…and since I’m not getting up bright and early in the morning (really, my coworkers will appreciate my not coming in to infect them), I’ll post this tonight.
Aija is having a random yarn drawing. Leave her a comment before Friday afternoon (January 19) about what you would do with two mismatched skeins of KnitPicks Gloss (one pumpkin, one dusk) and they could be yours!
Christine is having a contest: leave a comment before January 23 about how we survived without email. The most creative answer will win “something wonderful” from her stash.
This is sort of how I feel – sleepy and blurry and sort of floaty…
“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -C
awwww – I tink I tee a puddy tat 🙂
Hope your cold is all better soon.
Airborne – airborne – airborne.
I hope that you are feeling better soon! I agree: drink lots of Airborn and chicken soup. Snuggle up on the couch with the kitties and get some rest.
Get better soon! I’m sure Airborne is good stuff, but a shot of Nyquil never hurts…..
I hope you feel better soon!
Oh, to be a cat.
Hope your day off gets you back to healthy soon.
Take care of yourself. Grab a kitty or two and get plenty of rest. 🙂
Get well soon! Sending lots of healing thoughts your way!!
Snuggle up with a couple of gorgeous kitties
and drink lots of fluid.
Hugs for a quick recovery.
Bummer about the cold! Take care of yourself and the kitties.
That’s what not getting enough sleep/rest does to you. Stay away from that TV/DVD! And get well soon!
Hope you feel better!
I feel your pain. And I can honestly say that *I* didn’t give it to you. Sniff a few flakes of black pepper, that helps. (Just kidding. DO NOT do that. I did, and it’s NOT a pleasant experience.)
Feel better quick.
Feel better! I’m sure those kitties will try to nurse you back to health. 🙂
Feel better soon Chris!
Feel better soon! It’s no fun being sick.
Get some tea and vitamin c into ya!
Aww, get lots of rest today/this weekend. Feel better soon!!
Get plenty of rest and get better soon, Chris!
Colds are bad. Staying home is good.
Have a snuggly, recovering from a cold, kind of weekend, Chris!
Poor dear, feel better!
awww, sorry you’re sick. feel better soon Chris.
Feel better fast! OK?
put some thinly sliced baloney in your pants, you’ll feel funnier that way
Feel better soon!
Colds suck. If it goes to your chest, a mustard plaster will really help. 😉
Snuggle a cat. Read a book. Knit something. Drink some juice. Get better 🙂
Sorry to hear your poorly! Only just got over my bug so know how crap you’re feeling. Hope it goes quick 😉
Re the sock – knitting in pretend stripes is the way to go, but I like a bit of pooling. Mind you I love my STR as it only ever pools around the heel gusset and then gives me go-faster stripes….well thats what they look like to me anyway!
Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better over the weekend.
I hope you feel better soon!
Feel better, rest up!!
Feel better soon, kiddo.
Get better!!! ; )
Get well soon, Kitty-Mama. Wishing you good rest and lots of it.
Get well soon.
I’m right there with ya. Feel better, get lots of rest and drink lots of fluids.
snuggle up with a good book, your knitting and get well soon 🙂
*Hands over box of tissues* I hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon.
Uh-oh . . . feel better!!
Here’s my family’s secret cure-all:
1 shot whiskey
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. honey
Boiling water
In a tall glass combine whiskey, lemon juice and honey. Top off with boiling water and stir. Drink as hot and as quickly as you can. If you’re not snoozing within the hour, repeat.
Yes, it’ll knock you out, but when you awaken the next morning, you feel WAY better. As long as you don’t repeat the recipe more than twice in one sitting. Otherwise, you’ll awaken with a hangover, and that sucks.
ah! so you must have gotten me sick! 😉
the crap thing is I’m in Milwaukee. no fun being sick when you’re not home. (I finished the first bib on the bus ride down here today. they’re addicting!)
Sleep in, snuggle under an afghan on the couch and read a book. Get well soon!
ugh! poor you!! feel better…
Get well soon, Chris!
Loved May’s post. Her mention of 24 reminded me that if you’re in the market for having Jack on hand permanently, Barnes & Noble is having a sale–buy one TV series DVD and get a second free. I had season 1 and 2 of 24 in my hand today and put them back (trying so hard to be good). But I might go back before the sale ends Jan. 31st and stock up.
Poor baby, I hope you feel better!
I hope you feel better soon!!
We both really enjoyed meeting you on Thursday – sorry to hear you have a cold! **hugs** and get well wishes. Mouse says hello to the kitties via dishcloth smells 😉
get well soon–I HATE colds!