw him, he had the NERVE to tell us about losing his luggage on the way to a wedding in Paris – his camera (hello, moron, that goes in the carry-on) and the wedding GIFT were in there. Sheesh. He’s clueless. (thanks to Domesticat’s post above for reminding me about this!)

  28. Hmm, I wasn’t blogging when I took my first trip to Lalana wools. I’ve lost the original scarf I made from the Phat Silk Fines I bought there and I have no photos. It was amazing.

  29. I’ve been blogging since 2001 and I don’t know if my brain has kept any bloggable stories from that long ago!!! I think I would have posted a picture (I have it around somewhere) of my old Fiat in the mid-70’s. I had parked it in my parent’s driveway. Vandals tipped it over on it’s side. It cracked the windshield. My insurance company replaced my windshield at least 3 times on that car. I loved my Fiat.

  30. Oh, this is a good one.

    The first thing that came to mind was the day I met my husband. He and I didn’t go to the same highschool. I just got out of class and i was looking for a couple of friends to unwind with before going home. I saw this guy in black sun glasses and a black trench coat sitting with a friend of mine. I immediately went over because i really wanted to know who this guy was. It turned out that this guy (Sean- my now husband ) was notorious in Bayridge (brooklyn) and i have heard some really crazy stories about him but i never actually met him. Flirting my ass off, i told him that i was tired of hearing about him. Witty remarks were exchanged and i went home practically floating. Really it was love at first sight. We finally got married last April and 9 years later we are still together.

  31. What would I have blogged about? Well a few years ago I had the idea to take banjo lessons. Actually my car broke down outside of a music shop and thought -what the heck, I’ll buy a banjo instead of fixing my crappy car. In hindsight not such a good idea. Anyways, I got a recommendation from a guitar store for lessons. The lesson were at this banjo man’s house. It was a dump, piled to the ceiling with newspapers. He was also drunk during the lessons and his cat would sit on my lap while I practiced. I only went to three lessons, at first I was into it. I mean perfect banjo teacher right? Well, I got kind of nervious about the drinking aspect of it and had to call it off. I have not picked up the banjo since.

  32. Oh you have such clever ideas!
    Hmm, a story B.B. That would have to be how I met my husband 13 years ago. I was standing in line at Disneyland when this guy with a gorgeous smile caught my eye. At first his small friend wanted to ask me out but luckily, I convinced my little friend to hang with gorgeous smile’s little friend so that I could get my hands on the tall one. It worked. A year later we got married, and because he’s German, I’ve been living with him in Germany ever since. The silly thing is that I have a degree in Spanish. Oh well, things happen for a reason.
    Thanks for a fun contest!!

  33. Hmmm. There was the time Chris and I woke up in the middle of the night to a plastic-y burning smell, called the fire dept. to investigate, had something like 4-6 fire engines lined up and down the street with firemen all over the house, and they think it was actually a skunk that sprayed under the front porch.

    There was the time Tim went to the vet one afternoon for his annual checkup, came home, and right after the vet closed at 5pm, managed to find a piece of curly ribbon, eat it, and off we went to the animal emergency room, where the vet there gave me a hard time as if it were my fault. Cat X-rays are infinitely adorable, though.

    We took an amazing trip to the south of France in 2004 that would have provided beautiful photos. 🙂

  34. Ooooh, so much happened before I began blogging this past October… The biggest event would be the VERY early arrival of my son, The Absent Minded Professor. He was 15 weeks premature. eek! Weighing in at ONE pound, 12 ounces, we were told to not expect him to make it, and certainly not to expect him to live without handicap. 10.5 years later (and seven surgeries), he’s a BIG healthy kid in 5th grade, with no learning difficulties and a love for life. Really, he’s almost 5 feet tall now, smart, sensitive, funny, loving… and very, very typical. Makes me crazy! 🙂

  35. I used to be a trip leader for a local tour company. The high school ‘ski trips’ to Montreal would have been great blog fodder. Even better were the annual Training and Blow Out weekends that all us trip leaders would take together. Like the time we had the two rival deck bars at Sugarloaf chanting “Tastes great!” “Less filling!” at each other. Or the time the bus caught fire on the way home and we made friends with the firemen and posed for pictures with them afterwards (no one was hurt, but the bus was destroyed). Or the time we rented a house down the Cape with the money we made working at Woodstock and had a big toga party. Actually, it’s probably a good thing I didn’t have a blog back then. Then I REALLY wouldn’t be able to run for public office.

  36. I would have told you about taking my mother out to see The Hollow Crown for mother’s day – it starred Diana Rigg, Derek Jacobi and the late lamented Ian Richardson. It was great! We then went to a nearby hotel for coffee after the show, and while we were there the Dalai Lama walked through with his entourage. Then we went for dinner and all three stars of the show picked that restaurant to eat in as well. So we got autographs! There is no way I will ever top that mother’s day outing!

  37. Before blogging? Well, I probably would have posted about a) happy things–my pets, cute stuff my kids said (like four-year old Jack’s question after watching a show about Joan of Arc, “Mom, was Joan of Arc burned into steak or burned by mistake?” I know that’s gruesome, but it always cracks me up) and b) sad stuff–my marriage breaking up, having to move, getting sick from the stress and c) what I learned–that love comes in lots of shapes and sizes and it’s there for the taking.

  38. I would have blogged about getting my dog. I went to the humane society to look at a different dog, who basically wanted nothing to do with me. Instead, this ratty pathetic poodle crawled in my lap. She chose me. She’s older than dirt, has no teeth, she’s deaf and her eyesight isn’t much better. But she’s the love of my life. Who knew I could fall in love with a ratty poodle! I’m really a cat person!

  39. I wish I had been blogging when I was in the Navy. There are so many stories and adventures that I wish I had written down. There were lessons that I learned whose details now elude me. It was the best and worst of times in my life. My experiences of living in Anarctica, the horries of War in the early 90s…the friends I made and lost…the wonderful countries that I visited and the great people that live all over the world…I wish I had had a blog back then…just to be able to document the truth and reality of things that today the media muddles, the government lies about and that the world might be able to benefit from …not that my life could or would change the world but maybe some of my experiences could or would help someone…

  40. I would have blogged about try to find kittens to adopt,when I was ready to have another cat. (I have always had black cats) so that was what I was looking for- but at the time there was a kitten shortage- that never happens if you have ever worked in the animal field. final I found a guy that could have stepped out of the sopranos, take had a litter of kittens. it was so funny seeing this big tough “mob guy” talking to little kitten in a baby voice. I dare not laugh- now I have boneless and fat boy. two great cats!

  41. I would have blogged about the first time the DH spent the night at my apartment when we were dating.

    No, really, it’s funny as hell.

    My bed was under the large, high bedroom window which had a nice set-in sill that Momoze would always sit on. Of course, being a cat, he couldn’t very well stay in the same spot all night, so usually in the wee hours of the morning he’d get off his sill and patrol the house, making sure Sassy was where she was supposed to be. And since I always occupied just one side of my queen-size bed, he learned to use the other side as his landing strip.

    I think you know where this is going.

    On the night in question, the DH was fast asleep, and Momoze, doing his usual routine, jumps off the sill, landing squarely on the DH’s “package”.

    yeah, I thought it was funny as hell.

  42. Hi Chris! Great contest!! I definitely would have blogged about:
    1. Process of getting tile for our kitchen floor (after DH and I finally decide on a tile & grout, load it up, bring it home, decided I really didn’t like it afterall, bring it back, buy a different kind of tile, load up the car bring it home and end up with the same colored grout as I initially picked out).

    2. Attending my first-ever knitting class through community ed with my friend after downing two margaritas right before. I’m surprised we weren’t issued a KWI (knitting while intoxicated).

  43. I might have blogged about the most romantic and ironic date I’ve been on.

    One Saturday many, many years ago when I lived in SF, I had arrived home late one evening when there was a knock on my door. I wsn’t expecting anyone least of all the person who was there all dressed in black. Mr.Gothboy had come to ask if I was inerested in seeing City of Lost Children at a theater I had never been to before (A new venue? But of course!) so I dressed and he hired a cab to take us there in time. Inside, the threater was filled with all people dark and goth: perfect. The show let out late and we walked to Chinatown, which was almost completely deserted, hoping to find a place to eat. It was a wonderfuly mild and moonlit night. We ended up entering a narrow doorway which led through a kitchen, to a set of rickety stairs that climbed into a tiny noodle shop,all wooden benches and tables. It appeared to cater to extras from Enter the Dragon. You acan imagine what an impression Gothboy and I must have made to these elderly martial arts types.
    Afterwards Gothboy walked me home and we said goodnight. The irony? Gothboy was my LTex.***CV

  44. The mysterious nail in your bed reminded me of something that happened long before I started blogging, and that would definitely have made it to cyberspace. I was having my mom, her brother, and his wife over for dinner. Trying to be fancy, we were eating in the dining room, heretofore reserved for special occasions like Christmas and Thanksgiving. My dad had died a few months before, and my mom was enjoying the opportunity to spend a happy day and evening with her brother. Just as we were about to begin eating, there was a loud crack and my uncle looked down to see a rather large screw sitting in the middle of his plate. Our first thought was that it had fallen out of the overhead light, but he examined the fixture closely and there was no way a screw of that size could have come from it. The screw just appeared from nowhere it seems. Of did it?? Cue Twilight Zone music!

  45. I would have blogged about the Christmas when John sliced his finger on a lemon zester, requiring plastic surgery on the day we were due to pick up the 20lb turkey, and we didn’t have a car. Oh, and as if that wasn’t enough, we had invited both sets of parents over for Christmas Day, but the oven thermostat was broken, and no-one had come to fix it by 7pm on Christmas Eve… We ended up moving Christmas over to my parents’ house – it was one of the most relaxed and fun Christmases ever. (Oh, and my mother and I did NOT drop the turkey on the floor when we were basting it – really we didn’t 😉 )

  46. Let’s see before blogging, is there such a time? I guess there is. Okay let’s see what would I have blogged about:

    August 17, 1999 – It’s our 3rd year anniversary today and guess what I’m doing. I’m picking up our baby bird. Basil is his name. He is a blue-crowned conure. I’m assuming he’s a he, because without DNA testing or blood testing there is now way to truly know, but we have a strong feeling he is a he.

    I picked him out back in early June of this year, a few days after he was hatched. He’s from a clutch of 6, but he is by the far the sweetest of his clutch. I picked him out because when I held him up to my chest he laid his head down and started clicking to the sound of my heart, and it made me love him.

    He’s set up in his new cage and he seems to like it. Nick’s parents dogs are here visiting and they aren’t too sure about him, but they won’t be here for long. Spitzel isn’t doing well, we don’t expect he’ll be with us much longer his cancer has proceeded along. He’ll be greatly missed, his brother Jaeger has been gone over 3 years now, it doesn’t seem possible. Those guys have been great dogs, high energy, but sweet, especially Spitzel. He’ll be sorely missed when he’s gone.

  47. Great idea!
    Let’s see. I’d have blogged about my first sweater. I was a self taught knitter and the first sweater I made was my third knitted item. I knew no fear. LOL. I knit the entire thing by knitting through the back loop so there was this strange twisted stitch pattern throughout. I knew it was wrong but didn’t realize what I’d done so I donated it to goodwill and started my next project.

  48. Great idea for a contest! I probably would have blogged about the losers I dated before meeting my husband. In particular, “my stalker”, who blamed his stroke (he had a blood disorder) on the fact that I broke up with him and caused him so much stress. Then he started leaving roses on my doorstep and emailing twenty times a day. Poor guy. I hope I never see him again!

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